Democrat is thy name, GRADE A HYPOCROSY IS THY GAME

Using the word "lynching" is akin to comparing everything to Hitler or the Holocaust. it's nothing like that but that's for playing who's the moron with us today. You win! Congrats

I think it's a fair comparison.
Genocide has NOTHING to do with lynching. An honest person realizes that far more whites have been hung throughout American history than blacks. Were blacks and their supporters hung? Absolutely but so was a common horse thief. Hell, hanging was corporal punishment in this nation for over a century.

It's a word. Nothing more. If you asshats continue to bastardize the American lexicon we won't have any words left to describe dastardly actions.

Was the horse thief hung for being white? No? Ok.

Italians were hung for being Italians here in the states...

March 14, 1891 New Orleans lynchings - Wikipedia
Irrelevant. Dead is dead.

I'm not going down the rabbit hole with you tonight.

No, not irrelevant. You just compared lynching someone because they are black to cowboy justice when someone actually breaks the law.
No, he showed that lynching did not specifically apply to only whites hanging Blacks. It was a way of the Old West. Lynch mobs took out many through what was known as vigilante justice.
View attachment 285961

The lynching of Charles Cora and James Casey in San Francisco, 1856.
They are white

We're not talking about the old west. We're talking about how whites treated 'uppity Negros' to keep the status quo. Whites did not face racial violence like this, sorry.
Uppity Negros... where have we heard that term before.

oh, yes. LBJ.

No, you have chosen it to only refer to the lynchings of Blacks because this President you hate used the term, yet nary a word when any Dems have ever used that word. Selective outrage that is very transparent and unbecoming.

I personally don't give a shit that Trump used the word 'lynching'. To me it's the same as saying it's a 'witch hunt' it's just Trump playing the victim. However there is a special history in civil rights where many blacks faced lynching as a terrorist tactic to murder and scare everyone else. To deny that or pretend that the word does not have special meaning of some of our inconvenient history is something else.
No one denies that Blacks were lynched. It was a horrific stain on our country. But you are, out of pure bias, attacking this President for the use of the word, only because you don’t like him. Lynch mobs were always written about in regards to the Old West. They were in all the old westerns-of whites being surrounded by lynch mobs and hung from the town square. Lynching of anyone in our history through vigilante justice is also a stain. Do you realize Democrats used to lynch whites that supported Blacks?
Many whites were lynched for fighting racism
While some whites were lynched for murder or stealing cattle, there is another important reason many were lynched. Many whites were lynched for helping blacks or being anti-lynching. According to David Barton’s extensively well-documented book, "Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black & White," the original targets of the Ku Klux Klan were Republicans, both black and white. The Klan terrorized both black and white Americans not to vote for Republican tickets. “Of all forms of violent intimidation, lynchings were by far the most effective.” Republicans often led the efforts to pass federal anti-lynching laws and their platforms consistently called for a ban on lynching. “Democrats successfully blocked those bills and their platforms never did condemn lynchings.”

So there it is, the inconvenient truth. The truth that more than 1,000 whites were lynched and many of them were lynched because they were Republican, because they supported their fellow black citizens and because they opposed the lawless act of lynching.
We're not talking about others.

We're talking about him.

No YOU are talking about him. This thread is SPECIFICALLY ABOUT the "others"

Can you read?
Indeed. Consider it a veiled methodology for asserting that the premise of the thread itself is juvenile 5th-grade recess-yard -caliber thinking.
Reality is a bitch, I know. This is why you pussies have so many safe spaces.

You came in here, tried and failed to change the subject, and decided to get personal when busted for it.

Go fuck yourself
Using the word "lynching" is akin to comparing everything to Hitler or the Holocaust. it's nothing like that but that's for playing who's the moron with us today. You win! Congrats

I think it's a fair comparison.
Genocide has NOTHING to do with lynching. An honest person realizes that far more whites have been hung throughout American history than blacks. Were blacks and their supporters hung? Absolutely but so was a common horse thief. Hell, hanging was corporal punishment in this nation for over a century.

