Democrat Savages Loot Stores After The So-Called Hurricane

The US has made this itself. To blame Democrats is to stick your head so far up your ass it's incredible. It's the fault of the US and the people of the US.

What is "the people of the US?" These savages did not do this kind of crime back in the day in the USA because they would be dealt with on the street, whatever form that might take before creepy lawyers claim they were retarded, mentally ill or whatever and the creepy lawyer whose cousins occupied judgeships agreed.

By the way, the soda and other crap the savages stole is going to make them obese and run to the nearest hospital and end up costing insurance payers and tax payers thousands of dollars to diagnose and to feed free prescriptions to. Democrats are not only retarded, they cost normal people a lot of money

Well. You blame lawyers. The US has about 1/4 of the world's lawyers and yet has 1/25 of the world's population (or something like that).

The US has made a system of lawyers leeching off the country. Lawyers finding ways to play the system. Who made this system? The government made the system. Who elected the government? "The people", well at least those who have a vote which is many of those adults living in the 50 states.

The US has changed. People didn't do "this kind of crime", well they might have done something similar, in places. However cities have gotten bigger, the idea of the family has gotten less.

Why? All the Democrats fault for pushing freedom? No.

I knew a girl from Nebraska and some famous person was getting married. I made a comment "doesn't matter when they get married, only when they get divorced". She flipped out.

Her idea of what existed was that you got married and you were happy for the rest of your days. This kind of attitude is the sort of attitude that leads to divorce. The conservatives pushing the happy 1950's style family led to many people feeling their marriage was inadequate.

Lack of education surrounding relationships, sex etc has also helped this.

And guess what. The famous person got divorced, and I think is getting divorced again.

You can try blaming the other side, but really, it's heads up asses time.
Excellent comment. Please remind me to never ever piss you off.
So sad to see a utility worker drive by working and risking his life to, in effect, give the savages free electric and cable, etc. Meanwhile the savages would shoot him to steal his wallet. IMO, all occupants of housing projects should be required to work to pay a fair rent, and other expenses that normal people have to pay.

Cops actually stood down...WTF? Are they that afraid to be called racist by racist groups that deny blacks and browns commit most of the violent and property crime in the USA and world?

Brazen Looters Pillage Family Dollar Store in Front of News Crew;


Wilmington, NC Police Say Management Told Them to Not Intervene

Brazen looters! Why not tell it like it is. A bunch of n*****s do what they always do, take what doesn’t belong to them because society owes them something.

Dozens of people were seen on camera looting a Family Dollar store in Wilmington, North Carolina, Saturday afternoon. Police announced they were told by store management to “stand down”. Wilmington is one of many towns being pummeled by Hurricane, now Tropical Storm Florence in North and South Carolina this weekend.

Video broadcast live by WECT-TV shows brave reporter Chelsea Donovan confronting looters as they first leave the front of the store, and then the rear, with trash bags filled with stolen merchandise. While the store is across from a public housing project, and looters could be seen heading that way, other looters were piling stolen merchandise in cars parked near the store.

More @ VIDEO=> Brazen Looters Pillage Family Dollar Store in Front of News Crew; Wilmington, NC Police Say Management Told Them to Not Intervene

LOOTERS WILL BE SHOT” Signs Appear As Florence Bears Down, S.C. Governor: “Looters Will Be Shown No Mercy” @ "LOOTERS WILL BE SHOT" Signs Appear As Florence Bears Down, S.C. Governor: "Looters Will Be Shown No Mercy"

Unless police are told to stand down
So sad to see a utility worker drive by working and risking his life to, in effect, give the savages free electric and cable, etc. Meanwhile the savages would shoot him to steal his wallet. IMO, all occupants of housing projects should be required to work to pay a fair rent, and other expenses that normal people have to pay.

Cops actually stood down...WTF? Are they that afraid to be called racist by racist groups that deny blacks and browns commit most of the violent and property crime in the USA and world?

The US has made this itself. To blame Democrats is to stick your head so far up your ass it's incredible. It's the fault of the US and the people of the US.

Trump blames the Dems for all his doings. So his followers do the same. Monkey talk and the Monkey's talk.
When we see stuff like this, it kind of reflects how unprepared people are. I mean if people have to loot stores after only a couple of days of stores being closed, that tells me they only keep a couple of days supply of necessities like food, water, and other things.

What would happen if something really bad happened and all of the stores were closed for months? Even if they did loot them, the haul would only last a couple of weeks. Then what? Once the shelves have been emptied with no outlook of when, if ever, they'll be stocked again, people are gonna kill each other for crumbs. And even the crumbs wont get people through a day or so.

Guranteed none of em ever learned how to snare a rabbit, so that's out the window.
Current Events.

Hi. Got a link to what you today are ranting about?
Here's how to do it with your phone if you're a lib who needs his hand held thru the process:

1. Tap on the title (of the video)
2. This will open YouTube.
3. Watch vid and read the description

Glad I could help
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When we see stuff like this, it kind of reflects how unprepared people are. I mean if people have to loot stores after only a couple of days of stores being closed, that tells me they only keep a couple of days supply of necessities like food, water, and other things.

