Democrat propaganda media once again trying to cover for Jo job killing Biden

ye it was biden who created the shortage when he stop the keystone pipeline and stop all oil drilling

So, when Biden 'shut down the Keystone' oil was already being pumped on this incomplete pipeline, the one that Biden wouldn't let be finished?
And 2nd, the stopping of the incomplete Keystone Pipeline, somehow halted drilling?
Below are some details about the four Texas refineries that expect to be down for weeks:

"Expect" ? WHO expects ? Why would refineries need to be down for WEEKS, when the cold was only for a couple of DAYS, and even then, it was just at the coldest time of the day (about 4 AM when nobody is working anyway).

I lived in a cold climate (New York) for 30 years. Some days it gets very cold like the temperatures you cited, but after 3-4 hours when the sun is out, it warms up quite a bit - and I used to see construction workers working on buildings in ALL temperatures, including subfreezing.

That's NY,NOT Texas.
The refineries owners, oil companies, expect them to be down for weeks.
I would send them a very stern letter outlining the points you just made.
Fuel prices aren't sky rocketing because one pipeline, under construction was shut down.
They are rising because 4 Texas refineries were shut down.

"Makes our country more reliant on foreign energy sources"?

The Keystone XL pipeline will transport crude oil from Alberta, Canada to Nebraska. The oil will then flow through another pipeline to Gulf Coast refineries, where it will be refined into petroleum products like gasoline.

Gulf Coast refineries export about two-thirds of their products, according to a U.S. Energy Information Administration report in January. The rest is sold in the U.S. That is a marked shift since 2012, when refineries exported about 38 percent of their products
WTF are we exporting oil for?

Too difficult for RWI's to comprehend.
You're a lying, fucking moron.

“Some producers, especially in the Permian Basin and Panhandle, are experiencing unprecedented freezing conditions which caused concerns for employee safety and affected production,” the state’s energy regulator said on Monday.

Oil refiner Motiva Enterprises said it was shutting its 607,000 barrel-per-day Port Arthur, Texas, refinery, the largest in the United States. Valero Energy Corp and Total SE separately moved to shut their 335,000 and 225,000 bpd plants in Port Arthur, Texas, due to Monday’s severe cold, sources familiar with plant operations said.
Exxon Mobil also began shutting its 369,024 bpd Beaumont refinery and 560,500 bpd Baytown refinery and chemical plant in Texas, sources familiar with plant operations said. Its Baton Rouge, Louisiana, plant also suffered operational issues.

Citgo Petroleum Corp said some units at its 167,500 bpd Corpus Christi, Texas, oil refinery were shutting due to weather-related power disruptions.
Oil pipeline operator Enbridge Inc. said a 585,000 bpd crude oil pipeline that runs from its terminal near Pontiac, Illinois, outside of Chicago, to the largest U.S. oil storage hub in Cushing, Oklahoma, was halted because of power outages.

No oil to refine? What a lying, retard.

Biden never stopped Oil from drilled on federal land, he stopped NEW permits for drilling on federal land, dipshit.
The link doesn't work so we cant read the article (if there even is one), so WHEN is all this supposed to have occured ? We're talking about after Biden shut down the pipelines (January 2021).

Well, looking at the temperature charts for Port Arthur and Beaumont TX, we see that in all of 2021, since Biden was president, the midday (when workers are working) temperatures fell below 40 degrees in only 4 days, and was in the 70s generally through the month.

In January the lowest was 59 degrees, and in March it was 62 degrees. NOW whose "lying" ?

the media is keeping those idiots controlled
The Trump and his cult can't stand exposure and the truth.
Fuel prices aren't sky rocketing because one pipeline, under construction was shut down.
They are rising because 4 Texas refineries were shut down.

"Makes our country more reliant on foreign energy sources"?

The Keystone XL pipeline will transport crude oil from Alberta, Canada to Nebraska. The oil will then flow through another pipeline to Gulf Coast refineries, where it will be refined into petroleum products like gasoline.