It's a word. Nothing more. If you asshats continue to bastardize the American lexicon we won't have any words left to describe dastardly actions.

Was the horse thief hung for being white? No? Ok.

Italians were hung for being Italians here in the states...

March 14, 1891 New Orleans lynchings - Wikipedia

No, not irrelevant. You just compared lynching someone because they are black to cowboy justice when someone actually breaks the law.
No, he showed that lynching did not specifically apply to only whites hanging Blacks. It was a way of the Old West. Lynch mobs took out many through what was known as vigilante justice.
View attachment 285961

The lynching of Charles Cora and James Casey in San Francisco, 1856.
They are white

We're not talking about the old west. We're talking about how whites treated 'uppity Negros' to keep the status quo. Whites did not face racial violence like this, sorry.
Uppity Negros... where have we heard that term before.

oh, yes. LBJ.

No, you have chosen it to only refer to the lynchings of Blacks because this President you hate used the term, yet nary a word when any Dems have ever used that word. Selective outrage that is very transparent and unbecoming.

I personally don't give a shit that Trump used the word 'lynching'. To me it's the same as saying it's a 'witch hunt' it's just Trump playing the victim. However there is a special history in civil rights where many blacks faced lynching as a terrorist tactic to murder and scare everyone else. To deny that or pretend that the word does not have special meaning of some of our inconvenient history is something else.
No one denies that Blacks were lynched. It was a horrific stain on our country. But you are, out of pure bias, attacking this President for the use of the word, only because you don’t like him. Lynch mobs were always written about in regards to the Old West. They were in all the old westerns-of whites being surrounded by lynch mobs and hung from the town square. Lynching of anyone in our history through vigilante justice is also a stain. Do you realize Democrats used to lynch whites that supported Blacks?
Many whites were lynched for fighting racism
While some whites were lynched for murder or stealing cattle, there is another important reason many were lynched. Many whites were lynched for helping blacks or being anti-lynching. According to David Barton’s extensively well-documented book, "Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black & White," the original targets of the Ku Klux Klan were Republicans, both black and white. The Klan terrorized both black and white Americans not to vote for Republican tickets. “Of all forms of violent intimidation, lynchings were by far the most effective.” Republicans often led the efforts to pass federal anti-lynching laws and their platforms consistently called for a ban on lynching. “Democrats successfully blocked those bills and their platforms never did condemn lynchings.”

So there it is, the inconvenient truth. The truth that more than 1,000 whites were lynched and many of them were lynched because they were Republican, because they supported their fellow black citizens and because they opposed the lawless act of lynching.

I didn't attack the president, I already stated several times I don't think it matters that he used the term lynching. I just don't think it's a cool idea to ignore its historical significance when it comes to racism.
...Reality is a bitch, I know. This is why you pussies have so many safe spaces. You came in here, tried and failed to change the subject, and decided to get personal when busted for it. Go fuck yourself
Challenging the maturity of the topic is not the same as trying to change it.

You and the rest of your TrumpBot Ladies Auxiliary need to think before you post.

Then again, given that same fault in your idol and political master, well... perhaps that's too much to ask.


"The other guy did it too" is a juvenile defense best left on the 5th grade recess yard. it's nothing like that but that's for playing who's the moron with us today. You win! Congrats

I think it's a fair comparison.
Genocide has NOTHING to do with lynching. An honest person realizes that far more whites have been hung throughout American history than blacks. Were blacks and their supporters hung? Absolutely but so was a common horse thief. Hell, hanging was corporal punishment in this nation for over a century.

It's a word. Nothing more. If you asshats continue to bastardize the American lexicon we won't have any words left to describe dastardly actions.

Was the horse thief hung for being white? No? Ok.

Italians were hung for being Italians here in the states...

