Democrat doesnt believe the polls that show "blacks" moving to President Trump. I sure hope the Democrats run on this message.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
Rep. Jim Clyburn, D-S.C., claimed there's something wrong with polling showing former President Trump's increased popularity among Black voters during an interview published on Saturday.
"I think Joe Biden is doing exactly what he needs to do to win reelection. Something is amiss with the polling. I call your attention to the recent polls in Maryland. The African American woman [Angela Alsobrooks] running for the United States Senate nomination — the Sunday before the election, one poll had her five down, the other poll had her seven down — and she won by 13. How do you explain that? That’s 20 points," Clyburn told Politico's Ryan Lizza during the "Deep Dive" podcast.
Anyone remember that Jim Clyburn D-SC endorsed Joe Biden in the 2020 election and now everyone, including black people are suffering for that endorsement. In Bodega NYC, whites, blacks and Latinos were cheering on President Trump for showing up and giving them hope for real change after the next election. President Trump showed up at a Chic-Fil-A in NYC, and all the black people were greatly appreciated that he showed up and bought everyone a milkshake. Then in the Bronx, well, you saw it, blacks, Latinos and whites, were chanting "lets go Brandon", but the not so clean version. So go ahead Democrat, dont believe your lying eyes.

MSN Anyone remember that Jim Clyburn D-SC endorsed Joe Biden in the 2020 election and now everyone, including black people are suffering for that endorsement. In Bodega NYC, whites, blacks and Latinos were cheering on President Trump for showing up and giving them hope for real change after the next election. President Trump showed up at a Chic-Fil-A in NYC, and all the black people were greatly appreciated that he showed up and bought everyone a milkshake. Then in the Bronx, well, you saw it, blacks, Latinos and whites, were chanting "lets go Brandon", but the not so clean version. So go ahead Democrat, dont believe your lying eyes.

That's what IM2 keeps bleating like the sheep he is: That "black people aren't moving toward Trump."

Of course, IM2 is a liar, a plagiarist, a fraud, and a step-n-fetchit for the liberal white Democrat party, so he's not really to be taken seriously.
They must be looking to Steiner to save them.

MSN Anyone remember that Jim Clyburn D-SC endorsed Joe Biden in the 2020 election and now everyone, including black people are suffering for that endorsement. In Bodega NYC, whites, blacks and Latinos were cheering on President Trump for showing up and giving them hope for real change after the next election. President Trump showed up at a Chic-Fil-A in NYC, and all the black people were greatly appreciated that he showed up and bought everyone a milkshake. Then in the Bronx, well, you saw it, blacks, Latinos and whites, were chanting "lets go Brandon", but the not so clean version. So go ahead Democrat, dont believe your lying eyes.

Yeah, that silent majority will sit quiet when Trump needs them.

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