Gulf Coast refineries export about two-thirds of their products, according to a U.S. Energy Information Administration report in January. The rest is sold in the U.S. That is a marked shift since 2012, when refineries exported about 38 percent of their products
WTF are we exporting oil for?

Too difficult for RWI's to comprehend.

Seems to be the case.
Trump likes his cult stupid.
No doubt the so-called truck driver shortage is a ruse designed to cover up the gasoline shortage CAUSED BY BIDEN, and his shutdowns of Anwar, Keystone, and the drilling on federal land.

Hell, with all the illegal aliens that Biden is dumping on the US, and spreading them all over the country, there would likely be a SURPLUS of drivers, and at low wage rates. Just another example of lying, scheming, scamming Democrats doing what they do.

Another FOS RWNJ, Moron.

February 24 2021
Just seven U.S. oil refineries out of the 18 that were down due to the Texas Freeze are operating normally as of Monday, according to Bloomberg.

Those 18 refineries that were down accounted for as much as 5.5 million barrels of crude processing capacity per day.
The restart of Shell’s Deer Park refinery in Texas could take until April, Reuters has reported, citing unnamed sources familiar with the issue.

As a result of the Texas Freeze, according to Energy Information Administration data, weekly U.S. percent utilization of refinery operable capacity dipped to 56% during the week ending February 26—the lowest operable utilization of operable capacity since the EIA began tracking the data in November 1990. › Energy › Energy-General

That was a result of another RWNJ Greg Abbott, not BIDEN.

RWNJ's whining about oil companies not being able to get new permits for drilling on federal land?

Why can't they use existing permits?
Why can't they drill on state lands?
Why can't they drill on private land?
Why can't they drill on their own land?

Instead RWNJ's want a handout from the "Gubmint".
Not one word of this refutes what I said about Biden causing there to be less gasoline from his shutdowns of Anwar, Keystone, and the drilling on federal land.

Not a word of it refutes what I said about Biden dumping illegal aliens on the US, and spreading them all over the country, thereby likely having a SURPLUS of drivers, and at low wage rates.

But I won't go calling you a LWNJ moron. I'll just let the readers of this thread see that for themselves. :rolleyes:

YES, it does.

That's because, it wasn't Biden that caused the shortage, moron.

I just told you, refineries were shut down, did Biden shut them down to?

Biden didn't shutdown ANY drilling on federal lands, he just stopped issuing new permits for drilling.

Why do oil companies need federal land to drill on?

The question should be, why has the federal government been locking up land in America?

I don’t see anywhere in the constitution where the government has this authority...

You don't see in it in the constitution?
I didn't see anything in the constitution allowing private companies to set up shop on public lands.

It's our tax $$$ that purchased the land, it should be reserved for use by the citizen's not corporations.

WTF, indeed...

Surely you can do better than the old, tired, anti corporate, big daddy government should have all the power, can't you?
Lets not forget how Biden and almost every Democrat governor-mayor have killed demand for oil with their idiotic shutdowns. Democrats love to keep people poor, pissed off and dependent on government.

That's easily forgotten because it's not true.
Lies usually work that way.
So why hasn't New York opened up yet?

My guess would be covid.
Another month and they will be.
Planning a trip?
regardless of the reason why are they shut down
fascist love controlling the people

Yeah, we should get rid of all those ventilators in hospitals, they're fascist and too controlling.
stop with the red herring
and if you don't know what a red herring is look it up
It's a pandemic, moron.
I guess you think the Russians should let everyone visit Chernobyl, right?
You must think you have the right to visit area 51 too.
May as well take a tour of a nuclear power plant, no reservations.
A nuclear disaster is your comparison to a virus? Should we shut down the roads because of all the auto fatalities? How about all the fast-food restaurants for all the deaths they commit each year by way of heart disease?
Fuel prices aren't sky rocketing because one pipeline, under construction was shut down.
They are rising because 4 Texas refineries were shut down.