March 14, 1891 New Orleans lynchings - Wikipedia


Not only blacks were lynched in this country. No matter how stupid Trump came off using the word lynching was not against just blacks but used against Italians, Irish, Hispanics and Asians along with innocent people that were killed because of mob justice.

So because Trump used a word that does not describe what is happening to him does not excuse the left trying to turn this into some racist nonsense...
Challenging the maturity of the topic is not the same as trying to change it.

The topic is a news report with my blurb after it. You are not challenging anything but your own ability to recognize that you got busted for being off topic. The only one lacking maturity here is you because you can't take your defeat like an adult.

Like I said earlier....

I think it's a fair comparison.
Genocide has NOTHING to do with lynching. An honest person realizes that far more whites have been hung throughout American history than blacks. Were blacks and their supporters hung? Absolutely but so was a common horse thief. Hell, hanging was corporal punishment in this nation for over a century.

It's a word. Nothing more. If you asshats continue to bastardize the American lexicon we won't have any words left to describe dastardly actions.

Was the horse thief hung for being white? No? Ok.

Italians were hung for being Italians here in the states...

March 14, 1891 New Orleans lynchings - Wikipedia


Not only blacks were lynched in this country. No matter how stupid Trump came off using the word lynching was not against just blacks but used against Italians, Irish, Hispanics and Asians along with innocent people that were killed because of mob justice.

He always comes off as stupid, haven't you learned? But you trying to downplay the history of lynching in black communities is also pretty stupid.

So because Trump used a word that does not describe what is happening to him does not excuse the left trying to turn this into some racist nonsense...

See? That's the problem, Trump trying to use words.
Genocide has NOTHING to do with lynching. An honest person realizes that far more whites have been hung throughout American history than blacks. Were blacks and their supporters hung? Absolutely but so was a common horse thief. Hell, hanging was corporal punishment in this nation for over a century.

It's a word. Nothing more. If you asshats continue to bastardize the American lexicon we won't have any words left to describe dastardly actions.

Was the horse thief hung for being white? No? Ok.

Italians were hung for being Italians here in the states...

March 14, 1891 New Orleans lynchings - Wikipedia


Not only blacks were lynched in this country. No matter how stupid Trump came off using the word lynching was not against just blacks but used against Italians, Irish, Hispanics and Asians along with innocent people that were killed because of mob justice.

He always comes off as stupid, haven't you learned? But you trying to downplay the history of lynching in black communities is also pretty stupid.

So because Trump used a word that does not describe what is happening to him does not excuse the left trying to turn this into some racist nonsense...

See? That's the problem, Trump trying to use words.

You know I hate when individuals like you rewrite history and just claim only blacks were lynched because of their skin color when they were not the only ones.

As pointed out in the link I gave you Italians were lynched for being ITALIAN!

So why do you believe blacks were the only ones that suffered at the hands of bigotry and hate?

You are as ignorant as Trump with rewriting history and facts!
No, he showed that lynching did not specifically apply to only whites hanging Blacks. It was a way of the Old West. Lynch mobs took out many through what was known as vigilante justice.
View attachment 285961

The lynching of Charles Cora and James Casey in San Francisco, 1856.
They are white

We're not talking about the old west. We're talking about how whites treated 'uppity Negros' to keep the status quo. Whites did not face racial violence like this, sorry.
Uppity Negros... where have we heard that term before.

oh, yes. LBJ.

No, you have chosen it to only refer to the lynchings of Blacks because this President you hate used the term, yet nary a word when any Dems have ever used that word. Selective outrage that is very transparent and unbecoming.

