CNN's New Poll on Trump Likability in the Battleground States Just Threw A Holy Hand Grenade Into The Left's Narrative

Dark Brandon is back baby!

He's "closing the gap!"

Trump is stuck in court.

What a loser!

Oh wait: What's this?

So in the swing states that will decide the election, Trump's likability - not job approval - likability is closing in on 50 fucking percent.

And that's in an environment where a lot of people are going to lie to pollsters because they don't want to be shamed about proclaiming their love for an Orange "criminal" Monster. (In other words, his true favorability is ostensibly much higher.)

When it comes to job approval, his numbers go way up on the two most important issues: Immigration and the economy.

If these numbers hold through November, Dems are absolutely positively screwed.

But my guess is the numbers won't hold.

They'll get even worse for Biden and his criminal cabal of globalist cucks.

Every demographic from inner city Blacks, to Hispanic citizens, to younger voters - they're all jettisoning the Democrat sinking ship.

Those who don't believe it now, will find out soon enough.

And I love to see it.

Another win for the good guys
There is no real extreme lefies in US...
I would beg to differ - every single country has it's Lefty/Libs - foremost in "democratic countries"
They can be easily identified via their continuous policy to eliminate cultural and social "regulation" that they perceive to be detrimental to their personal preferred lifestyle. And the latter is simply "refute personal responsibility", do whatever you like, and in order to get as many people as possible into their boat - they came up with "environmental issues", social equality and thus "everyone is supposedly equal".
Democrats would be centre right party in most EU countries... Just look at their policies...
Only from a "simplistic" American point of view - US Democrats as such reflect the same mindset and policy as Social Democrats and Liberals in Europe - aka Middle to left.
Yes, AOC would be centre Left in EU but she is not the main stream of Democrats, Biden is...
She represents the authoritarian Left and propagates socialistic policy (which BTW has nothing much to do with Europe's Social Democrats). But with the European Socialist parties (e.g. France) and other European left-wing parties. Biden IMO is on par with Europe's Social Democrat leaders.
Americans in general have a huge problem with distinguishing between a Social Democrat and a Socialist. !!
While the Republicans economically would be right to far right in EU.. EU would not give as much power to Corporates as US does through lobbying (they call that bribery) and the appointment of very pro corporate judges... EU (and rest of 1st world) believe corporates serve the people, US laws have people serving the corporates)
Nope - the Conservative aka Christian Conservative parties in Europe are only viewed/propagated as being far-right by Leftist parties. Aside from favoring economic aspects and therefore being in favor of reduced social financial support (there isn't enough $$ to do both) - there is no difference to the Social Democrats, and religion has become a zero factor in European politics. (unlike the USA).

However you got "right-wing" parties such as MAGA in the USA and e.g. AfD in Germany - basically and in majority they are factually Christian Democrats aka Republicans - however due to Neo-Nazis, extreme right-wingers, religious fanatics and racists nestling into those parties (just as those Lefty/Libs in the USA nestling into the Democratic party, or into Germany's Social Democratic party) both the Democrats and Republicans kind of became "diluted-contaminated" aka they possess no own clear distinctive policy anymore.

And this dilution-contaminating process has gotten totally out of hands in the past 25 years, simply due to the inherent corrupt and manipulative nature of politicians that are willing to enter any kind of "coalition" to stay in power aka to continue receiving their paychecks and lobbyist side incomes. (e.g. if not from the nuke or oil industry then from the alternative energy industry).
I would beg to differ - every single country has it's Lefty/Libs - foremost in "democratic countries"
They can be easily identified via their continuous policy to eliminate cultural and social "regulation" that they perceive to be detrimental to their personal preferred lifestyle. And the latter is simply "refute personal responsibility", do whatever you like, and in order to get as many people as possible into their boat - they came up with "environmental issues", social equality and thus "everyone is supposedly equal".
Sorry, look at Democratic policy and view points... They would be centre Right in Western Europe... Most of EU have anti hate speech... Encouragement for all nationalities... Migrants get all the rights as EU Citizens generally..
Only from a "simplistic" American point of view - US Democrats as such reflect the same mindset and policy as Social Democrats and Liberals in Europe - aka Middle to left.
Nope... Free College, Education, Healthcare, goood social saftey net, enviromental laws, employment laws, union laws... All go past Democratic policies... Democrats would have policies which would sit on the center right..
She represents the authoritarian Left and propagates socialistic policy (which BTW has nothing much to do with Europe's Social Democrats). But with the European Socialist parties (e.g. France) and other European left-wing parties. Biden IMO is on par with Europe's Social Democrat leaders.
Americans in general have a huge problem with distinguishing between a Social Democrat and a Socialist. !!
Nope... Understand your politics first... AOC policies are policies of the Social Democracy (not Democratic Socialist)... She points to Sweden and Finland, Social Democracies..
Nope - the Conservative aka Christian Conservative parties in Europe are only viewed/propagated as being far-right by Leftist parties. Aside from favoring economic aspects and therefore being in favor of reduced social financial support (there isn't enough $$ to do both) - there is no difference to the Social Democrats, and religion has become a zero factor in European politics. (unlike the USA).
Tell us where a Christian Conservative party is in charge... Netherland have the most right election and they couldn't form a government because no other party would deal with tham.
After that you have parties with Christian in the name and they are nothing like US form of Christian... Because first they are actually Christian and believe everyone is welcome...
But probably the most Conservative party in power in Europe are the Tories in UK and they are getting butchered in next election for being far too right. But they still believe in Free College, Education, Healthcare, goood social saftey net, enviromental laws, employment laws, union laws...

