Democrat party has hit the Talent and enthusiasm rock bottom!


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2019

I can’t put in to words how bad Harris is and the head of the ticket can’t string together a sentence.. the direction of this party has me believing they think they have flooded areas of America with the stupid refugees they opened the doors too.
As much as I can’t stand Hatians they have come here to work and might be smarter than democrat communist leaders.
Latinos as much as I’d drive them the the border can’t stand democrats. And aren’t that radical.
latest poll shows 3 x more blacks are voting for trump.

what happen to the the democrat party? There is something Systematic and creepy that runs deep in that party.
How do you shun Tulsi Gabbard.. she had republicans saying the liked her. And you choose biden Harris!?
What is going on?
latest poll shows 3 x more blacks are voting for trump.

How do you shun Tulsi Gabbard.. she had republicans saying the liked her. And you choose biden Harris!?
What is going on?
1 times 3 is 3. 92 Percent of Black Americans Support Biden Over Trump, Poll Says

Maybe the Dems should let the GOP pick their candidate? Of course that would let the Dems pick the GOP candidate and, I guarantee, it would not be Trump. Actually, it might be the best thing to happen to both parties.
latest poll shows 3 x more blacks are voting for trump.

How do you shun Tulsi Gabbard.. she had republicans saying the liked her. And you choose biden Harris!?
What is going on?
1 times 3 is 3. 92 Percent of Black Americans Support Biden Over Trump, Poll Says

Maybe the Dems should let the GOP pick their candidate? Of course that would let the Dems pick the GOP candidate and, I guarantee, it would not be Trump. Actually, it might be the best thing to happen to both parties.
I think the last poll had 38% of black supporting trump, up from 8% and I don’t think democrats picked biden the propaganda machine media picked them
I don’t think democrats picked biden the propaganda machine media picked them
Funny, I didn't notice any machines in the voting booth with me when I checked the Biden box.
You probably didn’t notice much listing to the news they controlled the narrative. Still no talk on how they are mysteriously bowed out of the race all at the same time.. nothing to see here carry on
LOL The dummies on the right and the trolls are gonna have a field day. Stupid images and absurd imaginings will keep the tools and snowflakes active till Biden is president and after. It's all they can do they accomplish nothing positive for America or the world.

Trump is the product of a long path. Oddly he cares not for his followers, he only plays their sense of loss and resentment. Electing a black man and then trying to elect a woman brought out the white man's fears of a loss of prestige that was always a fiction. The powerful managed them already as they lost their unions and even their livelihood. They never saw they were being played but they acted like they too would win that lottery. But it didn't happen and they needed someone to blame. Trump gave them that. For the reader who wants to understand America today see below. For Trumpettes you keep looking in the wrong direction you do that well.

LOL The dummies on the right and the trolls are gonna have a field day. Stupid images and absurd imaginings will keep the tools and snowflakes active till Biden is president and after. It's all they can do they accomplish nothing positive for America or the world.

Trump is the product of a long path. Oddly he cares not for his followers, he only plays their sense of loss and resentment. Electing a black man and then trying to elect a woman brought out the white man's fears of a loss of prestige that was always a fiction. The powerful managed them already as they lost their unions and even their livelihood. They never saw they were being played but they acted like they too would win that lottery. But it didn't happen and they needed someone to blame. Trump gave them that. For the reader who wants to understand America today see below. For Trumpettes you keep looking in the wrong direction you do that well.

I’m from the inner city of Boston, where Democrats have destroyed the poor and ordinary.. America needs trump. Or we will end up looking like a 3rd world country or cities run by democrats.. your killing blacks at a record rate and using blacks to pull the trigger
latest poll shows 3 x more blacks are voting for trump.

How do you shun Tulsi Gabbard.. she had republicans saying the liked her. And you choose biden Harris!?
What is going on?
1 times 3 is 3. 92 Percent of Black Americans Support Biden Over Trump, Poll Says

Maybe the Dems should let the GOP pick their candidate? Of course that would let the Dems pick the GOP candidate and, I guarantee, it would not be Trump. Actually, it might be the best thing to happen to both parties.
That Poll is BS... Trump has a 43% approval rating with black Americans which means that poll is total BS and made up.. They are scared to death and are trying anything to keep Trump voters from showing up at the polls.
LOL The dummies on the right and the trolls are gonna have a field day. Stupid images and absurd imaginings will keep the tools and snowflakes active till Biden is president and after. It's all they can do they accomplish nothing positive for America or the world.

Trump is the product of a long path. Oddly he cares not for his followers, he only plays their sense of loss and resentment. Electing a black man and then trying to elect a woman brought out the white man's fears of a loss of prestige that was always a fiction. The powerful managed them already as they lost their unions and even their livelihood. They never saw they were being played but they acted like they too would win that lottery. But it didn't happen and they needed someone to blame. Trump gave them that. For the reader who wants to understand America today see below. For Trumpettes you keep looking in the wrong direction you do that well.

Trump is the result of 8 years of the Muslim in Chief....real Americans got very tired of his racism, job deportation, apologizing, and assisting the enemies of our country with their nukes. Biden will lose in a landslide and wackos will whine another 4 years here's some tissue.
latest poll shows 3 x more blacks are voting for trump.

