Democrat party has hit the Talent and enthusiasm rock bottom!

Communist Democrats aren't happy with the selection of Kamala Harris as Communist Democrat VP Candidate :rofl:


I can’t put in to words how bad Harris is and the head of the ticket can’t string together a sentence.. the direction of this party has me believing they think they have flooded areas of America with the stupid refugees they opened the doors too.
As much as I can’t stand Hatians they have come here to work and might be smarter than democrat communist leaders.
Latinos as much as I’d drive them the the border can’t stand democrats. And aren’t that radical.
latest poll shows 3 x more blacks are voting for trump.

what happen to the the democrat party? There is something Systematic and creepy that runs deep in that party.
How do you shun Tulsi Gabbard.. she had republicans saying the liked her. And you choose biden Harris!?
What is going on?
Lol, you guys are terrified. You know you've lost.

I can’t put in to words how bad Harris is and the head of the ticket can’t string together a sentence.. the direction of this party has me believing they think they have flooded areas of America with the stupid refugees they opened the doors too.
As much as I can’t stand Hatians they have come here to work and might be smarter than democrat communist leaders.
Latinos as much as I’d drive them the the border can’t stand democrats. And aren’t that radical.
latest poll shows 3 x more blacks are voting for trump.

what happen to the the democrat party? There is something Systematic and creepy that runs deep in that party.
How do you shun Tulsi Gabbard.. she had republicans saying the liked her. And you choose biden Harris!?
What is going on?
Satanism, Pedophilia Culture and Globalism is what happened to The DemNazi Party.
That's a crappy Photoshop. They are all over the internet.

Here's an example


And you fell for it. You tRumplings are so gullible...
latest poll shows 3 x more blacks are voting for trump.

How do you shun Tulsi Gabbard.. she had republicans saying the liked her. And you choose biden Harris!?
What is going on?
1 times 3 is 3. 92 Percent of Black Americans Support Biden Over Trump, Poll Says

Maybe the Dems should let the GOP pick their candidate? Of course that would let the Dems pick the GOP candidate and, I guarantee, it would not be Trump. Actually, it might be the best thing to happen to both parties.
That Poll is BS... Trump has a 43% approval rating with black Americans which means that poll is total BS and made up.. They are scared to death and are trying anything to keep Trump voters from showing up at the polls.
Keep looking, I'm sure you'll find a poll you like. Don't look at this one:
Large majorities of Black (86%) and Hispanic adults (69%) disapprove of Trump’s job performance​
I have a real one I work in the community,, no one is voting for biden
Communist Democrats aren't happy with the selection of Kamala Harris as Communist Democrat VP Candidate :rofl:

Over 1/2 of the Blacks in big cities know that CT Harris is a joke and can not be trusted... This wasnt a safe bet and now they are boxed into their failed pick. The "safe pick" is what every talking head is saying from CNN to FOX. She excites no one..

I can’t put in to words how bad Harris is and the head of the ticket can’t string together a sentence.. the direction of this party has me believing they think they have flooded areas of America with the stupid refugees they opened the doors too.
As much as I can’t stand Hatians they have come here to work and might be smarter than democrat communist leaders.
Latinos as much as I’d drive them the the border can’t stand democrats. And aren’t that radical.
latest poll shows 3 x more blacks are voting for trump.

what happen to the the democrat party? There is something Systematic and creepy that runs deep in that party.
How do you shun Tulsi Gabbard.. she had republicans saying the liked her. And you choose biden Harris!?
What is going on?

Wall street thinks different.


I can’t put in to words how bad Harris is and the head of the ticket can’t string together a sentence.. the direction of this party has me believing they think they have flooded areas of America with the stupid refugees they opened the doors too.
As much as I can’t stand Hatians they have come here to work and might be smarter than democrat communist leaders.
Latinos as much as I’d drive them the the border can’t stand democrats. And aren’t that radical.
latest poll shows 3 x more blacks are voting for trump.

what happen to the the democrat party? There is something Systematic and creepy that runs deep in that party.
How do you shun Tulsi Gabbard.. she had republicans saying the liked her. And you choose biden Harris!?
What is going on?
Lol, you guys are terrified. You know you've lost.
Yea all that enthusiasm coming from America lol haha

I can’t put in to words how bad Harris is and the head of the ticket can’t string together a sentence.. the direction of this party has me believing they think they have flooded areas of America with the stupid refugees they opened the doors too.
As much as I can’t stand Hatians they have come here to work and might be smarter than democrat communist leaders.
Latinos as much as I’d drive them the the border can’t stand democrats. And aren’t that radical.
latest poll shows 3 x more blacks are voting for trump.

what happen to the the democrat party? There is something Systematic and creepy that runs deep in that party.
How do you shun Tulsi Gabbard.. she had republicans saying the liked her. And you choose biden Harris!?
What is going on?

