Democrat Savages Loot Stores After The So-Called Hurricane


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
So sad to see a utility worker drive by working and risking his life to, in effect, give the savages free electric and cable, etc. Meanwhile the savages would shoot him to steal his wallet. IMO, all occupants of housing projects should be required to work to pay a fair rent, and other expenses that normal people have to pay.

Cops actually stood down...WTF? Are they that afraid to be called racist by racist groups that deny blacks and browns commit most of the violent and property crime in the USA and world?

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Is anyone surprised they are all black??? Cuz, you lives matter.

So sad to see a utility worker drive by working and risking his life to, in effect, give the savages free electric and cable, etc. Meanwhile the savages would shoot him to steal his wallet. IMO, all occupants of housing projects should be required to work to pay a fair rent, and other expenses that normal people have to pay.

Cops actually stood down...WTF? Are they that afraid to be called racist by racist groups that deny blacks and browns commit most of the violent and property crime in the USA and world?

The US has made this itself. To blame Democrats is to stick your head so far up your ass it's incredible. It's the fault of the US and the people of the US.
How else am I going to get some Kaepernick Nikes? Do you know how much those things cost?
Did someone ask them what political affiliation they have as they exited the store? You know that not all Blacks are Democrats right?

This is why so many Republicans on here are called racists. :rolleyes:
So sad to see a utility worker drive by working and risking his life to, in effect, give the savages free electric and cable, etc. Meanwhile the savages would shoot him to steal his wallet. IMO, all occupants of housing projects should be required to work to pay a fair rent, and other expenses that normal people have to pay.

Cops actually stood down...WTF? Are they that afraid to be called racist by racist groups that deny blacks and browns commit most of the violent and property crime in the USA and world?

The video footage was kinda grainy, but from the looks of it... That could have been Obama’s son...
The US has made this itself. To blame Democrats is to stick your head so far up your ass it's incredible. It's the fault of the US and the people of the US.

What is "the people of the US?" These savages did not do this kind of crime back in the day in the USA because they would be dealt with on the street, whatever form that might take before creepy lawyers claim they were retarded, mentally ill or whatever and the creepy lawyer whose cousins occupied judgeships agreed.

By the way, the soda and other crap the savages stole is going to make them obese and run to the nearest hospital and end up costing insurance payers and tax payers thousands of dollars to diagnose and to feed free prescriptions to. Democrats are not only retarded, they cost normal people a lot of money
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Did someone ask them what political affiliation they have as they exited the store? You know that not all Blacks are Democrats right?

This is why so many Republicans on here are called racists. :rolleyes:

The only thing that matters is that both parties are putting us in debt. When the government runs out of money to steal from the taxpayer, when what's left of that 4 cent dollar of ours finally gets completely debased, and when the people can no longer support the welfare program after being hit so bad with the inflaton tax on the debt, stay out of the cities. Stay as far away from the cities as you can. Consider what we see in these videos as a precursor to what is to come when people in the cities get hungry.
The US has made this itself. To blame Democrats is to stick your head so far up your ass it's incredible. It's the fault of the US and the people of the US.

What is "the people of the US?" These savages did not do this kind of crime back in the day in the USA because they would be dealt with on the street, whatever form that might take before creepy lawyers claim they were retarded, mentally ill or whatever and the creepy lawyer whose cousins occupied judgeships agreed.

By the way, the soda and other crap the savages stole is going to make them obese and run to the nearest hospital and end up costing insurance payers and tax payers thousands of dollars to diagnose and to feed free prescriptions to. Democrats are not only retarded, they cost normal people a lot of money

Well. You blame lawyers. The US has about 1/4 of the world's lawyers and yet has 1/25 of the world's population (or something like that).

The US has made a system of lawyers leeching off the country. Lawyers finding ways to play the system. Who made this system? The government made the system. Who elected the government? "The people", well at least those who have a vote which is many of those adults living in the 50 states.

The US has changed. People didn't do "this kind of crime", well they might have done something similar, in places. However cities have gotten bigger, the idea of the family has gotten less.

Why? All the Democrats fault for pushing freedom? No.

I knew a girl from Nebraska and some famous person was getting married. I made a comment "doesn't matter when they get married, only when they get divorced". She flipped out.

Her idea of what existed was that you got married and you were happy for the rest of your days. This kind of attitude is the sort of attitude that leads to divorce. The conservatives pushing the happy 1950's style family led to many people feeling their marriage was inadequate.

Lack of education surrounding relationships, sex etc has also helped this.

And guess what. The famous person got divorced, and I think is getting divorced again.

You can try blaming the other side, but really, it's heads up asses time.
So sad to see a utility worker drive by working and risking his life to, in effect, give the savages free electric and cable, etc. Meanwhile the savages would shoot him to steal his wallet. IMO, all occupants of housing projects should be required to work to pay a fair rent, and other expenses that normal people have to pay.

Cops actually stood down...WTF? Are they that afraid to be called racist by racist groups that deny blacks and browns commit most of the violent and property crime in the USA and world?

I read on Vox or Salon, I can't remember which one, that this is not actually looting.

Because "looting" is racist.

See how easy that is? Since looting is racist, this clearly is NOT looting. No matter what you eyes and ears and logical brain is telling you. There, Voxspained.
What I always hope for is a big ass solar flare. One that'll take out the entire global grid for like 12 months. Then let natural selection run its course. In the end, the world will be a quieter, more peaceful place.
Liberals don't even need a natural disaster as an excuse for looting:
You don't even read your own links. This happened days ago, BEFORE the rain was even close to the shore. The store clerk in the video had a heart attack. Criminal? Yes but not associated to the hurricane.
Did someone ask them what political affiliation they have as they exited the store? You know that not all Blacks are Democrats right?

This is why so many Republicans on here are called racists. :rolleyes:
Well, the few blacks who don't vote Dem aren't after free stuff. These are definitely Obama's boys.
Liberals don't even need a natural disaster as an excuse for looting:
You don't even read your own links. This happened days ago, BEFORE the rain was even close to the shore. The store clerk in the video had a heart attack. Criminal? Yes but not associated to the hurricane.
He never said it was due to fucking hurricane you fucking illiterate moron.

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