"Makes our country more reliant on foreign energy sources"?

The Keystone XL pipeline will transport crude oil from Alberta, Canada to Nebraska. The oil will then flow through another pipeline to Gulf Coast refineries, where it will be refined into petroleum products like gasoline.

Gulf Coast refineries export about two-thirds of their products, according to a U.S. Energy Information Administration report in January. The rest is sold in the U.S. That is a marked shift since 2012, when refineries exported about 38 percent of their products
WTF are we exporting oil for?

Too difficult for RWI's to comprehend.

Seems to be the case.
Trump likes his cult stupid.
Here's what dumbass antirights fascists like you do not understand jo killed the energy jobs we have when he shut everything that wasn't green down. Enjoy the higher gas prices and all the high prices on commodities that are fueled by fossil fuels. All because of that dumbass fascist you support.
You're a fucking MORON.

From the time an application to drilling a hole takes as long as 18 months.
Depending on the method being used.

Biden suspended NEW federal oil drilling permits.

What about drilling oil with existing permits?
What about drilling oil with state permits?
What about drilling for oil with private permits?

You get the booby prize alright, just write Trump.
Nope, booby prize is sill all your. As I just said, in Post # 54, Biden has directed the secretary of the Interior Department to halt new oil and natural gas leases on public lands and waters, and begin a thorough review of existing permits for fossil fuel development.

Now stop shouting names at your mirror.

So a permit to drill on federal lands is crucial for oil companies to stay in business?
1000's will go out of business because they NEED the socialist federal government's land to drill on?
because the federal lands still had pockets of oil and shell that have not been tapped into.
Summer gas prices will be very high the media is blaming the lack of truck drivers. But how can that be with all the so called job growth?
Or could it be when Jo shut down the oil industry?

1.3 million jobs created in Bidens first 100 days. Did you just decide to post this steaming pile of shit before checking any facts at all?

And that's just until March. Aprils numbers haven't even come in yet.

You're a loser Trumphumper. Just like your chicken shit messiah, that left town with his tail tucked between his legs.
You're a lying, fucking moron.

“Some producers, especially in the Permian Basin and Panhandle, are experiencing unprecedented freezing conditions which caused concerns for employee safety and affected production,” the state’s energy regulator said on Monday.

Oil refiner Motiva Enterprises said it was shutting its 607,000 barrel-per-day Port Arthur, Texas, refinery, the largest in the United States. Valero Energy Corp and Total SE separately moved to shut their 335,000 and 225,000 bpd plants in Port Arthur, Texas, due to Monday’s severe cold, sources familiar with plant operations said.
Exxon Mobil also began shutting its 369,024 bpd Beaumont refinery and 560,500 bpd Baytown refinery and chemical plant in Texas, sources familiar with plant operations said. Its Baton Rouge, Louisiana, plant also suffered operational issues.

Citgo Petroleum Corp said some units at its 167,500 bpd Corpus Christi, Texas, oil refinery were shutting due to weather-related power disruptions.
Oil pipeline operator Enbridge Inc. said a 585,000 bpd crude oil pipeline that runs from its terminal near Pontiac, Illinois, outside of Chicago, to the largest U.S. oil storage hub in Cushing, Oklahoma, was halted because of power outages.

No oil to refine? What a lying, retard.

Biden never stopped Oil from drilled on federal land, he stopped NEW permits for drilling on federal land, dipshit.
The link doesn't work so we cant read the article (if there even is one), so WHEN is all this supposed to have occured ? We're talking about after Biden shut down the pipelines (January 2021).

Well, looking at the temperature charts for Port Arthur and Beaumont TX, we see that in all of 2021, since Biden was president, the midday (when workers are working) temperatures fell below 40 degrees in only 4 days, and was in the 70s generally through the month.

In January the lowest was 59 degrees, and in March it was 62 degrees. NOW whose "lying" ?

