Democrat brown shirts strike again, corner and attack Candace Owens, and Charlie Kirk...

You’re a cartoon. :lol:

The people he speak for, have often succeed, and often with the cooperation of local liberals in administration or local government.

They are not to be dismissed lightly. People are being hurt, and civil rights are being denied.
Yeah mdk, you better not fucking dismiss me lightly! :mad::mad::mad:

Certainly not. These people are dangerous, and if they get their way, they will become more and more dangerous as their political allied gain more power to provide them political and legal protection.
Had Hitler's opposition had more political and legal protection, his rise may have been prevented. The blue wave will be a great help to the nation.

Yes.... hitler and the socialists took guns away from their political opposition and kept the police from interfering in their violent attacks...

Just like today with Antifa and the dem allies.
Nice - so if someone throws a drink in your face ("violently") ..
You'll respond with a gunshot to the face.
Seems appropriate - to FASCISTS i suppose ;)
If they are part of a dangerous mob you damn straight.

Good luck in court on that one

ThunderAss: "Your honor - he attempted to toss a diet coke at me (and call me a WAAAHMULANCE) so I shot him in the face.
Judge & Jury: Proceed to 50 year in prison.

Right, if someone in a mob tosses a drink in my face and I proceed to stomp their asses into a stain what do you think the rest of the turds are going to do ? I'm going to protect me and mine by any means necessary. I live in a stand your ground state I'm pretty confident I wouldn't even need a lawyer to defend myself.

Go for it - Then say hello to BUBBA The Cellie!
AS your Orange Leader shall soon --- Don't forget the soap on a rope!! :D

You obviously don't comprehend the stand you ground laws not a shocker. If I feel threatened with bodily harm I have the right to defend myself in a lethal fashion. An idiot in a mob throws a soda at me I knock his ass out the inevitable attack from the crowd of brainless twits causes me to draw my legally concealed weapon in response. I do not draw a firearm unless I intend to place it somewhere else or fire it.

In my state after the investigation I would be shocked if there is even a trial.

So a Diet Coke in the face and you'd go all Dirty Harry ...
When you could simply stand up and punch the asshole in the nose if needed to achieve a far better outcome?
You sound like a lovely human - one that I would not wish to encounter.

Popcorn might threaten you even more!
Movie theater shooting: Judge denies 'stand your ground' defense - CNN
If they are part of a dangerous mob you damn straight.

Good luck in court on that one

ThunderAss: "Your honor - he attempted to toss a diet coke at me (and call me a WAAAHMULANCE) so I shot him in the face.
Judge & Jury: Proceed to 50 year in prison.

Right, if someone in a mob tosses a drink in my face and I proceed to stomp their asses into a stain what do you think the rest of the turds are going to do ? I'm going to protect me and mine by any means necessary. I live in a stand your ground state I'm pretty confident I wouldn't even need a lawyer to defend myself.

Go for it - Then say hello to BUBBA The Cellie!
AS your Orange Leader shall soon --- Don't forget the soap on a rope!! :D

You obviously don't comprehend the stand you ground laws not a shocker. If I feel threatened with bodily harm I have the right to defend myself in a lethal fashion. An idiot in a mob throws a soda at me I knock his ass out the inevitable attack from the crowd of brainless twits causes me to draw my legally concealed weapon in response. I do not draw a firearm unless I intend to place it somewhere else or fire it.

In my state after the investigation I would be shocked if there is even a trial.

So a Diet Coke in the face and you'd go all Dirty Harry ...
When you could simply stand up and punch the asshole in the nose if needed to achieve a far better outcome?
You sound like a lovely human - one that I would not wish to encounter.

Popcorn might threaten you even more!
Movie theater shooting: Judge denies 'stand your ground' defense - CNN
Do you not understand how a mob of chicken shit Antifa's work ? I punch one of the morons and they all will jump me which goes back to I have a right to protect myself from bodily harm. You might have a lot of experience with getting the shit kicked out of you, but I do not and I have reached an age were fighting a group of people is not as easy as it use to be.
Good luck in court on that one

ThunderAss: "Your honor - he attempted to toss a diet coke at me (and call me a WAAAHMULANCE) so I shot him in the face.
Judge & Jury: Proceed to 50 year in prison.

Right, if someone in a mob tosses a drink in my face and I proceed to stomp their asses into a stain what do you think the rest of the turds are going to do ? I'm going to protect me and mine by any means necessary. I live in a stand your ground state I'm pretty confident I wouldn't even need a lawyer to defend myself.

Go for it - Then say hello to BUBBA The Cellie!
AS your Orange Leader shall soon --- Don't forget the soap on a rope!! :D

You obviously don't comprehend the stand you ground laws not a shocker. If I feel threatened with bodily harm I have the right to defend myself in a lethal fashion. An idiot in a mob throws a soda at me I knock his ass out the inevitable attack from the crowd of brainless twits causes me to draw my legally concealed weapon in response. I do not draw a firearm unless I intend to place it somewhere else or fire it.

In my state after the investigation I would be shocked if there is even a trial.

So a Diet Coke in the face and you'd go all Dirty Harry ...
When you could simply stand up and punch the asshole in the nose if needed to achieve a far better outcome?
You sound like a lovely human - one that I would not wish to encounter.

Popcorn might threaten you even more!
Movie theater shooting: Judge denies 'stand your ground' defense - CNN
Do you not understand how a mob of chicken shit Antifa's work ? I punch one of the morons and they all will jump me which goes back to I have a right to protect myself from bodily harm. You might have a lot of experience with getting the shit kicked out of you, but I do not and I have reached an age were fighting a group of people is not as easy as it use to be.

So when one is too old to fight - one simply shoots first and asks questions later.
Smart ... NOT
white supremacists like Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens are being repudiated all across America...
white supremacists like Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens are being repudiated all across America...

Yes..... Candace Owens.... a young, Black Woman, is a White Supremacist.....

Really, you should stop mixing your meds with booze, and you should get to an AA meeting right away...

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