Democrat brown shirts strike again, corner and attack Candace Owens, and Charlie Kirk...

A cartoon, and a comment by a reader to a newspaper is your "backup"....

The insignia and the rope on hats in cartoon are obvious.
I ain't gonna hold your hand, so just go back to bed :)

nazi stormtrooper hat

US Army dress blues hat:


Who took The Dotard's hat? :D


You are not responding to my points, just jerking off to your own nazi fetish.

It's kind of sad actually.

You have no point - The cartoon is perfectly clear to anyone with half a brain.
Shame you only ended up with a quarter ;-)
This is why we don't want conservative groups, or any groups to have to expose their donor lists to the public......this targeting by democrat brown shirts is ramping up.....

WATCH: Leftist Mob Screams At, Throws Drink On TPUSA's Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens

On Monday, Turning Point USA head Charlie Kirk and communications director Candace Owens were sitting at a restaurant in Philadelphia when members of a Leftist activist group spotted them through the window. Within minutes, Kirk told Daily Wire, 20-30 of these rabble-rousers mobilized, and proceeded to harass Kirk and Owens inside the restaurant before attacking them outside. Police were required to separate the mob from Kirk and Owens.

How long before throwing drinks on people isn't enough? These unhinged morons need to be arrested and jailed, otherwise it is only going to escalate into violence and murder...
Throwing a drink IS assault.

"The law defines assault and battery as an unwanted touching that is done in a rude or angry manner. It can be as simple as shoving someone, blocking their way, spitting on them, grabbing someone's arm, throwing something (liquid or otherwise) at them, or even grabbing something out of their hand. Assault and Battery does not always mean someone was hit or punched."

Domestic Assault and Battery: It does not take much
This is why we don't want conservative groups, or any groups to have to expose their donor lists to the public......this targeting by democrat brown shirts is ramping up.....

WATCH: Leftist Mob Screams At, Throws Drink On TPUSA's Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens

On Monday, Turning Point USA head Charlie Kirk and communications director Candace Owens were sitting at a restaurant in Philadelphia when members of a Leftist activist group spotted them through the window. Within minutes, Kirk told Daily Wire, 20-30 of these rabble-rousers mobilized, and proceeded to harass Kirk and Owens inside the restaurant before attacking them outside. Police were required to separate the mob from Kirk and Owens.

How long before throwing drinks on people isn't enough? These unhinged morons need to be arrested and jailed, otherwise it is only going to escalate into violence and murder...
I love it. Make them afraid and embarrassed to go out in public.
BlackFag is too much of a pussy to do any of the things he talks about.
We always talk politics when out to dinner these days. Go ahead, make my day punks.
This is why we don't want conservative groups, or any groups to have to expose their donor lists to the public......this targeting by democrat brown shirts is ramping up.....

WATCH: Leftist Mob Screams At, Throws Drink On TPUSA's Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens

On Monday, Turning Point USA head Charlie Kirk and communications director Candace Owens were sitting at a restaurant in Philadelphia when members of a Leftist activist group spotted them through the window. Within minutes, Kirk told Daily Wire, 20-30 of these rabble-rousers mobilized, and proceeded to harass Kirk and Owens inside the restaurant before attacking them outside. Police were required to separate the mob from Kirk and Owens.

How long before throwing drinks on people isn't enough? These unhinged morons need to be arrested and jailed, otherwise it is only going to escalate into violence and murder...
Throwing a drink IS assault.

"The law defines assault and battery as an unwanted touching that is done in a rude or angry manner. It can be as simple as shoving someone, blocking their way, spitting on them, grabbing someone's arm, throwing something (liquid or otherwise) at them, or even grabbing something out of their hand. Assault and Battery does not always mean someone was hit or punched."

Domestic Assault and Battery: It does not take much

Yes .. the perp is likely to get a $200 fine and wrist slap. :)
This is why we don't want conservative groups, or any groups to have to expose their donor lists to the public......this targeting by democrat brown shirts is ramping up.....

WATCH: Leftist Mob Screams At, Throws Drink On TPUSA's Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens

On Monday, Turning Point USA head Charlie Kirk and communications director Candace Owens were sitting at a restaurant in Philadelphia when members of a Leftist activist group spotted them through the window. Within minutes, Kirk told Daily Wire, 20-30 of these rabble-rousers mobilized, and proceeded to harass Kirk and Owens inside the restaurant before attacking them outside. Police were required to separate the mob from Kirk and Owens.

How long before throwing drinks on people isn't enough? These unhinged morons need to be arrested and jailed, otherwise it is only going to escalate into violence and murder...
Of course they are going to attack Candace Owens to them she is a black women that isn't acting the way the left mandates.
After the 2016 anomaly, I'm happy to see Nazi's becoming afraid again :thup:
You Nazis sure as fuck better be afraid. Try your violent left wing Nazi shit on me and ill shoot you in the face.

Nice - so if someone throws a drink in your face ("violently") ..
You'll respond with a gunshot to the face.
Seems appropriate - to FASCISTS i suppose ;)
If they are part of a dangerous mob you damn straight.
This is why we don't want conservative groups, or any groups to have to expose their donor lists to the public......this targeting by democrat brown shirts is ramping up.....

WATCH: Leftist Mob Screams At, Throws Drink On TPUSA's Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens

On Monday, Turning Point USA head Charlie Kirk and communications director Candace Owens were sitting at a restaurant in Philadelphia when members of a Leftist activist group spotted them through the window. Within minutes, Kirk told Daily Wire, 20-30 of these rabble-rousers mobilized, and proceeded to harass Kirk and Owens inside the restaurant before attacking them outside. Police were required to separate the mob from Kirk and Owens.

