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Democrat Support For Terrorism Remembered


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Imagine, if the 9/11 bombers had survived and were captured.
I assume that they would have been given a lengthy prison term...at least.

Would they have been pardoned?

And....if they were, what would that say about the views of the elected official who released them?

Today is an anniversary related to the above.

1. "There was a time when American terrorists moved to a Latin beat. Puerto Rican Independence was the song, and it had been pulsing in the background for decades.
On Friday, Jan. 24, 1975, it exploded onto center stage.

2. The place was Fraunces Tavern, the historic red- and yellow-brick restaurant on Pearl St. where, as any tour book will tell you, that most famous of American freedom fighters, George Washington, said farewell to his officers in 1783.

3..... having lunch ... were Harold H. Sherburne, 66, whose career on Wall Street spanned four decades, and a young banker, Frank Connor, 33, who had worked his way up over 15 years from clerk to assistant vice president at Morgan Guaranty Trust. Two executives, James Gezork, 32, of Wilmington, Del., and Alejandro Berger, 28,....

It would be their last meal.

4.....even as, the News noted, “dazed and screaming victims, one of them with an arm torn off, were being carried away” — the Associated Press received a phone call. The caller boasted that the bomb was the handiwork of the FALN, the Armed Forces of Puerto Rican National Liberation, radicals devoted to using violence to free the island from the grips of the United States.

5. Over the next nine years, FALN would take credit for more than 130 bombings that killed six, and maimed and injured scores of victims.

6. No one was ever tried for planting the Fraunces Tavern bomb, although in the early 1980s, 16 FALN members, including one of the leaders, Oscar Lopez-Rivera, were arrested and convicted of plotting to overthrow the government, weapons possession, and other charges."
Justice Story: FALN bomb kills 4 at Fraunces Tavern,*where George Washington said farewell to troops* - NY Daily News

7. "''I hung on to the memories of my childhood, more than other kids, I think, because that is all I had of him,'' said Joseph Connor, who was 9 then and is now 33, the same age as his father on the day he died.

8. President Clinton announced on Aug. 11 a conditional offer of commutation for 16 members of the group that claimed responsibility for the attack at the restaurant, Fraunces Tavern, which killed 4 and injured more than 60 people. Now Joseph and his older brother, Thomas, 35, veer between outrage and gloom....

9. [But] Nydia M. Velazquez, a Democratic Congresswoman from New York, for example, said the releases should be unconditional.

10. ''When I wrestled in high school, other kids had their dads there, I never did,'' Joseph Connor said. ''He missed so many life events -- my graduation from college, my wedding, the birth of my kids.''

''Not a day goes by that I don't think about him,'' he said."
Clemency Opens Old Scars For Sons of Bombing Victim - NYTimes.com

January 24th, 1975....a date that Clinton long ago forgot.

Echoes of Democrat Barack Obama's political soul mate, another bomber, and the author of his 'autobiography,' Bill Ayers......

Democrats, it seems, don't have any problem with terrorists.....
...after all, violence is at home on the Left.

The more things change, the more they remain the same.
1."This is not the first time that Hillary Clinton, Cheryl Mills, and Eric Holder have been accused of attempting to thwart a congressional investigation. Not by a long shot.

2. This time around, it’s been Clinton and Mills questioned over the Benghazi terrorist attack and botched cover story, while Holder is facing scrutiny for his questionable congressional testimony about his department’s highly suspicious investigations into members of the media. The saga that follows is just one example of their past escapades.

3. On August 11, 1999, President Bill Clinton offered clemency to 16 unrepentant members of the Puerto Rican terrorist group FALN (Armed Forces for National Liberation). The FALN carried out a reign of terror in America from 1974 through 1983, conducting 114 bombings including the January 24, 1975 lunchtime attack of New York’s historic Fraunces Tavern ....

4. Inexplicably, the Justice Department conducted the standard investigation, which resulted in Pardon Attorney Margaret Love not recommending the terrorists’ release. However, Eric Holder, then Deputy Attorney General, fired Love and compelled her replacement, Roger Adams, to draft a neutral “options” memo which provided President Clinton the rationale he needed to offer their releases.