However you got "right-wing" parties such as MAGA in the USA and e.g. AfD in Germany - basically and in majority they are factually Christian Democrats aka Republicans - however due to Neo-Nazis, extreme right-wingers, religious fanatics and racists nestling into those parties (just as those Lefty/Libs in the USA nestling into the Democratic party, or into Germany's Social Democratic party) both the Democrats and Republicans kind of became "diluted-contaminated" aka they possess no own clear distinctive policy anymore.
AfD in Germany have 10% of the seats in Government and are mainly a regional party for South East Germany (the ex commie place)...
Even if they rise, no one will work with them... All the other parties are to the left of them...
So you are saying there are no major party close to MAGA in Europe... Putin does try and push them but Europe has told him to goto hell..

And this dilution-contaminating process has gotten totally out of hands in the past 25 years, simply due to the inherent corrupt and manipulative nature of politicians that are willing to enter any kind of "coalition" to stay in power aka to continue receiving their paychecks and lobbyist side incomes. (e.g. if not from the nuke or oil industry then from the alternative energy industry).
Look at the policies...
Who wants more Dark Money in Government? GOP (Dem fought it)
Who wants more increased Corporate rights over people rights ? GOP (Dem fought it)
Who wants reduce investment in the US? GOP (Dem fought it)

Look at who has been trying to give more power to the people and look who has fought for Corporates, lobbyists.. Really look... GOP through their media is the one calling the Democrats every crime in the world for the last 15 years while robbing you blind... Open your eyes and see that this is a shell game... Trump is just GOP with a new coat (policies are the same), moderates out...
Dark Brandon is back baby!

He's "closing the gap!"

Trump is stuck in court.

What a loser!

Oh wait: What's this?

So in the swing states that will decide the election, Trump's likability - not job approval - likability is closing in on 50 fucking percent.

And that's in an environment where a lot of people are going to lie to pollsters because they don't want to be shamed about proclaiming their love for an Orange "criminal" Monster. (In other words, his true favorability is ostensibly much higher.)

When it comes to job approval, his numbers go way up on the two most important issues: Immigration and the economy.

If these numbers hold through November, Dems are absolutely positively screwed.

But my guess is the numbers won't hold.

They'll get even worse for Biden and his criminal cabal of globalist cucks.

Every demographic from inner city Blacks, to Hispanic citizens, to younger voters - they're all jettisoning the Democrat sinking ship.

Those who don't believe it now, will find out soon enough.

And I love to see it.

You have to wonder when the Satanic Globalist will replace Biden, there’s no way he will be the nominee and neither will Kamala.
You have to wonder when the Satanic Globalist will replace Biden, there’s no way he will be the nominee and neither will Kamala.
So you think Globalism is Satanic...

How are you writing these posts? Are you you using a device which is the product of Globalism?

You know when you use you cell phone, computer or car while complaining about globalism you look like a fucking idiot..
You do know that...

Don't be stupid but go home and look around, notice everything in the house that is either foriegn made or made of foriegn components... Then think to yourself, what if US had to make that inside the country?
First a lot of it would be uneconomical or US doesn't have the rare metals (due to Trump giving to China in Africa) to make some of them...
Some you would be compromised and you will get the US version of an old Nokia phone... Apple can't make iPhone in US exclusively, they need globalism to produce an iPhone...
Also you want to let a lot of people die, Medical devices and pharma out of Europe are now off limits... Fuck Americans, this is a cause they can die for...

Sorry, but you sound like a fucking idiot..
So you think Globalism is Satanic...

How are you writing these posts? Are you you using a device which is the product of Globalism?

You know when you use you cell phone, computer or car while complaining about globalism you look like a fucking idiot..
You do know that...

Don't be stupid but go home and look around, notice everything in the house that is either foriegn made or made of foriegn components... Then think to yourself, what if US had to make that inside the country?
First a lot of it would be uneconomical or US doesn't have the rare metals (due to Trump giving to China in Africa) to make some of them...
Some you would be compromised and you will get the US version of an old Nokia phone... Apple can't make iPhone in US exclusively, they need globalism to produce an iPhone...
Also you want to let a lot of people die, Medical devices and pharma out of Europe are now off limits... Fuck Americans, this is a cause they can die for...

