Democrat brown shirts strike again, corner and attack Candace Owens, and Charlie Kirk...

Probably if a Nazi is killed, Trump will call him his son. We'll have to wait and see.

Nice failed attempt at equivocation, goober.
Failed? :laugh:

You condemn a man for not approving of a stalking and murder, then you praise another for approving of Nazism and white supremacy. You are not one to judge.

It wasn't "stalking" which implies a previous relationship. At most he followed him, lost him, and then was confronted by him afterwards, where he was attacked and defended himself.

And again with the fine people bullshit. One line. Meanwhile you have a black pastor saying Trump is doing more to reach out to the black community than any other president.

Words vs. actions.

if you read the transcripts it is clear that Trump was NOT talking about the white supremacists,

and for the slower among us, he also specifically stated that, at least once.


THE PRESIDENT: Those people — all of those people –excuse me, I’ve condemned neo-Nazis. I’ve condemned many different groups. But not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me. Not all of those people were white supremacists by any stretch. Those people were also there because they wanted to protest the taking down of a statue of Robert E. Lee....

Q The neo-Nazis started this. They showed up in Charlottesville to protest —

THE PRESIDENT: Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves — and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group.

Q (Inaudible.)

THE PRESIDENT: Excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did.

You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name....

So you know what, it’s fine. You’re changing history. You’re changing culture. And you had people — and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists — because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly.

Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people. ...

THE PRESIDENT: No, no. There were people in that rally — and I looked the night before — if you look, there were people protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee. I’m sure in that group there were some bad ones. The following day it looked like they had some rough, bad people — neo-Nazis, white nationalists, whatever you want to call them.

But you had a lot of people in that group that were there to innocently protest, and very legally protest —..."
Trump thought he could openly back his Nazi supporters, but thankfully he hasn't flushed the nation down the toilet that far yet and had to walk his endorsement back. He won't be able to instill his fascist vision on this country.

So, post a link to the full transcripts, and cut and paste the part where he "thought he could openly back his Nazi supporters".

Or admit that you are a lying piece of shit.

Your call, coward.
Probably if a Nazi is killed, Trump will call him his son. We'll have to wait and see.

Nice failed attempt at equivocation, goober.
Failed? :laugh:

You condemn a man for not approving of a stalking and murder, then you praise another for approving of Nazism and white supremacy. You are not one to judge.

Trump specifically stated that his "very fine people" comment was NOT aimed at the white supremacists, you turd.

Bullshit - You turd

i posted the transcripts in response to marty, read and learn, if you can.

He is clearly not talking about the white supremacists, and for the really slow among us, he specifically stated that he was not talking about the white supremacists.

You are a moron and a liar.

Since leftists work entirely on emotion (mostly hate) all they can do is take things like the statement and run with it, even if they have to ignore any contributing factors or additonal information.
Bullshit. All you have are exaggerations and generalizations.

Oh really - This ^ from the guy who claimed all the violence was coming from the left?
Don't make me laugh

After the 2016 anomaly, I'm happy to see Nazi's becoming afraid again :thup:
You’ve always been afraid. That’s why you only attack mob handed, you cowardly basement dwelling twat.
They would have attacked (they didn't attack btw, little flake) alone; it's not their fault the 2 fucks at the restaurant have pissed off so many more people than just them.
They would have attacked alone?
Any evidence for that?
I suggest you THINK before you answer, coward.
Of course. Look, here's one attacking alone in a very satisfying manner:

So you think someone attacking another person who is otherwise engaged and unaware of them ie a COWARDLY attack conducted by a COWARD is satisfying? That figures pyjama boy.
After the 2016 anomaly, I'm happy to see Nazi's becoming afraid again :thup:
You’ve always been afraid. That’s why you only attack mob handed, you cowardly basement dwelling twat.
They would have attacked (they didn't attack btw, little flake) alone; it's not their fault the 2 fucks at the restaurant have pissed off so many more people than just them.
They would have attacked alone?
Any evidence for that?
I suggest you THINK before you answer, coward.
Of course. Look, here's one attacking alone in a very satisfying manner:

So you think someone attacking another person who is otherwise engaged and unaware of them ie a COWARDLY attack conducted by a COWARD is satisfying? That figures pyjama boy.
I think a Nazi getting sucker-punched in the face is IMMENSELY satisfying.
You’ve always been afraid. That’s why you only attack mob handed, you cowardly basement dwelling twat.
They would have attacked (they didn't attack btw, little flake) alone; it's not their fault the 2 fucks at the restaurant have pissed off so many more people than just them.
They would have attacked alone?
Any evidence for that?
I suggest you THINK before you answer, coward.
Of course. Look, here's one attacking alone in a very satisfying manner:

