Democrat senators now agree ObamaCare is bad


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Interesting item from Byron York at the Washington Examiner. It seems that even left-wing kooks like Al Franken, Richard Durbin and Charles Schumer understand that the 2.3% tax on medical devices, scheduled to take effect on January 1, is a “job-killing” tax.

Sixteen Democratic senators who voted for the Affordable Care Act are asking that one of its fundraising mechanisms, a 2.3 percent tax on medical devices scheduled to take effect January 1, be delayed. Echoing arguments made by Republicans against Obamacare, the Democratic senators say the levy will cost jobs — in a statement Monday, Sen. Al Franken called it a “job-killing tax” — and also impair American competitiveness in the medical device field.

Democrats urge delay for ?job-killing? Obamacare tax |
bigreb, you have to do it step by step. You are still on the first step.

For instance, Franken was referring to the tax on medical equipment not the ACA. You must learn to quote people and their meanings accurately.

Herod was almost saved from being a crazy reactionary, so you have a chance.
bigreb, you have to do it step by step. You are still on the first step.

For instance, Franken was referring to the tax on medical equipment not the ACA. You must learn to quote people and their meanings accurately.

Herod was almost saved from being a crazy reactionary, so you have a chance.

Jake, why is it you don't reprimand left wing nuts when they distort the truth?
bigreb, you have to do it step by step. You are still on the first step.

For instance, Franken was referring to the tax on medical equipment not the ACA. You must learn to quote people and their meanings accurately.

Herod was almost saved from being a crazy reactionary, so you have a chance.

What part of this don't you understand?? The tax on medical equipment is in the ACA. There is no difference.

Sixteen Democratic senators who voted for the Affordable Care Act are asking that one of its fundraising mechanisms, a 2.3 percent tax on medical devices scheduled to take effect January 1, be delayed. Echoing arguments made by Republicans against Obamacare, the Democratic senators say the levy will cost jobs — in a statement Monday, Sen. Al Franken called it a “job-killing tax” — and also impair American competitiveness in the medical device field.

Since none of it is severable from the bill you have to remove the entire bill to get rid of the tax.
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bigreb, you have to do it step by step. You are still on the first step.

For instance, Franken was referring to the tax on medical equipment not the ACA. You must learn to quote people and their meanings accurately.

Herod was almost saved from being a crazy reactionary, so you have a chance.

Jake, why is it you don't reprimand left wing nuts when they distort the truth?

Papa, you know I do, so why do you lie? But I do reprimand reactionary nuts far more because they are the ones who fuck my GOP. But thousands along with me having been working since 2009 to break that resistance to change, and we are finally getting there. No more reactionary influence of any importance on the national state.
Interesting item from Byron York at the Washington Examiner. It seems that even left-wing kooks like Al Franken, Richard Durbin and Charles Schumer understand that the 2.3% tax on medical devices, scheduled to take effect on January 1, is a “job-killing” tax.

Sixteen Democratic senators who voted for the Affordable Care Act are asking that one of its fundraising mechanisms, a 2.3 percent tax on medical devices scheduled to take effect January 1, be delayed. Echoing arguments made by Republicans against Obamacare, the Democratic senators say the levy will cost jobs — in a statement Monday, Sen. Al Franken called it a “job-killing tax” — and also impair American competitiveness in the medical device field.

Democrats urge delay for ?job-killing? Obamacare tax |

Bump in the road. Change is always like this. Nothing is perfect and no one claimed Obamacare would be

what is scary is how mentally ill you have become over anything 'Obama'. But word has it that your mental issues are covered as a preexisting condition under Obamacare,
Interesting item from Byron York at the Washington Examiner. It seems that even left-wing kooks like Al Franken, Richard Durbin and Charles Schumer understand that the 2.3% tax on medical devices, scheduled to take effect on January 1, is a “job-killing” tax.

Sixteen Democratic senators who voted for the Affordable Care Act are asking that one of its fundraising mechanisms, a 2.3 percent tax on medical devices scheduled to take effect January 1, be delayed. Echoing arguments made by Republicans against Obamacare, the Democratic senators say the levy will cost jobs — in a statement Monday, Sen. Al Franken called it a “job-killing tax” — and also impair American competitiveness in the medical device field.

Democrats urge delay for ?job-killing? Obamacare tax |

Bump in the road. Change is always like this. Nothing is perfect and no one claimed Obamacare would be

what is scary is how mentally ill you have become over anything 'Obama'. But word has it that your mental issues are covered as a preexisting condition under Obamacare,
Dude it's not a bump in the road. obama replaced four worn tires with four blocks.
Interesting item from Byron York at the Washington Examiner. It seems that even left-wing kooks like Al Franken, Richard Durbin and Charles Schumer understand that the 2.3% tax on medical devices, scheduled to take effect on January 1, is a “job-killing” tax.

Democrats urge delay for ?job-killing? Obamacare tax |

Bump in the road. Change is always like this. Nothing is perfect and no one claimed Obamacare would be

what is scary is how mentally ill you have become over anything 'Obama'. But word has it that your mental issues are covered as a preexisting condition under Obamacare,
Dude it's not a bump in the road. obama replaced four worn tires with four blocks.

what is scary is how mentally ill you and others have become over anything 'Obama'. But word has it that all of your mental issues are also covered as a preexisting condition under Obamacare,
Bump in the road. Change is always like this. Nothing is perfect and no one claimed Obamacare would be

what is scary is how mentally ill you have become over anything 'Obama'. But word has it that your mental issues are covered as a preexisting condition under Obamacare,
Dude it's not a bump in the road. obama replaced four worn tires with four blocks.

what is scary is how mentally ill you and others have become over anything 'Obama'. But word has it that all of your mental issues are also covered as a preexisting condition under Obamacare,

What is worse is how you obama fluffers are devoid of the truth
Obamacare is better than what we had before. No one defended the old system. Even granting all of the right's criticisms as valid (which I don't), that leaves at least half of America defending Obamacare

Everyone agreed the old system was broken.
Obamacare is better than what we had before. No one defended the old system. Even granting all of the right's criticisms as valid (which I don't), that leaves at least half of America defending Obamacare

Everyone agreed the old system was broken.

let's call it what it is, obamatax the largest tax increase on the middle class. with out that tax mandate it unsustainable
Obamacare is better than what we had before. No one defended the old system. Even granting all of the right's criticisms as valid (which I don't), that leaves at least half of America defending Obamacare

Everyone agreed the old system was broken.

let's call it what it is, obamatax the largest tax increase on the middle class. with out that tax mandate it unsustainable

Yet to be seen if "the largest".

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