How long before throwing drinks on people isn't enough? These unhinged morons need to be arrested and jailed, otherwise it is only going to escalate into violence and murder...
I love it. Make them afraid and embarrassed to go out in public.

oooh look at the internet tough guy, wanna be black band asshat being all butch behind his keyboard....
Look at me? Watch the OP's video instead. Americans fighting back.
Fighting back against what? Two people trying to have a meal?
You sad twat.
Don't yell at this poor guy, he's just trying to eat!

A mob of people confronting two people for their belief system and you ignorantly call others fascist.
After the 2016 anomaly, I'm happy to see Nazi's becoming afraid again :thup:
You Nazis sure as fuck better be afraid. Try your violent left wing Nazi shit on me and ill shoot you in the face.

Nice - so if someone throws a drink in your face ("violently") ..
You'll respond with a gunshot to the face.
Seems appropriate - to FASCISTS i suppose ;)
If they are part of a dangerous mob you damn straight.

Good luck in court on that one

ThunderAss: "Your honor - he attempted to toss a diet coke at me (and call me a WAAAHMULANCE) so I shot him in the face!"
Judge & Jury: Proceed to 50 years in prison.

After the 2016 anomaly, I'm happy to see Nazi's becoming afraid again :thup:
You Nazis sure as fuck better be afraid. Try your violent left wing Nazi shit on me and ill shoot you in the face.

Nice - so if someone throws a drink in your face ("violently") ..
You'll respond with a gunshot to the face.
Seems appropriate - to FASCISTS i suppose ;)
If they are part of a dangerous mob you damn straight.

Good luck in court on that one

ThunderAss: "Your honor - he attempted to toss a diet coke at me (and call me a WAAAHMULANCE) so I shot him in the face.
Judge & Jury: Proceed to 50 year in prison.

Right, if someone in a mob tosses a drink in my face and I proceed to stomp their asses into a stain what do you think the rest of the turds are going to do ? I'm going to protect me and mine by any means necessary. I live in a stand your ground state I'm pretty confident I wouldn't even need a lawyer to defend myself.
After the 2016 anomaly, I'm happy to see Nazi's becoming afraid again :thup:
You Nazis sure as fuck better be afraid. Try your violent left wing Nazi shit on me and ill shoot you in the face.

Nice - so if someone throws a drink in your face ("violently") ..
You'll respond with a gunshot to the face.
Seems appropriate - to FASCISTS i suppose ;)
If they are part of a dangerous mob you damn straight.

Good luck in court on that one

ThunderAss: "Your honor - he attempted to toss a diet coke at me (and call me a WAAAHMULANCE) so I shot him in the face.
Judge & Jury: Proceed to 50 year in prison.

Right, if someone in a mob tosses a drink in my face and I proceed to stomp their asses into a stain what do you think the rest of the turds are going to do ? I'm going to protect me and mine by any means necessary. I live in a stand your ground state I'm pretty confident I wouldn't even need a lawyer to defend myself.

Go for it - Then say hello to BUBBA The Cellie!
AS your Orange Leader shall soon --- Don't forget the soap on a rope!! :D

This is why we don't want conservative groups, or any groups to have to expose their donor lists to the public......this targeting by democrat brown shirts is ramping up.....

WATCH: Leftist Mob Screams At, Throws Drink On TPUSA's Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens

On Monday, Turning Point USA head Charlie Kirk and communications director Candace Owens were sitting at a restaurant in Philadelphia when members of a Leftist activist group spotted them through the window. Within minutes, Kirk told Daily Wire, 20-30 of these rabble-rousers mobilized, and proceeded to harass Kirk and Owens inside the restaurant before attacking them outside. Police were required to separate the mob from Kirk and Owens.

How long before throwing drinks on people isn't enough? These unhinged morons need to be arrested and jailed, otherwise it is only going to escalate into violence and murder...
Democrats haven’t kicked this many people out of restaurants since the Civil Rights days.
You Nazis sure as fuck better be afraid. Try your violent left wing Nazi shit on me and ill shoot you in the face.

Nice - so if someone throws a drink in your face ("violently") ..
You'll respond with a gunshot to the face.
Seems appropriate - to FASCISTS i suppose ;)
If they are part of a dangerous mob you damn straight.

Good luck in court on that one

ThunderAss: "Your honor - he attempted to toss a diet coke at me (and call me a WAAAHMULANCE) so I shot him in the face.
Judge & Jury: Proceed to 50 year in prison.

Right, if someone in a mob tosses a drink in my face and I proceed to stomp their asses into a stain what do you think the rest of the turds are going to do ? I'm going to protect me and mine by any means necessary. I live in a stand your ground state I'm pretty confident I wouldn't even need a lawyer to defend myself.

Go for it - Then say hello to BUBBA The Cellie!
AS your Orange Leader shall soon --- Don't forget the soap on a rope!! :D

You obviously don't comprehend the stand you ground laws not a shocker. If I feel threatened with bodily harm I have the right to defend myself in a lethal fashion. An idiot in a mob throws a soda at me I knock his ass out the inevitable attack from the crowd of brainless twits causes me to draw my legally concealed weapon in response. I do not draw a firearm unless I intend to place it somewhere else or fire it.

In my state after the investigation I would be shocked if there is even a trial.

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