So you think someone attacking another person who is otherwise engaged and unaware of them ie a COWARDLY attack conducted by a COWARD is satisfying? That figures pyjama boy.
I think a Nazi getting sucker-punched in the face is IMMENSELY satisfying.
It’s clearly your Brownshirt cowardly thug who’s the Nazi, pyjama boy.
You’ve always been afraid. That’s why you only attack mob handed, you cowardly basement dwelling twat.
They would have attacked (they didn't attack btw, little flake) alone; it's not their fault the 2 fucks at the restaurant have pissed off so many more people than just them.
They would have attacked alone?
Any evidence for that?
I suggest you THINK before you answer, coward.
Of course. Look, here's one attacking alone in a very satisfying manner:

So you think someone attacking another person who is otherwise engaged and unaware of them ie a COWARDLY attack conducted by a COWARD is satisfying? That figures pyjama boy.
I think a Nazi getting sucker-punched in the face is IMMENSELY satisfying.

Do you realize that the only weapon you have, is our respect for the RUle of Law?

The more you weaken it, the closer you bring the Fruits of your Labors, and you will not like it.
They would have attacked (they didn't attack btw, little flake) alone; it's not their fault the 2 fucks at the restaurant have pissed off so many more people than just them.
They would have attacked alone?
Any evidence for that?
I suggest you THINK before you answer, coward.
Of course. Look, here's one attacking alone in a very satisfying manner:

So you think someone attacking another person who is otherwise engaged and unaware of them ie a COWARDLY attack conducted by a COWARD is satisfying? That figures pyjama boy.
I think a Nazi getting sucker-punched in the face is IMMENSELY satisfying.
It’s clearly your Brownshirt cowardly thug who’s the Nazi, pyjama boy.
Lol one guy is literally speaking Nazi propaganda into a camera, has made his entire career around spreading Nazism, but the hero clocking his bitchass is who you consider the Nazi :laugh:
They would have attacked (they didn't attack btw, little flake) alone; it's not their fault the 2 fucks at the restaurant have pissed off so many more people than just them.
They would have attacked alone?
Any evidence for that?
I suggest you THINK before you answer, coward.
Of course. Look, here's one attacking alone in a very satisfying manner:

So you think someone attacking another person who is otherwise engaged and unaware of them ie a COWARDLY attack conducted by a COWARD is satisfying? That figures pyjama boy.
I think a Nazi getting sucker-punched in the face is IMMENSELY satisfying.

Do you realize that the only weapon you have, is our respect for the RUle of Law?

The more you weaken it, the closer you bring the Fruits of your Labors, and you will not like it.
Tell us to drop the fake Russia witch hunt again, Mr. Rule of Law
They would have attacked alone?
Any evidence for that?
I suggest you THINK before you answer, coward.
Of course. Look, here's one attacking alone in a very satisfying manner:

So you think someone attacking another person who is otherwise engaged and unaware of them ie a COWARDLY attack conducted by a COWARD is satisfying? That figures pyjama boy.
I think a Nazi getting sucker-punched in the face is IMMENSELY satisfying.

Do you realize that the only weapon you have, is our respect for the RUle of Law?

The more you weaken it, the closer you bring the Fruits of your Labors, and you will not like it.
Tell us to drop the fake Russia witch hunt again, Mr. Rule of Law

SUre. Wait, did you think that there was a conflict between the two?

OMG, you are even dumber than I thought.

And I thought you were pretty dumb. Let me tell you. REALLY pretty dumb.
They would have attacked alone?
Any evidence for that?
I suggest you THINK before you answer, coward.
Of course. Look, here's one attacking alone in a very satisfying manner:

So you think someone attacking another person who is otherwise engaged and unaware of them ie a COWARDLY attack conducted by a COWARD is satisfying? That figures pyjama boy.
I think a Nazi getting sucker-punched in the face is IMMENSELY satisfying.
It’s clearly your Brownshirt cowardly thug who’s the Nazi, pyjama boy.
Lol one guy is literally speaking Nazi propaganda into a camera, has made his entire career around spreading Nazism, but the hero clocking his bitchass is who you consider the Nazi :laugh:
Clearly your Brownshirt coward hero is terrified of opposing views and doesn’t have the intellect to counter them so resorts to a craven physical attack and runs away.
He’s clearly a very low IQ retard, just like you, cowardly basement dwelling tard.
Of course. Look, here's one attacking alone in a very satisfying manner:

