Democrat rebuttal -

lie til you're blue Trump, the Democrats will be right behind you to sweep the dirt back in your yap.

Networks agree to air Democrats' response to Trump address on border 'crisis'

I wish the networks would have a blinking red light for when he strays from reality.
When Nan from San Fran and UpChuck get up, that blinking red light will stay constant RED...

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
Which is why US citizens have been killed by illegals, yet marginalized by the left as so what, shit happens.
#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.
Nan and Upchuck know that if the wall is built, their future voting base is now defunct, because liberals love to abort their white future voters, by the millions.. See #3 again.
If Trump lays out the facts about the illegals in this country and the drugs that get ferried across the border Pelosi and Schumer will have one hell of a time defending their stance.

Hope they have a big box of Kleenex.
They will just say none of it is true.
The first presidential address I saw was Kennedy and the Cuban missile crisis. He announced that a "wall" of ships was going to blockade Cuba. His speech highlighted the importance of the country's safety, and how we were in it together. I hope the speech tonight can do the same thing, highlight safety and show it is in the best interest of ALL of us.
When Trump does have to declare an emergency, the dems will have turned down the Dreamers at least twice, as well as anything else they could have gotten for just partial funding. They will also get the honor of being the party that turned down defending its own country. Well done Nancy. Hey 'I drink beer Warren,' blue collar voters are going to just love you guys refusing to defend them. You know, the people you are supposed to care about.
The first presidential address I saw was Kennedy and the Cuban missile crisis. He announced that a "wall" of ships was going to blockade Cuba. His speech highlighted the importance of the country's safety, and how we were in it together. I hope the speech tonight can do the same thing, highlight safety and show it is in the best interest of ALL of us.

We all know it's for the best interests of this country. For every phony claim Democrats make about the advantage to immigration, we can tell them five disadvantages.

Democrats are scared to death of Trump. That's why they demand to have a rebuttal after his speech. The funny thing is that neither has the guts to do it themselves. It's going to take two of them to do it.
If Trump lays out the facts about the illegals in this country and the drugs that get ferried across the border Pelosi and Schumer will have one hell of a time defending their stance.

Hope they have a big box of Kleenex.

They'll just say that drugs don't come over the border by crossers, and that illegals can easily get around the wall by jumping over or digging tunnels. Likely they'll bring up the VISA overstays.

W'hat will be interesting is how long a network(s) will give them as a rebuttal to this very short address by Trump. Bet they stay on the air for at least a half-hour. Bullshit is heavy to throw.
lie til you're blue Trump, the Democrats will be right behind you to sweep the dirt back in your yap.

Networks agree to air Democrats' response to Trump address on border 'crisis'

I hope this is true - because my head spun around on my shoulders a couple hours ago when I heard CNN or MSNBC say that Bernie Sanders would be giving the Democratic rebuttal. What a disaster that would be.

Networks To Air Pelosi, Schumer Rebuttal To Trump Border Wall Speech

I think Ronald McDonald would do a better job than any democrat
Trump isn't going to burn 8 minutes of national air time to make a case for a wall. 8 minutes isn't long enough for that.
He has something else up his sleeve that no one sees coming.
And it will leave Democraps holding 'aces an eights'.
CNN reported a few hours ago that Trump will not be declaring a national emergency in his speech tonight. We shall see...
I agree with Nancy. Sounds reasonable to me.

CNN reported a few hours ago that Trump will not be declaring a national emergency in his speech tonight. We shall see...

CNN said that? I guess that means he will be declaring an national emergency tonight. CNN is always wrong.

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