dem who said I dont give a fuck what happens to the anti vaxxers dies

Again, it's probably safer than the media makes it out to be. I'm still alive after all. It's all based upon personal choice.that’s the thing,the corporate controlled media makes

That’s the thing though.the corporate controlled media that our resident troll Donald worships,they make it out that the vaccines are safe when as ninja said so well it’s not even a vaccine and is very dangerous.the media as I just stated,make it look like it is the virus that is deadly and dangerous when the virus is no more dangerous than the common flu,I have been to two concerts the last two years,was around hundreds of people and I never got sick.

I also have friends who went to the trump rally in dc which was at least a year ago right? They were around thousands and none of them got sick.thst tells you right there this virus is indeed no more dangerous than the common flu virus.

The media inflates the numbers to get people to take the so called vaccine.

You are one of the lucky ones.people like yourself and co workers I know whom also took it but did not get sick,you did not get the bio weapon into you as others have so consider yourself fortunate,yiu were fortunate enough to where what they gave you was not a vaccine,but not the bio weapon either,they just gave you an inert substance like a saline Which is harmless so your going to okay thank god. I don’t think everybody who took the bio weapon shot actually got the bio weapon shot into them,it was just a inert substance like a saline that is harmless.:)
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:thankusmile: that’s why I have this asswipe on ignore cause he does thst everytime he is losing an argument.

I am going to take him off ot though for a second to ask him this question though.

Please explain this logic to us you stupid fuck Donald H you hate trump like no other president ever but yet you have his first name as your user name,are you such a stupid fuck thst you don’t even realise the entire board sees you are a complete moron using thst fir your user name?
Fir example,I so much hate that motherfucker bill Clinton,if my name was bill as well,the last thing on the planet I would do is use bill as my user name,only a moron stupid fuck like you obviously does that.:auiqs.jpg::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:That’s just common sense which obviously you know nothing about.

C.A. the pissant should have already told you that I'm a duck, hence Donald.

What did I say that made you go crazy?

fwiw, I've said many rimes that I would prefer Trump over Biden because Biden is leading the world to nuclear war. However, that's none of my business. You and the little guy need to get your ducks lined up to save confusion.
:thankusmile: Indeed.There is even a video out there where Bill Gates says to a public forum we need to have population control and Gates was a huge funder of whst they call a vaccine but it is not a vaccine at all,it is a bioweapon. The virus is not what’s dangerous it’s the vaccine.they inflate the death numbers to scare people into taking the vaccine and it’s worked.Facebook like you mentioned,has deleted over 3000 posts of doctors who have gone there and made posts of how dangerous the vaccine is.

The virus is no more dangerous than the yearly flu virus,thsts all it is just another flu variant,have we gone and shut down businesses and told people to wear masks over the years over the flu? No.

Yeah congress,the cdc,big pharma,post office workers,none of them have to take it.when you see people like Biden taking the shot in the arm he is faking taking the shot,we know this because there is this video out there thst shows the singe going down and injected into the arm and the black water that you see in the singe disappears making it look like the black water went into their arm but in reality it did not,you later see the black water emerging still in the singe showing how Biden and others fake taking the shot.

Many of the movie stars are so demonic they are participating in that.had yiu heard of that ninja007 ?