I personally don't give a shit that Trump used the word 'lynching'. To me it's the same as saying it's a 'witch hunt' it's just Trump playing the victim. However there is a special history in civil rights where many blacks faced lynching as a terrorist tactic to murder and scare everyone else. To deny that or pretend that the word does not have special meaning of some of our inconvenient history is something else.
No one denies that Blacks were lynched. It was a horrific stain on our country. But you are, out of pure bias, attacking this President for the use of the word, only because you don’t like him. Lynch mobs were always written about in regards to the Old West. They were in all the old westerns-of whites being surrounded by lynch mobs and hung from the town square. Lynching of anyone in our history through vigilante justice is also a stain. Do you realize Democrats used to lynch whites that supported Blacks?
Many whites were lynched for fighting racism
While some whites were lynched for murder or stealing cattle, there is another important reason many were lynched. Many whites were lynched for helping blacks or being anti-lynching. According to David Barton’s extensively well-documented book, "Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black & White," the original targets of the Ku Klux Klan were Republicans, both black and white. The Klan terrorized both black and white Americans not to vote for Republican tickets. “Of all forms of violent intimidation, lynchings were by far the most effective.” Republicans often led the efforts to pass federal anti-lynching laws and their platforms consistently called for a ban on lynching. “Democrats successfully blocked those bills and their platforms never did condemn lynchings.”

So there it is, the inconvenient truth. The truth that more than 1,000 whites were lynched and many of them were lynched because they were Republican, because they supported their fellow black citizens and because they opposed the lawless act of lynching.

I didn't attack the president, I already stated several times I don't think it matters that he used the term lynching. I just don't think it's a cool idea to ignore its historical significance when it comes to racism.
Once again, no-one is ignoring its significance.
Was the horse thief hung for being white? No? Ok.

Italians were hung for being Italians here in the states...

March 14, 1891 New Orleans lynchings - Wikipedia


Not only blacks were lynched in this country. No matter how stupid Trump came off using the word lynching was not against just blacks but used against Italians, Irish, Hispanics and Asians along with innocent people that were killed because of mob justice.

He always comes off as stupid, haven't you learned? But you trying to downplay the history of lynching in black communities is also pretty stupid.

So because Trump used a word that does not describe what is happening to him does not excuse the left trying to turn this into some racist nonsense...

See? That's the problem, Trump trying to use words.

You know I hate when individuals like you rewrite history and just claim only blacks were lynched because of their skin color when they were not the only ones.

Never made that claim. Why are you lying? Why is it necessary for you to lie right now?

As pointed out in the link I gave you Italians were lynched for being ITALIAN!

Does that somehow diminish the significance of these terrorist attacks on black communities?

So why do you believe blacks were the only ones that suffered at the hands of bigotry and hate?

Again, why do you lie so easily? I've never said anything remotely close to this.

You are as ignorant as Trump with rewriting history and facts!

You're clearly a genius.
Genocide has NOTHING to do with lynching. An honest person realizes that far more whites have been hung throughout American history than blacks. Were blacks and their supporters hung? Absolutely but so was a common horse thief. Hell, hanging was corporal punishment in this nation for over a century.

It's a word. Nothing more. If you asshats continue to bastardize the American lexicon we won't have any words left to describe dastardly actions.

Was the horse thief hung for being white? No? Ok.

Italians were hung for being Italians here in the states...

March 14, 1891 New Orleans lynchings - Wikipedia


Not only blacks were lynched in this country. No matter how stupid Trump came off using the word lynching was not against just blacks but used against Italians, Irish, Hispanics and Asians along with innocent people that were killed because of mob justice.

He always comes off as stupid, haven't you learned? But you trying to downplay the history of lynching in black communities is also pretty stupid.

So because Trump used a word that does not describe what is happening to him does not excuse the left trying to turn this into some racist nonsense...

See? That's the problem, Trump trying to use words.

Also let me add that Christian's in Muslim nations that have Al-Qaeda and ISIS/ISIL elements live in fear of being lynched daily and from the dawn of man lynching has been part of the world because of mob violence that Christian's, Jews and Muslims along with Pagans have had to endure, so no it is not just what happened to blacks and to act like they only suffered from lynchings is so damn ignorant but again you and Trump are ignorant as can be!

