Democrat Corey Booker to Middle America: Your Meat Eating Days Are Numbered

He has a snowballs chance in Hell of winning and nobody is going to stop you from eating meat.
He has a snowballs chance in Hell of winning and nobody is going to stop you from eating meat.

But when he loses he will throw his support behind your candidate won't he?
Yeah that's gonna go real good with rural America who hunts and fishes. What an idiot this minority is.

Winning the Hearts and Minds of Middle America: Cory Booker Tells Meat Eaters Their Days Are Numbered
You Can Be Sure That the Real Spartacus Was a Beefeater

Nature has a way of re-inforcing itself. For most of human existence, it took a lot of courage to kill big game. In our primitive subconsciousness, eating meat still gives courage. This is the reason that the Hindu caste system, which is even worse than our spoiled-brat Preppy Republic, survived only through vegetarianism, which turned the lower castes into submissive cowards. Vegans are upper-class scum who pave the road to the same enervating domination.
Yeah that's gonna go real good with rural America who hunts and fishes. What an idiot this minority is.

Winning the Hearts and Minds of Middle America: Cory Booker Tells Meat Eaters Their Days Are Numbered
You Can Be Sure That the Real Spartacus Was a Beefeater

Nature has a way of re-inforcing itself. For most of human existence, it took a lot of courage to kill big game. In our primitive subconsciousness, eating meat still gives courage. This is the reason that the Hindu caste system, which is even worse than our spoiled-brat Preppy Republic, survived only through vegetarianism, which turned the lower castes into submissive cowards. Vegans are upper-class scum who pave the road to the same enervating domination.
Eating meat is what allowed the hominid brain to grow to its current size. Vegetables just don't provide the required nutrients.
I get why people become vegetarian, but I'll never understand vegans. No cheese?! Fuck that noise.
Yeah that's gonna go real good with rural America who hunts and fishes. What an idiot this minority is.

Winning the Hearts and Minds of Middle America: Cory Booker Tells Meat Eaters Their Days Are Numbered
So he wants us to be like India, with Cows all around them, and starving to death because they think its a sin to eat a hamburger?
Not all Indians are vegeterians...typical..!!

Correct, the christians eat meat all the time.
I am pretty sure Booker still puts meat into his mouth. :lol:
Yeah...I'm sure he's fine with banning beef.
His favorite meat is easily sustainable with a bit of a rest.

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