The year the virus came out in 2020 deaths were right on par the usual course as they always have been throughout history,no unusual spikes in the rise of deaths,the next year 2021 when the vaccine came out MUCH differerent story,countries that distributed the Vaccine,there was a huge rising spike increase as ninja pointed out like no other time in the history of mankind.there is this video of a coroner who has said the year 2021 was unlike any other year he ever had to make coffins fir people,he always joked that the wintertime was always a good year fir him because thst was that busy season fir him,now though ALL YEAR LONG ever sense the vaccine rollout,it’s been just as busy as the wintertime.
each new booster, the death rates spikes very high very fast.
first only the seniors needed the kill shot...then middle agers, then the rest. now kids. The elite want to kill off the sick, the elderly, the handicapped first. The elite want 500,000 people. What a coincidence the Georgia Guidestones were blown up. Young men and women will not be able to have kids. Women who havent had a period for years and now getting heavy bleeding after the clotshots. Population control. Theyve been planning it for decades. Children are dying from heart attacks! Athletes dropping dead in their 20's, 30's. They are so far behind at funeral homes they are buying up freezers to keep the dead bodies in for months. Embalmers are taking twice as long per body to embalm them because of the manmade clots that need pulling out of every jabbed body. Money talks and the WEF/GATES/KLAUS/ELITES have paid off the msm, the hospitals and politicians. Hospitals are purposefully KILLING people of any age with the vents/remdesiver fauci protocol, getting around 40,000 per dead person and saying it was covid.
a huge issue besides depop plan is the greedy rich want less people getting their pensions; kill them asap.
drive in any cemetary and see how many new plots are dug for the jabbed. They literally cannot keep up. The real reason they fired drs and nurses who wouldnt get the jab is the hospitals knew that they would tell people whats really happening in er rooms across the world. Look at all the lies and bribes as well to get jabbed for a flu with a 99.5 % recovery rate WITHOUT THE JAB.
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND RUMBLE, TELEGRAM, DIED SUDDENLY FB group etc to see the real stories. Stew Peters, Dr.Jane Ruby etc...
the incidence of returning cancers is skyrocketing worldwide after the jabs. These are new "turbo cancers" that go from stage 1 to 4 in months.
with each new jab peoples immune systems are shut down from the spike proteins. Theres a reason why they want you to get jabbed in a specific order/number of times. The only control group is the unjabbed.
5g TIES into all of this as well as A.I. and elon musk. evil agendas. dr harari, klaus schwabs gay lover/right hand man tells you what they want in the very near future- its sick.
when people find out that the media/politicians/drs lied there will be hell to pay. Kids do not die ever from covid yet they are going after them harder then biden goes after a 6 yr old. Why? steralization/pop control.
trudeau and many other leaders are paid off by WEF to implement these illegal mandates and restrictions and to push the poison clot shots $$$$$$ depop.
trudeau/canada just passed a bill that prevents free speech on the internet! i kid you not!
ultimately besides the poison jabs they all want us on a social credit system like chinas who trudeau admires openly/publically so they can control us even more. no cars, no jobs, cashless society can ration bugs/"food" etc. truly evil and sick!1
Even though I'm a pro-vaxxer, I still believe in everybody's right to choose and this song brings back memories. :D

C.A. the pissant should have already told you that I'm a duck, hence Donald.

What did I say that made you go crazy?

fwiw, I've said many rimes that I would prefer Trump over Biden because Biden is leading the world to nuclear war. However, that's none of my business. You and the little guy need to get your ducks lined up to save confusion.
maybe you dont hate trump as much as Biden but you STILL hate him so if you had any brains,you would change your user name.:cuckoo:
first only the seniors needed the kill shot...then middle agers, then the rest. now kids. The elite want to kill off the sick, the elderly, the handicapped first. The elite want 500,000 people. What a coincidence the Georgia Guidestones were blown up. Young men and women will not be able to have kids. Women who havent had a period for years and now getting heavy bleeding after the clotshots. Population control. Theyve been planning it for decades. Children are dying from heart attacks! Athletes dropping dead in their 20's, 30's. They are so far behind at funeral homes they are buying up freezers to keep the dead bodies in for months. Embalmers are taking twice as long per body to embalm them because of the manmade clots that need pulling out of every jabbed body. Money talks and the WEF/GATES/KLAUS/ELITES have paid off the msm, the hospitals and politicians. Hospitals are purposefully KILLING people of any age with the vents/remdesiver fauci protocol, getting around 40,000 per dead person and saying it was covid.
:thankusmile: best damn post on this thread.:thup:

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