Biden shut down one pipeline. (Keystone)
Which wasn't scheduled to be completed until 2023, anyway.
The shut down of refineries was on February 15, not March or January.

Bitterly cold temperatures coming tonight and another round of winter precipitation coming sometime Wednesday morning,” NWS Meteorologist Donald Jones said during a briefing Monday.

Those temperatures could be as low as 5°F in Woodville, 8°F in Jasper and 10°F in Beaumont. › news › article

Four of Texas’ largest refineries are discovering widespread damage from the deep freeze that crippled the state this week and expect to be down for weeks of repairs, raising the potential for prolonged fuel shortages that could spread nationwide.

Exxon Mobil Corp.’s Baytown and Beaumont plants, Marathon Petroleum Corp.’s Galveston Bay refinery and Total SE’s Port Arthur facility all face at least several weeks to resume normal operations, people familiar with the situation said. Gasoline prices at the pump could reach $3 a gallon in May as long outages crimp supply ahead of the driving season, said Patrick DeHaan, head of petroleum analysis for retailer tracker GasBuddy.

Below are some details about the four Texas refineries that expect to be down for weeks:

  • Marathon’s 585,000-barrel-a-day Galveston Bay refinery in Texas City pushed back an upcoming major turnaround until March expecting to be down at least several weeks to repair equipment damaged by the freeze and awaits the return of power.
  • Exxon’s 580,500 barrel-a-day Baytown refinery may be down a month or more, with no firm estimate yet as damage assessments continue.
  • Exxon’s 369,000-barrel-a-day Beaumont refinery will likely be down for at least several weeks.
  • In Port Arthur, Total’s 225,500-barrel-a-day refinery may also take several weeks to restore full operations as it repairs frozen water lines and instrumentation
Who lying? YOU are.
I already refuted that cold temperature horseshit, and with an official source link to back it up. Biden shut down Anwar, also.

Oh, "Which wasn't scheduled to be completed until 2023, anyway" huh ? And Biden only "shut down one pipeline", huh ? You make it sound so trivial. Well that "one pipeline" happens to be 1200 miles long, and is long and important enough for 21 states to file a lawsuit against Joke Joe, for exceeding his authority.

Biden also directed the secretary of the Interior Department to halt new oil and natural gas leases on public lands and waters, and begin a thorough review of existing permits for fossil fuel development. All this has serious consequences > Kills good-paying American jobs, hurts our already struggling economy, makes our country more reliant on foreign energy sources, and impacts those who rely on affordable and reliable energy, as we can see our gas prices at the pump already skyrocketing.

No you didn't you showed BS from January and March dumbass.

Texas is feeling its coldest air mass in decades, and it's breaking record cold temperatures left and right.
February 15 2021
High of 14°, low of 4°

High of 25°, low of 8°
San Antonio
High of 28°, low of 9° › fl › tampa

February 16 2021
The National Weather Service determined Tuesday morning that both the cities of Tyler and Longview set all-time records for lowest temperatures ever recorded.
Tyler dropped to a staggering six degrees below zero at 6:27 a.m. while Longview was a bone-chilling minus five degrees at 6:32 a.m. › weather › severe-weather

Fuel prices aren't sky rocketing because one pipeline, under construction was shut down.
They are rising because 4 Texas refineries were shut down.

"Makes our country more reliant on foreign energy sources"?

The Keystone XL pipeline will transport crude oil from Alberta, Canada to Nebraska. The oil will then flow through another pipeline to Gulf Coast refineries, where it will be refined into petroleum products like gasoline.

Gulf Coast refineries export about two-thirds of their products, according to a U.S. Energy Information Administration report in January. The rest is sold in the U.S. That is a marked shift since 2012, when refineries exported about 38 percent of their products
WTF are we exporting oil for?

fuel prices are based on what speculators will be paying for it in the future Not what is on hand now dumbass
Summer gas prices will be very high the media is blaming the lack of truck drivers. But how can that be with all the so called job growth?
Or could it be when Jo shut down the oil industry?

