DemocRAT CLOWN car filling up!..Jerry Brown Considering Running for President?

This is simply a tactical political favor to Clinton.

If Moonbeam jumps in, he can't win...but he may be able to peel off enough Sanders supporters for Hillary to squeak by Sanders in Iowa.

Brown and the Clinton's hate each other! Think Moonbeam will do it for spite just to fuck up the Hildebeast...IF he can get the backing!

The greatest moments of the Jerry Brown vs. the Clintons feud

Whether he loves her or hates her is irrelevant...the effect is the same. The Moonbeam constituency will be carved much more from Sanders supporters than from the Clinton camp. The net result will be a boon for Clinton in Iowa.

If Clinton, the presumptive nominee for four years loses in Iowa's pretty much over for her.

If Moonbeam hates her so much, the best thing he can do it stay at home and smoke a blunt.

At this point with the Hildebeast's poll numbers looking like a countdown, rather than upward motion, I would rather have HER as the DomocRAT candidate, she has to be like LOW HANGING fruit with all her scandals, corruption, murders, and corruption...going back almost 50 years!


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