Democrat is thy name, GRADE A HYPOCROSY IS THY GAME

I think it's a fair comparison.
Genocide has NOTHING to do with lynching. An honest person realizes that far more whites have been hung throughout American history than blacks. Were blacks and their supporters hung? Absolutely but so was a common horse thief. Hell, hanging was corporal punishment in this nation for over a century.

It's a word. Nothing more. If you asshats continue to bastardize the American lexicon we won't have any words left to describe dastardly actions.

Was the horse thief hung for being white? No? Ok.
Irrelevant. Dead is dead.

I'm not going down the rabbit hole with you tonight.

No, not irrelevant. You just compared lynching someone because they are black to cowboy justice when someone actually breaks the law.
No, he showed that lynching did not specifically apply to only whites hanging Blacks. It was a way of the Old West. Lynch mobs took out many through what was known as vigilante justice.
View attachment 285961

The lynching of Charles Cora and James Casey in San Francisco, 1856.
They are white

We're not talking about the old west. We're talking about how whites treated 'uppity Negros' to keep the status quo. Whites did not face racial violence like this, sorry.
Genocide has NOTHING to do with lynching. An honest person realizes that far more whites have been hung throughout American history than blacks. Were blacks and their supporters hung? Absolutely but so was a common horse thief. Hell, hanging was corporal punishment in this nation for over a century.

It's a word. Nothing more. If you asshats continue to bastardize the American lexicon we won't have any words left to describe dastardly actions.

Was the horse thief hung for being white? No? Ok.
Irrelevant. Dead is dead.

I'm not going down the rabbit hole with you tonight.

No, not irrelevant. You just compared lynching someone because they are black to cowboy justice when someone actually breaks the law.
No, he showed that lynching did not specifically apply to only whites hanging Blacks. It was a way of the Old West. Lynch mobs took out many through what was known as vigilante justice.
View attachment 285961

The lynching of Charles Cora and James Casey in San Francisco, 1856.
They are white

We're not talking about the old west. We're talking about how whites treated 'uppity Negros' to keep the status quo.

That is what YOU DUMBFUCKS are talking about. That description is not in the dictionary.

You can not apply your personal opinions to reality
Was the horse thief hung for being white? No? Ok.
Irrelevant. Dead is dead.

I'm not going down the rabbit hole with you tonight.

No, not irrelevant. You just compared lynching someone because they are black to cowboy justice when someone actually breaks the law.
No, he showed that lynching did not specifically apply to only whites hanging Blacks. It was a way of the Old West. Lynch mobs took out many through what was known as vigilante justice.
View attachment 285961

The lynching of Charles Cora and James Casey in San Francisco, 1856.
They are white

We're not talking about the old west. We're talking about how whites treated 'uppity Negros' to keep the status quo.

That is what YOU DUMBFUCKS are talking about. That description is not in the dictionary.

You can not apply your personal opinions to reality

That description? I'm describing crimes that took place due to the victims race.
Genocide has NOTHING to do with lynching. An honest person realizes that far more whites have been hung throughout American history than blacks. Were blacks and their supporters hung? Absolutely but so was a common horse thief. Hell, hanging was corporal punishment in this nation for over a century.

It's a word. Nothing more. If you asshats continue to bastardize the American lexicon we won't have any words left to describe dastardly actions.

Was the horse thief hung for being white? No? Ok.
Irrelevant. Dead is dead.

I'm not going down the rabbit hole with you tonight.

No, not irrelevant. You just compared lynching someone because they are black to cowboy justice when someone actually breaks the law.
No, he showed that lynching did not specifically apply to only whites hanging Blacks. It was a way of the Old West. Lynch mobs took out many through what was known as vigilante justice.
View attachment 285961

The lynching of Charles Cora and James Casey in San Francisco, 1856.
They are white

We're not talking about the old west. We're talking about how whites treated 'uppity Negros' to keep the status quo. Whites did not face racial violence like this, sorry.
Uppity Negros... where have we heard that term before.

oh, yes. LBJ.

No, you have chosen it to only refer to the lynchings of Blacks because this President you hate used the term, yet nary a word when any Dems have ever used that word. Selective outrage that is very transparent and unbecoming.
Doesn't matter.

The whole point of this 'lynching' business is...

A sane, stable, intelligent President would have known better than to use such a phrase in a public venue in this context.

A rationale, thinking person would not have given such ammunition to his political adversaries... unnecessarily digging a deeper hole.

What an Idiot.

He is his own worst enemy.

Thank God.
I personally never gave a shit that Trump used this term.