1.3 million jobs created in Bidens first 100 days. Did you just decide to post this steaming pile of shit before checking any facts at all?

And that's just until March. Aprils numbers haven't even come in yet.

You're a loser Trumphumper. Just like your chicken shit messiah, that left town with his tail tucked between his legs.
What policies did Biden author that created those jobs in his first 100 days? or could that be what President Trump already had in place and those jobs that democrats killed because of the china released virus are now coming back?
You're a lying, fucking moron.

“Some producers, especially in the Permian Basin and Panhandle, are experiencing unprecedented freezing conditions which caused concerns for employee safety and affected production,” the state’s energy regulator said on Monday.

Oil refiner Motiva Enterprises said it was shutting its 607,000 barrel-per-day Port Arthur, Texas, refinery, the largest in the United States. Valero Energy Corp and Total SE separately moved to shut their 335,000 and 225,000 bpd plants in Port Arthur, Texas, due to Monday’s severe cold, sources familiar with plant operations said.
Exxon Mobil also began shutting its 369,024 bpd Beaumont refinery and 560,500 bpd Baytown refinery and chemical plant in Texas, sources familiar with plant operations said. Its Baton Rouge, Louisiana, plant also suffered operational issues.

Citgo Petroleum Corp said some units at its 167,500 bpd Corpus Christi, Texas, oil refinery were shutting due to weather-related power disruptions.
Oil pipeline operator Enbridge Inc. said a 585,000 bpd crude oil pipeline that runs from its terminal near Pontiac, Illinois, outside of Chicago, to the largest U.S. oil storage hub in Cushing, Oklahoma, was halted because of power outages.

No oil to refine? What a lying, retard.

Biden never stopped Oil from drilled on federal land, he stopped NEW permits for drilling on federal land, dipshit.
The link doesn't work so we cant read the article (if there even is one), so WHEN is all this supposed to have occured ? We're talking about after Biden shut down the pipelines (January 2021).

Well, looking at the temperature charts for Port Arthur and Beaumont TX, we see that in all of 2021, since Biden was president, the midday (when workers are working) temperatures fell below 40 degrees in only 4 days, and was in the 70s generally through the month.

In January the lowest was 59 degrees, and in March it was 62 degrees. NOW whose "lying" ?

the media is keeping those idiots controlled

Yeah, a weather channel does that.

Try another layer of tin foil for your hat.
it's hilarious watching how delusional you fascist are and how easily you can be manipulated by the fascist run media that is helping jo the job killing biden

Of course, all those tornado and hurricane warnings, those fucking weather people are manipulative nuts.
Instead I'll consult meteoroloigist Trump.
You're a lying, fucking moron.

“Some producers, especially in the Permian Basin and Panhandle, are experiencing unprecedented freezing conditions which caused concerns for employee safety and affected production,” the state’s energy regulator said on Monday.

Oil refiner Motiva Enterprises said it was shutting its 607,000 barrel-per-day Port Arthur, Texas, refinery, the largest in the United States. Valero Energy Corp and Total SE separately moved to shut their 335,000 and 225,000 bpd plants in Port Arthur, Texas, due to Monday’s severe cold, sources familiar with plant operations said.
Exxon Mobil also began shutting its 369,024 bpd Beaumont refinery and 560,500 bpd Baytown refinery and chemical plant in Texas, sources familiar with plant operations said. Its Baton Rouge, Louisiana, plant also suffered operational issues.

Citgo Petroleum Corp said some units at its 167,500 bpd Corpus Christi, Texas, oil refinery were shutting due to weather-related power disruptions.
Oil pipeline operator Enbridge Inc. said a 585,000 bpd crude oil pipeline that runs from its terminal near Pontiac, Illinois, outside of Chicago, to the largest U.S. oil storage hub in Cushing, Oklahoma, was halted because of power outages.

No oil to refine? What a lying, retard.