Wall street thinks different.

Wall Street will be happy when President Trump is reelected on November 3rd :smoke:

I can’t put in to words how bad Harris is and the head of the ticket can’t string together a sentence.. the direction of this party has me believing they think they have flooded areas of America with the stupid refugees they opened the doors too.
As much as I can’t stand Hatians they have come here to work and might be smarter than democrat communist leaders.
Latinos as much as I’d drive them the the border can’t stand democrats. And aren’t that radical.
latest poll shows 3 x more blacks are voting for trump.

what happen to the the democrat party? There is something Systematic and creepy that runs deep in that party.
How do you shun Tulsi Gabbard.. she had republicans saying the liked her. And you choose biden Harris!?
What is going on?

Wall street thinks different.

Wall Street will be happy when President Trump is reelected on November 3rd :smoke:
I am pretty happy now with the stock market at 28,000. The virus hoax has worked my 401k very well

I can’t put in to words how bad Harris is and the head of the ticket can’t string together a sentence.. the direction of this party has me believing they think they have flooded areas of America with the stupid refugees they opened the doors too.
As much as I can’t stand Hatians they have come here to work and might be smarter than democrat communist leaders.
Latinos as much as I’d drive them the the border can’t stand democrats. And aren’t that radical.
latest poll shows 3 x more blacks are voting for trump.

what happen to the the democrat party? There is something Systematic and creepy that runs deep in that party.
How do you shun Tulsi Gabbard.. she had republicans saying the liked her. And you choose biden Harris!?
What is going on?

Wall street thinks different.


I thought you we going to tax the hell out of wall street? IF they think she is about to do this they will flee like rats from a sinking ship. They must know something you dont, like everything she is saying is a lie to get sheepel to vote her into office..
latest poll shows 3 x more blacks are voting for trump.

How do you shun Tulsi Gabbard.. she had republicans saying the liked her. And you choose biden Harris!?
What is going on?
1 times 3 is 3. 92 Percent of Black Americans Support Biden Over Trump, Poll Says

Maybe the Dems should let the GOP pick their candidate? Of course that would let the Dems pick the GOP candidate and, I guarantee, it would not be Trump. Actually, it might be the best thing to happen to both parties.
That Poll is BS... Trump has a 43% approval rating with black Americans which means that poll is total BS and made up.. They are scared to death and are trying anything to keep Trump voters from showing up at the polls.
Keep looking, I'm sure you'll find a poll you like. Don't look at this one:
Large majorities of Black (86%) and Hispanic adults (69%) disapprove of Trump’s job performance​
I have a real one I work in the community,, no one is voting for biden
Hardly scientific but at least you found something to support you. Don't come to my neighborhood you'll see only see signs like:
latest poll shows 3 x more blacks are voting for trump.

How do you shun Tulsi Gabbard.. she had republicans saying the liked her. And you choose biden Harris!?
What is going on?
1 times 3 is 3. 92 Percent of Black Americans Support Biden Over Trump, Poll Says

Maybe the Dems should let the GOP pick their candidate? Of course that would let the Dems pick the GOP candidate and, I guarantee, it would not be Trump. Actually, it might be the best thing to happen to both parties.
That Poll is BS... Trump has a 43% approval rating with black Americans which means that poll is total BS and made up.. They are scared to death and are trying anything to keep Trump voters from showing up at the polls.
Keep looking, I'm sure you'll find a poll you like. Don't look at this one:
Large majorities of Black (86%) and Hispanic adults (69%) disapprove of Trump’s job performance​
I have a real one I work in the community,, no one is voting for biden
Hardly scientific but at least you found something to support you. Don't come to my neighborhood you'll see only see signs like:
I get it.....the President is just ByeDon his time until his next 4 years kicks in.....clever.
The Communist Democrats have the knives out for each other the DNC rejected the press pass of Cenk Uygur of the Communist Young Turks :rofl:


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