What would happen if something really bad happened and all of the stores were closed for months? Even if they did loot them, the haul would only last a couple of weeks. Then what? Once the shelves have been emptied with no outlook of when, if ever, they'll be stocked again, people are gonna kill each other for crumbs.And ev en the crumbs wont get people through a day or so.

Guranteed none of em ever learned how to snare a rabbit, so that's out the window.
This isn't strictly about getting "necessities" but about opportunistic stealing for the sake of stealing.

The OP is right. These people should be forced to work for what they have and be made uncomfortable in their life of dependence on the Taxpayer. Unfortunately the government likes them this way.
I don't give a damn about the political affiliation of a looter.
They are all the lowest of humanity and should be shot on site.
Is anyone surprised they are all black??? Cuz, you lives matter.

I'm not surprised. Racists ALWAYS cherry-pick videos of dirty deeds AND assume all dirty-deed-doers are Democrats. Fairly predictable actually, just like your response. I'm waiting for someone to post that the Dallas cop that shot the black guy in his home, and the border patrol cop who is accused of killing 4 women must be Democrats too.
So sad to see a utility worker drive by working and risking his life to, in effect, give the savages free electric and cable, etc. Meanwhile the savages would shoot him to steal his wallet. IMO, all occupants of housing projects should be required to work to pay a fair rent, and other expenses that normal people have to pay.

Cops actually stood down...WTF? Are they that afraid to be called racist by racist groups that deny blacks and browns commit most of the violent and property crime in the USA and world?

Cops stand down because they’re trying to save lives not “things”. This obsession with shooting people over looting or burglary is wrong.

There is no thing that is worth taking a life over.
So sad to see a utility worker drive by working and risking his life to, in effect, give the savages free electric and cable, etc. Meanwhile the savages would shoot him to steal his wallet. IMO, all occupants of housing projects should be required to work to pay a fair rent, and other expenses that normal people have to pay.

Cops actually stood down...WTF? Are they that afraid to be called racist by racist groups that deny blacks and browns commit most of the violent and property crime in the USA and world?

The US has made this itself. To blame Democrats is to stick your head so far up your ass it's incredible. It's the fault of the US and the people of the US.

It's liberal policies that teach this kind of stuff.
Did someone ask them what political affiliation they have as they exited the store? You know that not all Blacks are Democrats right?

This is why so many Republicans on here are called racists. :rolleyes:

Yeah, only about 9 out of 10 blacks are dem voters, so it's real gamble to make a guess ... unless you're a dumbass dork out in the Burbs, of course.

This is why Democrats are racists; they can't go against fashion in any way, too stupid for independent thought.
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Is anyone surprised they are all black??? Cuz, you lives matter.

I'm not surprised. Racists ALWAYS cherry-pick videos of dirty deeds AND assume all dirty-deed-doers are Democrats. Fairly predictable actually, just like your response. I'm waiting for someone to post that the Dallas cop that shot the black guy in his home, and the border patrol cop who is accused of killing 4 women must be Democrats too.
Because most are, when you brag about killing your own kid. You have no morals, and yes women are celebrating them having abortions.
So sad to see a utility worker drive by working and risking his life to, in effect, give the savages free electric and cable, etc. Meanwhile the savages would shoot him to steal his wallet. IMO, all occupants of housing projects should be required to work to pay a fair rent, and other expenses that normal people have to pay.

Cops actually stood down...WTF? Are they that afraid to be called racist by racist groups that deny blacks and browns commit most of the violent and property crime in the USA and world?

The US has made this itself. To blame Democrats is to stick your head so far up your ass it's incredible. It's the fault of the US and the people of the US.

Trump blames the Dems for all his doings. So his followers do the same. Monkey talk and the Monkey's talk.

Obama blamed anyone but himself. Lol, you're clueless.
So sad to see a utility worker drive by working and risking his life to, in effect, give the savages free electric and cable, etc. Meanwhile the savages would shoot him to steal his wallet. IMO, all occupants of housing projects should be required to work to pay a fair rent, and other expenses that normal people have to pay.

Cops actually stood down...WTF? Are they that afraid to be called racist by racist groups that deny blacks and browns commit most of the violent and property crime in the USA and world?

Cops stand down because they’re trying to save lives not “things”. This obsession with shooting people over looting or burglary is wrong.

There is no thing that is worth taking a life over.

Ah, well then , gimme your house, car, and bank account then.

Yet these types are all for falsely charging people like Zimmerman and railroading them into prison, or the lady cop in Dallas, same thing. And, they loves them some abortions, by the 10's of millions, and they loved it when Obama denied refugee status to ME Christians, Red Chinese Christians, any Christians, and they're fine with loony Mullah getting nuclear ballistic missiles, North Korea's treatment of its peoples, etc, too.
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Too bad we don't get this angry at the ruling class and the bankers when they crash the economy.

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