Contrary to your ego this thread isn't about you. Nor is it about winning. It is about exposing the left for the FRAUDS they are.
And my point is, oh gee you found an example of democrat hypocrisy. So? That’s politics. Of course, no one bullshits quite like republicans do. My god.
The first step in any recovery is to admit your faults.

I just pointed out a GLARING fault and your response? To get hysterical about the gop.

You have presidential candidates invoking race against Trump for the VERY SAME SHIT THEY HAVE DONE. Is that not a problem for you? You're ok with intentionally driving the race card between Americans?

Have you no self dignity?
I already acknowledged that they were hypocrites you moron. My point is, their hypocrisy pales in comparison to the retarded, hypocritical shit republicans say all the goddamn time. What Lindsay Graham said about the Clinton impeachment in comparison to Trump’s is fine example.
Doesn't matter.

The whole point of this 'lynching' business is...

A sane, stable, intelligent President would have known better than to use such a phrase in a public venue in this context.

A rationale, thinking person would not have given such ammunition to his political adversaries.

What an Idiot Savant.

He is his own worst enemy.
The same public venue that your elected officials use?

Give me a break.
Was the horse thief hung for being white? No? Ok.
Irrelevant. Dead is dead.

I'm not going down the rabbit hole with you tonight.

No, not irrelevant. You just compared lynching someone because they are black to cowboy justice when someone actually breaks the law.
No, he showed that lynching did not specifically apply to only whites hanging Blacks. It was a way of the Old West. Lynch mobs took out many through what was known as vigilante justice.
View attachment 285961

The lynching of Charles Cora and James Casey in San Francisco, 1856.
They are white

We're not talking about the old west. We're talking about how whites treated 'uppity Negros' to keep the status quo. Whites did not face racial violence like this, sorry.
Uppity Negros... where have we heard that term before.

oh, yes. LBJ.

No, you have chosen it to only refer to the lynchings of Blacks because this President you hate used the term, yet nary a word when any Dems have ever used that word. Selective outrage that is very transparent and unbecoming.

I personally don't give a shit that Trump used the word 'lynching'. To me it's the same as saying it's a 'witch hunt' it's just Trump playing the victim. However there is a special history in civil rights where many blacks faced lynching as a terrorist tactic to murder and scare everyone else. To deny that or pretend that the word does not have special meaning of some of our inconvenient history is something else.
Doesn't matter.

The whole point of this 'lynching' business is...

A sane, stable, intelligent President would have known better than to use such a phrase in a public venue in this context.

A rationale, thinking person would not have given such ammunition to his political adversaries.

What an Idiot Savant.

He is his own worst enemy.
The same public venue that your elected officials use?

Give me a break.
We're not talking about others.

We're talking about him.

"The other guy did it too" is a simple-minded defense best left on the 5th grade recess yard.
Doesn't matter.

The whole point of this 'lynching' business is...

A sane, stable, intelligent President would have known better than to use such a phrase in a public venue in this context.

A rationale, thinking person would not have given such ammunition to his political adversaries... unnecessarily digging a deeper hole.

What an Idiot.

He is his own worst enemy.

Thank God.
Sez the TDS word police nazi.
Doesn't matter.

The whole point of this 'lynching' business is...

A sane, stable, intelligent President would have known better than to use such a phrase in a public venue in this context.

A rationale, thinking person would not have given such ammunition to his political adversaries.

What an Idiot Savant.

He is his own worst enemy.
The same public venue that your elected officials use?

Give me a break.
We're not talking about others.

We're talking about him.

"The other guy did it too" is a simple-minded defense best left on the 5th grade recess yard.
This mindset is exactly why progressive cockroaches think it's ok for them to get away with stuff and others are punished for it.
...This mindset is exactly why progressive cockroaches think it's ok for them to get away with stuff and others are punished for it.
"The other guy did it too" is a simple-minded defense best left on the 5th grade recess yard.
Using the word "lynching" is akin to comparing everything to Hitler or the Holocaust. They're ridiculous statements, but that's just what we do. It's a part of our lexicon at this point.
It's a figure of speech, dumbass. No one is claiming that someone was literally lynched.
Using the word "lynching" is akin to comparing everything to Hitler or the Holocaust. They're ridiculous statements, but that's just what we do. It's a part of our lexicon at this point.
It's a figure of speech, dumbass. No one is claiming that someone was literally lynched.
I have never held otherwise.

I merely hold that it was exceedingly stupid of Trump to use such a phrase in a public venue.

The sort of high-end thinking that we've seen from The Creature in recent months as the pressure increases exponentially. :21:

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