I bet you believe Blacks only suffered from slavery and it no longer exists in today time, am I correct?
We're not talking about the old west. We're talking about how whites treated 'uppity Negros' to keep the status quo. Whites did not face racial violence like this, sorry.
Uppity Negros... where have we heard that term before.

oh, yes. LBJ.

No, you have chosen it to only refer to the lynchings of Blacks because this President you hate used the term, yet nary a word when any Dems have ever used that word. Selective outrage that is very transparent and unbecoming.

I personally don't give a shit that Trump used the word 'lynching'. To me it's the same as saying it's a 'witch hunt' it's just Trump playing the victim. However there is a special history in civil rights where many blacks faced lynching as a terrorist tactic to murder and scare everyone else. To deny that or pretend that the word does not have special meaning of some of our inconvenient history is something else.
No one denies that Blacks were lynched. It was a horrific stain on our country. But you are, out of pure bias, attacking this President for the use of the word, only because you don’t like him. Lynch mobs were always written about in regards to the Old West. They were in all the old westerns-of whites being surrounded by lynch mobs and hung from the town square. Lynching of anyone in our history through vigilante justice is also a stain. Do you realize Democrats used to lynch whites that supported Blacks?
Many whites were lynched for fighting racism
While some whites were lynched for murder or stealing cattle, there is another important reason many were lynched. Many whites were lynched for helping blacks or being anti-lynching. According to David Barton’s extensively well-documented book, "Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black & White," the original targets of the Ku Klux Klan were Republicans, both black and white. The Klan terrorized both black and white Americans not to vote for Republican tickets. “Of all forms of violent intimidation, lynchings were by far the most effective.” Republicans often led the efforts to pass federal anti-lynching laws and their platforms consistently called for a ban on lynching. “Democrats successfully blocked those bills and their platforms never did condemn lynchings.”

So there it is, the inconvenient truth. The truth that more than 1,000 whites were lynched and many of them were lynched because they were Republican, because they supported their fellow black citizens and because they opposed the lawless act of lynching.

I didn't attack the president, I already stated several times I don't think it matters that he used the term lynching. I just don't think it's a cool idea to ignore its historical significance when it comes to racism.
Once again, no-one is ignoring its significance.

Was the horse thief hung for being white? No? Ok.

Italians were hung for being Italians here in the states...

March 14, 1891 New Orleans lynchings - Wikipedia


Not only blacks were lynched in this country. No matter how stupid Trump came off using the word lynching was not against just blacks but used against Italians, Irish, Hispanics and Asians along with innocent people that were killed because of mob justice.

He always comes off as stupid, haven't you learned? But you trying to downplay the history of lynching in black communities is also pretty stupid.

So because Trump used a word that does not describe what is happening to him does not excuse the left trying to turn this into some racist nonsense...

See? That's the problem, Trump trying to use words.

Also let me add that Christian's in Muslim nations that have Al-Qaeda and ISIS/ISIL elements live in fear of being lynched daily and from the dawn of man lynching has been part of the world because of mob violence that Christian's, Jews and Muslims along with Pagans have had to endure, so no it is not just what happened to blacks and to act like they only suffered from lynchings is so damn ignorant but again you and Trump are ignorant as can be!

I bet you believe Blacks only suffered from slavery and it no longer exists in today time, am I correct?

You enjoying that strawman?
Italians were hung for being Italians here in the states...

March 14, 1891 New Orleans lynchings - Wikipedia


Not only blacks were lynched in this country. No matter how stupid Trump came off using the word lynching was not against just blacks but used against Italians, Irish, Hispanics and Asians along with innocent people that were killed because of mob justice.

He always comes off as stupid, haven't you learned? But you trying to downplay the history of lynching in black communities is also pretty stupid.

So because Trump used a word that does not describe what is happening to him does not excuse the left trying to turn this into some racist nonsense...