So you think someone attacking another person who is otherwise engaged and unaware of them ie a COWARDLY attack conducted by a COWARD is satisfying? That figures pyjama boy.
I think a Nazi getting sucker-punched in the face is IMMENSELY satisfying.
It’s clearly your Brownshirt cowardly thug who’s the Nazi, pyjama boy.
Lol one guy is literally speaking Nazi propaganda into a camera, has made his entire career around spreading Nazism, but the hero clocking his bitchass is who you consider the Nazi :laugh:
Clearly your Brownshirt coward hero is terrified of opposing views and doesn’t have the intellect to counter them, just like you, you cowardly basement dwelling tard.

Nor the bravery to face his enemy, instead attacking from the side, by surprise.
So you think someone attacking another person who is otherwise engaged and unaware of them ie a COWARDLY attack conducted by a COWARD is satisfying? That figures pyjama boy.
I think a Nazi getting sucker-punched in the face is IMMENSELY satisfying.
It’s clearly your Brownshirt cowardly thug who’s the Nazi, pyjama boy.
Lol one guy is literally speaking Nazi propaganda into a camera, has made his entire career around spreading Nazism, but the hero clocking his bitchass is who you consider the Nazi :laugh:
Clearly your Brownshirt coward hero is terrified of opposing views and doesn’t have the intellect to counter them, just like you, you cowardly basement dwelling tard.

Nor the bravery to face his enemy, instead attacking from the side, by surprise.
Exactly. How anyone can support such cowardice and unwarranted violence is beyond me.
This is why we don't want conservative groups, or any groups to have to expose their donor lists to the public......this targeting by democrat brown shirts is ramping up.....

WATCH: Leftist Mob Screams At, Throws Drink On TPUSA's Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens

On Monday, Turning Point USA head Charlie Kirk and communications director Candace Owens were sitting at a restaurant in Philadelphia when members of a Leftist activist group spotted them through the window. Within minutes, Kirk told Daily Wire, 20-30 of these rabble-rousers mobilized, and proceeded to harass Kirk and Owens inside the restaurant before attacking them outside. Police were required to separate the mob from Kirk and Owens.

How long before throwing drinks on people isn't enough? These unhinged morons need to be arrested and jailed, otherwise it is only going to escalate into violence and murder...
The fascist Left are out of the closet.
Bullshit. All you have are exaggerations and generalizations.

Oh really - This ^ from the guy who claimed all the violence was coming from the left?
Don't make me laugh


Wow, that cartoon has nothing to do with the topic at hand whatsoever.

Sure it does, those are Nazi "brownshirts" leading Trump's way out of the G7

Wow, that is dumb even for you.

It looks more like a hybrid of the formal US army "blues" and a doorman's outfit, a nice snark on Trump's real estate empire.
Bullshit. All you have are exaggerations and generalizations.

Oh really - This ^ from the guy who claimed all the violence was coming from the left?
Don't make me laugh


Wow, that cartoon has nothing to do with the topic at hand whatsoever.

Sure it does, those are Nazi "brownshirts" leading Trump's way out of the G7

Wow, that is dumb even for you.

It looks more like a hybrid of the formal US army "blues" and a doorman's outfit, a nice snark on Trump's real estate empire.

Incorrect Bison Breath

Trump-Nazi parallel is, sadly, all too real
This is why we don't want conservative groups, or any groups to have to expose their donor lists to the public......this targeting by democrat brown shirts is ramping up.....

WATCH: Leftist Mob Screams At, Throws Drink On TPUSA's Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens

On Monday, Turning Point USA head Charlie Kirk and communications director Candace Owens were sitting at a restaurant in Philadelphia when members of a Leftist activist group spotted them through the window. Within minutes, Kirk told Daily Wire, 20-30 of these rabble-rousers mobilized, and proceeded to harass Kirk and Owens inside the restaurant before attacking them outside. Police were required to separate the mob from Kirk and Owens.

How long before throwing drinks on people isn't enough? These unhinged morons need to be arrested and jailed, otherwise it is only going to escalate into violence and murder...
I guess you know white nationalist crime is way up under trump?
Still don't know the difference between an adjective and a noun?
Still time to go to college!

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