Sorry, but you sound like a fucking idiot..
You’re confused, so it’s pointless to argue
You’re confused, so it’s pointless to argue
Sorry, you bitched about Globalism and I just showed you what Globalism is...

You are shocked how much benefit it brings to your life because the man on the Telly told you Globalism is BAD!!!

Suck it up dude, you want end to Globalism, be ready to accept it... Where do you think your shit comes from?

I am not arguing with you, I just want to know why you want to hurt America...
Sorry, you bitched about Globalism and I just showed you what Globalism is...

You are shocked how much benefit it brings to your life because the man on the Telly told you Globalism is BAD!!!

Suck it up dude, you want end to Globalism, be ready to accept it... Where do you think your shit comes from?

I am not arguing with you, I just want to know why you want to hurt America...
You don’t know what Globalism is, how can we have a discussion?
You don’t know what Globalism is, how can we have a discussion?
/ˈɡləʊbəlɪzəm/ [uncountable] the belief that economic and foreign policy should be planned on a global basis, rather than serving the interests of individual countries. Both political parties favour globalism, free trade and more open borders.

There you have it.... You are against that... You are against greater co-operation with trading partners and want an isolationist approach... Isolationism generally has a negative outcome on countries, Look at UK since Brexit(as a recent example)...
/ˈɡləʊbəlɪzəm/ [uncountable] the belief that economic and foreign policy should be planned on a global basis, rather than serving the interests of individual countries. Both political parties favour globalism, free trade and more open borders.

There you have it.... You are against that... You are against greater co-operation with trading partners and want an isolationist approach... Isolationism generally has a negative outcome on countries, Look at UK since Brexit(as a recent example)...
Yes I am against Globalism

Globalism did not produce the Internet or smart phones
Dark Brandon is back baby!

He's "closing the gap!"

Trump is stuck in court.

What a loser!

Oh wait: What's this?

So in the swing states that will decide the election, Trump's likability - not job approval - likability is closing in on 50 fucking percent.

And that's in an environment where a lot of people are going to lie to pollsters because they don't want to be shamed about proclaiming their love for an Orange "criminal" Monster. (In other words, his true favorability is ostensibly much higher.)

When it comes to job approval, his numbers go way up on the two most important issues: Immigration and the economy.

If these numbers hold through November, Dems are absolutely positively screwed.

But my guess is the numbers won't hold.

They'll get even worse for Biden and his criminal cabal of globalist cucks.

Every demographic from inner city Blacks, to Hispanic citizens, to younger voters - they're all jettisoning the Democrat sinking ship.

Those who don't believe it now, will find out soon enough.

And I love to see it.

Trump's "likeability". Who in their right mind likes Trump? The fat, old, arrogant crook is the least likeable person in the world. Rude,

Notice how NOBODY is showing to protest his New York Trial. He's begging people to come out for him and nobody is showing up.

Trump is entertaining, and very watchable because you can't predict what he'll do next, but politics isn't about entertainment or likeability. It's about competence and service to the people. Trump serves no one but himself and he's completely incompetent.
Yes I am against Globalism

Globalism did not produce the Internet or smart phones

Actually, globalism produced BOTH. The smart phone was developed in Isreal. The first successful smart phone was the Blackberry, invented by Research in Motion, in Canada. The internet was first suggested and in Switzerland.

"CERN owned Berners-Lee's invention, and the lab had the option to license out the World Wide Web for profit. But Berners-Lee believed that keeping the web as open as possible would help it grow."

Actually, globalism produced BOTH. The smart phone was developed in Isreal. The first successful smart phone was the Blackberry, invented by Research in Motion, in Canada. The internet was first suggested and in Switzerland.

"CERN owned Berners-Lee's invention, and the lab had the option to license out the World Wide Web for profit. But Berners-Lee believed that keeping the web as open as possible would help it grow."


And yet neither needed one world government
Yes I am against Globalism

Globalism did not produce the Internet or smart phones

The iphone is made in multiple places around the world... That is Globalism... Who the fuck you think came up with it...
Steve Jobs just dropped in a fish tank and said more...

The Internet is completely International amalgamation of numerous international computer networks.. The Internet has developed because globalization demanded it. The Internet is just a set of global standards that disperate systems can talk to each other... It started in US but it is driven by Globalism...

You problem is you start with Globalism bad without understanding what Globalism is... Is Globalism perfect, fuck no...


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The iphone is made in multiple places around the world... That is Globalism... Who the fuck you think came up with it...
Steve Jobs just dropped in a fish tank and said more...

The Internet is completely International amalgamation of numerous international computer networks.. The Internet has developed because globalization demanded it. The Internet is just a set of global standards that disperate systems can talk to each other... It started in US but it is driven by Globalism...

You problem is you start with Globalism bad without understanding what Globalism is... Is Globalism perfect, fuck no...
Seriously, stop embarrassing yourself, you're wronger than Krugman.


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