Democrat Insanity Just Went Up A Notch: Rep. Rashida Tlaib Now Calls for a $20 Minimum Wage

In other words, someone from within the DNC tried to have a talk with her and she is throwing another tantrum.
Will Democrats continue to follow the terrorist-supporting anti-Semite - the radical dragged kicking and screaming from a rally by the Secret Service before she was elected - down the road of self-destruction?
In other words, someone from within the DNC tried to have a talk with her and she is throwing another tantrum.
She is a sick low life piece of shit.. That video of her getting thrown out of a Trump event by the Secret Service shows her in all her sick gutter Glory
They can keep raising the price of basic labor ... I'm depending on automation to keep my labor requirements met.

Amazing how people who never did an honest days work think they can run the country
They definitely want to destroy America from within killing businesses everywhere. What's next on their agenda list?

Rashida Tlaib Calls For $20 Federal Minimum Wage

BRING IN THE ROBOTS: Rep. Rashida Tlaib Calls for a $20 Minimum Wage

At this point I think the Republicans should propose a $30.00 minimum wage. If Democrats up it to $35.00, then Republicans counter offer with $40.00.

A few years ago, the city of Cleveland thought about a $15.00 minimum wage. Why didn't they do it? Because they came back down to earth and figured businesses would leave the city for the suburbs. So they propositioned the county to institute a $15.00 minimum wage so that didn't happen. The county figured the same way. They didn't want our businesses leaving for other counties.

It's all a dog and pony show with these people. All they have to do is look at the cities where they did increase the minimum to $15.00. Businesses closing, the ones that remained open laid off staff, and others increased the cost of their products or services. When they had full control of the government under DumBama, not even a hint at a huge minimum wage increase. Like our city, they knew exactly what the results would have been.

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