How do you shun Tulsi Gabbard.. she had republicans saying the liked her. And you choose biden Harris!?
What is going on?
1 times 3 is 3. 92 Percent of Black Americans Support Biden Over Trump, Poll Says

Maybe the Dems should let the GOP pick their candidate? Of course that would let the Dems pick the GOP candidate and, I guarantee, it would not be Trump. Actually, it might be the best thing to happen to both parties.
I think the last poll had 38% of black supporting trump, up from 8% and I don’t think democrats picked biden the propaganda machine media picked them

Thanks for your concern and advice for the Democrats... This is highly generous considering the GOP is looking like the Titanic at the moment.

I notice that all you got is personal attacks... No policies just personal...

Has it got that bad already...
latest poll shows 3 x more blacks are voting for trump.

How do you shun Tulsi Gabbard.. she had republicans saying the liked her. And you choose biden Harris!?
What is going on?
1 times 3 is 3. 92 Percent of Black Americans Support Biden Over Trump, Poll Says

Maybe the Dems should let the GOP pick their candidate? Of course that would let the Dems pick the GOP candidate and, I guarantee, it would not be Trump. Actually, it might be the best thing to happen to both parties.
I think the last poll had 38% of black supporting trump, up from 8% and I don’t think democrats picked biden the propaganda machine media picked them

Thanks for your concern and advice for the Democrats... This is highly generous considering the GOP is looking like the Titanic at the moment.

I notice that all you got is personal attacks... No policies just personal...

Has it got that bad already...
What is sinking in the gop? Not enthusiasm.. it’s through the roof,, that’s because of results.. democrat run cities are burning down. Slaughtering blacks, they refuse help.. democrat party is no longer a option it’s embarrassing
latest poll shows 3 x more blacks are voting for trump.

How do you shun Tulsi Gabbard.. she had republicans saying the liked her. And you choose biden Harris!?
What is going on?
1 times 3 is 3. 92 Percent of Black Americans Support Biden Over Trump, Poll Says

Maybe the Dems should let the GOP pick their candidate? Of course that would let the Dems pick the GOP candidate and, I guarantee, it would not be Trump. Actually, it might be the best thing to happen to both parties.
That Poll is BS... Trump has a 43% approval rating with black Americans which means that poll is total BS and made up.. They are scared to death and are trying anything to keep Trump voters from showing up at the polls.
Keep looking, I'm sure you'll find a poll you like. Don't look at this one:
Large majorities of Black (86%) and Hispanic adults (69%) disapprove of Trump’s job performance​
latest poll shows 3 x more blacks are voting for trump.

How do you shun Tulsi Gabbard.. she had republicans saying the liked her. And you choose biden Harris!?
What is going on?
1 times 3 is 3. 92 Percent of Black Americans Support Biden Over Trump, Poll Says

Maybe the Dems should let the GOP pick their candidate? Of course that would let the Dems pick the GOP candidate and, I guarantee, it would not be Trump. Actually, it might be the best thing to happen to both parties.
I think the last poll had 38% of black supporting trump, up from 8% and I don’t think democrats picked biden the propaganda machine media picked them

Thanks for your concern and advice for the Democrats... This is highly generous considering the GOP is looking like the Titanic at the moment.

I notice that all you got is personal attacks... No policies just personal...

Has it got that bad already...
Yes when you libbers play with your polls as much as you do it gives you false satisfaction....
latest poll shows 3 x more blacks are voting for trump.

How do you shun Tulsi Gabbard.. she had republicans saying the liked her. And you choose biden Harris!?
What is going on?
1 times 3 is 3. 92 Percent of Black Americans Support Biden Over Trump, Poll Says

Maybe the Dems should let the GOP pick their candidate? Of course that would let the Dems pick the GOP candidate and, I guarantee, it would not be Trump. Actually, it might be the best thing to happen to both parties.
That Poll is BS... Trump has a 43% approval rating with black Americans which means that poll is total BS and made up.. They are scared to death and are trying anything to keep Trump voters from showing up at the polls.
Keep looking, I'm sure you'll find a poll you like. Don't look at this one:
Large majorities of Black (86%) and Hispanic adults (69%) disapprove of Trump’s job performance​
So in other the dreg thugs and illegals dont like the President
latest poll shows 3 x more blacks are voting for trump.

How do you shun Tulsi Gabbard.. she had republicans saying the liked her. And you choose biden Harris!?
What is going on?
1 times 3 is 3. 92 Percent of Black Americans Support Biden Over Trump, Poll Says

Maybe the Dems should let the GOP pick their candidate? Of course that would let the Dems pick the GOP candidate and, I guarantee, it would not be Trump. Actually, it might be the best thing to happen to both parties.
That Poll is BS... Trump has a 43% approval rating with black Americans which means that poll is total BS and made up.. They are scared to death and are trying anything to keep Trump voters from showing up at the polls.
Keep looking, I'm sure you'll find a poll you like. Don't look at this one:
Large majorities of Black (86%) and Hispanic adults (69%) disapprove of Trump’s job performance​
Your partisan think-tank polls are dead wrong... Keep on believing... Its all you have.

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