5.... the reasons for these Clinton-era clemencies were purely political and an obvious attempt to further Hillary Clinton’s political career... designed to help her gain footing with New York’s Puerto Rican population of 3.5 million people.

6. .... Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, and her former Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills, who, in 1999, wrote to congressional investigators to inform them that President Clinton would be asserting executive privilege in the inquiry into the FALN.

7. It’s time America understands who Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, and Cheryl Mills really are: ruthless, unscrupulous political opportunists. I said in 1999, “It is painful to think that my father’s life was worth less to the president than his wife’s election.”
Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder Still Blocking the Truth

The author of the above was Joseph F. Connor. His father was killed in the FALN bombing of New York’s historic Fraunces Tavern, January 24th, 1975.
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In 1976, Cuban terrorist Orlando Bosch blew up a civilian airliner and killed 73 people, using the justification "All Castro's planes are warplanes."

Bush Sr. pardoned him in 1990. Almost all Republicans cheered. It's still nearly impossible to find a Republican who will criticize the pardon.
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In 1976, Cuban terrorist Orlando Bosch blew up a civilian airliner and killed 73 people, using the justification "All Castro's planes are warplanes."

Bush Sr. pardoned him in 1990. Almost all Republicans cheered. It's still nearly impossible to find a Republican who will criticize the pardon.

1. Your inordinate hatred of everything Right seems to have clouded both your perceptions and your ability to do research.

"Bosch was arrested in Caracas on 8 October 1976, and held for nearly four years while awaiting trial for his role concerning the Cubana Flight 455 bombing. He was acquitted along with three co-defendants (one of them Luis Posada Carriles) of these charges in September 1980, with the court finding that the flight had been brought down by a bomb but that there was insufficient evidence to prove the defendants were responsible.Bosch was convicted of possessing false identification papers, and sentenced to 4 and a half months, set against time already served. Defending himself, he would later say, infamously, "All of Castro's planes are warplanes."
The Miami Herald, 27 September 1980, "Venezuelans Absolve Bosch in Bombing of Plane"

2. " In 1989, prominent Cuban-Americans in Florida began agitating for the release of Orlando Bosch, a notorious anti-Castro terrorist then serving a prison term for entering the United States illegally."
The Bush pardons - Salon.com

Are you ready to apologize for your error?

3. And...since you were, it seems, incensed at the erroneous thought of pardoning Bosch as a bomber....would you like to attack Bill 'the rapist' Clinton for pardoning convicted bombers?

And...how about the same for Barack Hussein Obama, the most merciful, the most compassionate, for his close relationship with the admitted bomber who wrote his 'autobiography,' Bill Ayers?
1."This is not the first time that Hillary Clinton, Cheryl Mills, and Eric Holder have been accused of attempting to thwart a congressional investigation. Not by a long shot.

2. This time around, it’s been Clinton and Mills questioned over the Benghazi terrorist attack and botched cover story, while Holder is facing scrutiny for his questionable congressional testimony about his department’s highly suspicious investigations into members of the media. The saga that follows is just one example of their past escapades.

3. On August 11, 1999, President Bill Clinton offered clemency to 16 unrepentant members of the Puerto Rican terrorist group FALN (Armed Forces for National Liberation). The FALN carried out a reign of terror in America from 1974 through 1983, conducting 114 bombings including the January 24, 1975 lunchtime attack of New York’s historic Fraunces Tavern ....

4. Inexplicably, the Justice Department conducted the standard investigation, which resulted in Pardon Attorney Margaret Love not recommending the terrorists’ release. However, Eric Holder, then Deputy Attorney General, fired Love and compelled her replacement, Roger Adams, to draft a neutral “options” memo which provided President Clinton the rationale he needed to offer their releases.

5.... the reasons for these Clinton-era clemencies were purely political and an obvious attempt to further Hillary Clinton’s political career... designed to help her gain footing with New York’s Puerto Rican population of 3.5 million people.

6. .... Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, and her former Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills, who, in 1999, wrote to congressional investigators to inform them that President Clinton would be asserting executive privilege in the inquiry into the FALN.