Biden never stopped Oil from drilled on federal land, he stopped NEW permits for drilling on federal land, dipshit.
The link doesn't work so we cant read the article (if there even is one), so WHEN is all this supposed to have occured ? We're talking about after Biden shut down the pipelines (January 2021).

Well, looking at the temperature charts for Port Arthur and Beaumont TX, we see that in all of 2021, since Biden was president, the midday (when workers are working) temperatures fell below 40 degrees in only 4 days, and was in the 70s generally through the month.

In January the lowest was 59 degrees, and in March it was 62 degrees. NOW whose "lying" ?

the media is keeping those idiots controlled

Yeah, a weather channel does that.

Try another layer of tin foil for your hat.
it's hilarious watching how delusional you fascist are and how easily you can be manipulated by the fascist run media that is helping jo the job killing biden

Of course, next time I'm being "manipulated" by the weather channel by their "fascist " tornado or hurricane warnings, I'll just consult chief meteorologist Trump, wo saved all those people in Alabama with his excellent forecast.
Good sharpie work, in just the nick of time.
yes antirights fascist you are being manipulated
Summer gas prices will be very high the media is blaming the lack of truck drivers. But how can that be with all the so called job growth?
Or could it be when Jo shut down the oil industry?
This is a problem that has been growing for a decade or more, and made headlines in 2019 and 2020, well before President Joe's inauguration.

Summer gas prices will be very high the media is blaming the lack of truck drivers. But how can that be with all the so called job growth?
Or could it be when Jo shut down the oil industry?

1.3 million jobs created in Bidens first 100 days. Did you just decide to post this steaming pile of shit before checking any facts at all?

And that's just until March. Aprils numbers haven't even come in yet.

You're a loser Trumphumper. Just like your chicken shit messiah, that left town with his tail tucked between his legs.
What policies did Biden author that created those jobs in his first 100 days? or could that be what President Trump already had in place and those jobs that democrats killed because of the china released virus are now coming back?
Vaccinating the hell outta anyone who will take it is a big part of that. So is the assistance to small business and such.
Summer gas prices will be very high the media is blaming the lack of truck drivers. But how can that be with all the so called job growth?
Or could it be when Jo shut down the oil industry?

1.3 million jobs created in Bidens first 100 days. Did you just decide to post this steaming pile of shit before checking any facts at all?

And that's just until March. Aprils numbers haven't even come in yet.

You're a loser Trumphumper. Just like your chicken shit messiah, that left town with his tail tucked between his legs.
What policies did Biden author that created those jobs in his first 100 days? or could that be what President Trump already had in place and those jobs that democrats killed because of the china released virus are now coming back?
Vaccinating the hell outta anyone who will take it is a big part of that. So is the assistance to small business and such.
Thank you President Trump for warp speed
Summer gas prices will be very high the media is blaming the lack of truck drivers. But how can that be with all the so called job growth?
Or could it be when Jo shut down the oil industry?

1.3 million jobs created in Bidens first 100 days. Did you just decide to post this steaming pile of shit before checking any facts at all?

And that's just until March. Aprils numbers haven't even come in yet.

You're a loser Trumphumper. Just like your chicken shit messiah, that left town with his tail tucked between his legs.
What policies did Biden author that created those jobs in his first 100 days? or could that be what President Trump already had in place and those jobs that democrats killed because of the china released virus are now coming back?
Vaccinating the hell outta anyone who will take it is a big part of that. So is the assistance to small business and such.
Thank you President Trump for warp speed
If he'd only spit out Putin's dick for long enough to do more, he could have been a hero instead of a massive loser.
Summer gas prices will be very high the media is blaming the lack of truck drivers. But how can that be with all the so called job growth?
Or could it be when Jo shut down the oil industry?
This is a problem that has been growing for a decade or more, and made headlines in 2019 and 2020, well before President Joe's inauguration.

the shortage if you want to call it that accounts for closing the mom and pop shop down and people ordering online

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