DEMOCRAT FAIL: Poll Shows Most Voters Have Trump-Russia Investigation Fatigue


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
When I turned on my TV this morning, Fox had a rerun of Hannity so I girded up my loins and – gasp – switched to CNN. I was not the least bit surprised to find the first 15 minute segment to be about – wait for it – Russia’s attempt to pressure the outcome of the 2016 election. Their “expert” did admit that it appeared the effort had no impact whatsoever on the outcome and Hillary lost because she ran a bad campaign.

There were actually two news segments – the apartment fires in London and the mudslides in China with 140 people unaccounted for. However, the last segment just had to be a negative story about the president and the special council.

The poll, conducted by Harvard-Harris, found that 64% of voters view such investigations as dragging down the country; 56% think that there are more important matters to be focused on, and another 73% fear that the Trump-Russia investigations are distracting Congress from issues that are actually relevant to the American people.

Full story @ DEMOCRAT FAIL: Poll Shows Most Voters Have Trump-Russia Investigation Fatigue
I agree. If only Russia hadn't tampered in our election to sabotage the nation. Alas.
White House correspondents are doing the job any 300lb man could do. Sit on their asses screaming juvenile crap at Spicer then walk 11 yards to do a standup on the lawn about what a piece of sh*t the president is.

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