Democrat Pollster ‘Mystified’ by Public’s Anger Over Biden’s Handling of the Economy

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
This is what you call a brainwashed Democrat pollster who lacks reality. Here's some words for this mystified pollster ------ "It's the economy, stupid." (James Carville)


No one ever said dimtards were rocket scientists.

Read the thread on masks, that's all you need to know about the leftard intelligence level.

They were mystified when Hillary lost, too.

They'll be mystified when Trump wins another term.

They like mystified.

Mystified is the leftard comfort zone.
Snowflakes can't read the room for shit. Lying and hating is all they have to offer.

Let's return them back to where they came from - marginalized fringefucks.
Supply Side Economics always leave a screwed economy behind thus it costs more to bailout a fake GOP economy. Supply Side Economics is based on big time borrowing
to cover the cost of supply side wreckanomics. Yep supply side economics gets laughed off the economic stage to this day. SSE = fake through and through just like the new GOP
since 1980.
This is what you call a brainwashed Democrat pollster who lacks reality. Here's some words for this mystified pollster ------ "It's the economy, stupid." (James Carville)

Democrats have the brains of a melted Rollo caramel candy center, so, this is of no surprise. If we had the exact same economy now but Trump were in office, people would be jumping off roofs, dying in the streets and there would be calls for Trump's impeachment as an inhuman monster right next to Mao ZeDong.
This is what you call a brainwashed Democrat pollster who lacks reality. Here's some words for this mystified pollster ------ "It's the economy, stupid." (James Carville)

What is so hard to figure out about biden, after he has been in politics for 50 years and his MO hasn't changed. Most so called Americans haven't a clue what kind of loser this brainless man did last week let alone his high points in his career as his fight against Black America or his dirty racist mouth in the Halls of Congress to allow him to say "if you don't vote for me you are not Black".

He is an America hating racist. Every act since taking office he has displayed that fact. If I am wrong with that fact then please correct me and tell me of any act of patriotism. When God killed half his family he remained in support of himself over America as can be seen in his profit and shady deals with both friend and American enemies.

The word isn't liberal or leftist, it's useless. Ones that expect government to care for them from birth to the grave who would have starved to death years ago if not given life by a party known for buying votes with other's money. For these people what they never can gain on their own is supplemented by your sweat and blood. Just look at our military who fight our useless wars. Even back to the draft I never seen any of the useless leeches in the service of the military except one. He was 35 years old the system giving him the means to fight against the draft all those years. I'm surprised America has lasted this long with more and more people not able to make it or even try without the sugar tit of government. Want to see what 'end times' look like? Try opening your eyes.
It's the same kind of thinking that argued we had the greatest economy ever while the Fed continued pumping billions of dollars.

Both parties live in a world of make believe.
This is what you call a brainwashed Democrat pollster who lacks reality. Here's some words for this mystified pollster ------ "It's the economy, stupid." (James Carville)

That's because they stupidly look at numbers pulled out of the air and ignore the prices people have to pay in order to live.
That's because they stupidly look at numbers pulled out of the air and ignore the prices people have to pay in order to live.
No. . It’s because people listen to the Republican propaganda.

Inflation has abated.
Gas prices are down
Supply chains have been fixed

And still jobs are plentiful and wages are up

This is what Republicans do. They did it during the Obama years and got away with it so why not do it again?

They claimed that the Obama economy was horrific and that very same economy became “the best ever” the minute Trump won.
It's the same kind of thinking that argued we had the greatest economy ever while the Fed continued pumping billions of dollars.

Both parties live in a world of make believe.
IF you care to find out the Bureau of Labor Statistics WAS CAUGHT going back and changing several months employment data downward to inflate the Difference,which was reported as new jobs
IF you care to find out the Bureau of Labor Statistics WAS CAUGHT going back and changing several months employment data downward to inflate the Difference,which was reported as new jobs

I didn't say anything that would dispute that. Mine was not a defense of anything.
IF you care to find out the Bureau of Labor Statistics WAS CAUGHT going back and changing several months employment data downward to inflate the Difference,which was reported as new jobs
You’re an idiot.

No one was “caught “

They go back every month and evaluate last month’s numbers.

Sometimes up. Sometimes down. Rarely a big change

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