See? That's the problem, Trump trying to use words.

You know I hate when individuals like you rewrite history and just claim only blacks were lynched because of their skin color when they were not the only ones.

Never made that claim. Why are you lying? Why is it necessary for you to lie right now?

As pointed out in the link I gave you Italians were lynched for being ITALIAN!

Does that somehow diminish the significance of these terrorist attacks on black communities?

So why do you believe blacks were the only ones that suffered at the hands of bigotry and hate?

Again, why do you lie so easily? I've never said anything remotely close to this.

You are as ignorant as Trump with rewriting history and facts!

You're clearly a genius.

Yes you did when you claimed blacks were hung because they were black!

You were trying to claim every other lynching was not equal to what happened to blacks and when I pointed out Italians endured the same bigotry your words came off as who cares!

The fact is you believe only blacks endured bigotry and hate and believe Trump stupid comment is racist when it is only ignorant.

So why lie about your ignorance about American histort?
Italians were hung for being Italians here in the states...

March 14, 1891 New Orleans lynchings - Wikipedia


Not only blacks were lynched in this country. No matter how stupid Trump came off using the word lynching was not against just blacks but used against Italians, Irish, Hispanics and Asians along with innocent people that were killed because of mob justice.

He always comes off as stupid, haven't you learned? But you trying to downplay the history of lynching in black communities is also pretty stupid.

So because Trump used a word that does not describe what is happening to him does not excuse the left trying to turn this into some racist nonsense...

See? That's the problem, Trump trying to use words.

Also let me add that Christian's in Muslim nations that have Al-Qaeda and ISIS/ISIL elements live in fear of being lynched daily and from the dawn of man lynching has been part of the world because of mob violence that Christian's, Jews and Muslims along with Pagans have had to endure, so no it is not just what happened to blacks and to act like they only suffered from lynchings is so damn ignorant but again you and Trump are ignorant as can be!

I bet you believe Blacks only suffered from slavery and it no longer exists in today time, am I correct?

You enjoying that strawman?

Is that the best you have you race baiting bigot?

You were shown whites were lynched for not being the right type of white and all you have is strawman as your ignorant answer.

If Trump were a damn Democrat again you would be defending him...

The script continues to write itself...

Without double standards they'd have no standards at all.

Okay, first of all, I personally never gave a shit that Trump used this term. I get that some dems are complaining about it and I think it’s a waste of air to even discuss.

However, this video and this post demonstrate how desperate republicans are to win an argument. Apparently it doesn’t matter the amount of hypocritical bullshit republicans say all the time. The RW desperately tries to cherry pick democrat clips like this and ignore their own hypocrisy. They cling to any argument they think they can win because they know ideologically they lose the large majority of the time.

I think it was a petty argument for the Democrats to bring up in the first place, as did you, it is just a side show. It is another attempt by racist baiting Democrats to continue to malign and marginalize Republicans. If you don’t like Republicans trying to defend themselves from baseless and petty accusations, maybe you should tell Democrats to quit being crybabies over every stupid little thing.
Using the word "lynching" is akin to comparing everything to Hitler or the Holocaust. They're ridiculous statements, but that's just what we do. It's a part of our lexicon at this point.
It's a figure of speech, dumbass. No one is claiming that someone was literally lynched.
I have never held otherwise.

You're too fucking stupid to realize that if you insist that it was something Trump shouldn't have done, then you don't understand what a figure of speech is.why it was prefectly OK for Trump to use it.

I merely hold that it was exceedingly stupid of Trump to use such a phrase in a public venue.

See? You're participating in the con. You are therefore a douchebag.

The sort of high-end thinking that we've seen from The Creature in recent months as the pressure increases exponentially. :21:

It kills me that you believe you know what "high end thinking" is.
Not any big deal. To paraphrase a Geico commercial, being hypocritical is what politicians do.

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