7. It’s time America understands who Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder, and Cheryl Mills really are: ruthless, unscrupulous political opportunists. I said in 1999, “It is painful to think that my father’s life was worth less to the president than his wife’s election.”
Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder Still Blocking the Truth

The author of the above was Joseph F. Connor. His father was killed in the FALN bombing of New York’s historic Fraunces Tavern, January 24th, 1975.

Are you ready to apologize for your error?

Wow. You're making excuses for an airplane bomber? You've stooped low before, but now you're plumbing new depths.

But thanks for making my point so convincingly, which is that many Republicans will proudly kiss the asses of terrorists, so long as those terrorists are aligned with the right.

3. And...since you were, it seems, incensed at the erroneous thought of pardoning Bosch as a bomber....would you like to attack Bill 'the rapist' Clinton for pardoning convicted bombers?

Clinton didn't pardon anyone who had done violence. And they had all already served 19 years, which was much longer than the standard sentence for non-violent offenders. That would justify the pardons as correcting a case of politically motivated oversentencing.

So, are you going to admit your error here, when you said Clinton pardoned bombers? Or will you double down on it, turning it into a deliberate lie?

And...how about the same for Barack Hussein Obama, the most merciful, the most compassionate, for his close relationship with the admitted bomber who wrote his 'autobiography,' Bill Ayers?

Ayers who ... blew up an ugly statue? That's vandalism, not terrorism. Unlike your mass-murdering hero Bosch, Ayers didn't hurt anyone or attempt to hurt anyone.
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Are you ready to apologize for your error?

Wow. You're making excuses for an airplane bomber? You've stooped low before, but now you're plumbing new depths.

But thanks for making my point so convincingly, which is that many Republicans will proudly kiss the asses of terrorists, so long as those terrorists are aligned with the right.

3. And...since you were, it seems, incensed at the erroneous thought of pardoning Bosch as a bomber....would you like to attack Bill 'the rapist' Clinton for pardoning convicted bombers?

Clinton didn't pardon anyone who had done violence. And they had all already served 19 years, which was much longer than the standard sentence for non-violent offenders. That would justify the pardons as correcting a case of politically motivated oversentencing.

So, are you going to admit your error here, when you said Clinton pardoned bombers? Or will you double down on it, turning it into a deliberate lie?

And...how about the same for Barack Hussein Obama, the most merciful, the most compassionate, for his close relationship with the admitted bomber who wrote his 'autobiography,' Bill Ayers?

Ayers who ... blew up an ugly statue? That's vandalism, not terrorism. Unlike your mass-murdering hero Bosch, Ayers didn't hurt anyone or attempt to hurt anyone.

Coming right up: about to rip a new one for someone who is one!

1. "Wow. You're making excuses for an airplane bomber? You've stooped low before, but now you're plumbing new depths."

Since I provided proof that he was no such thing....you're pretty much self-identified as either a liar or a moron.

For purposes of clarity...which is it?

2. "Clinton didn't pardon anyone who had done violence."

Now...the only difference between Custer’s Last Stand and what I’m about to do to you is that Custer didn’t have to read the post afterwards.

"In 1999, her husband [Bill Clinton] offered pardons to 16 unrepentant members of a fringe Puerto Rican terrorist group known as the FALN (Armed Forces of National Liberation), who were based in the U.S., and the Macheteros (machete-wielders), the FALN's island-based branch. They were seeking independence from the U.S. and had virtually no political support on the island

During the 1970s and 1980s, FALN members set off at least 138 bombs in five major U.S. Cities. Six Americans were killed in those attacks. One of those bombings, in January 1975, was at the historic Fraunces Tavern in lower Manhattan while patrons were at lunch. The explosion killed four and injured more than 50."
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Hillary, Terrorism and the FALN

3. "Ayers who ... blew up an ugly statue? That's vandalism, not terrorism. Unlike your mass-murdering hero Bosch, Ayers didn't hurt anyone or attempt to hurt anyone.

a. Bosch was found not guilty in a court of law.

b. "... moderator George Stephanopoulos asked Barack Obama about his relationship to William Ayers, the unrepentant member of the Weather Underground who had participated in several bombings of government facilities back in 1970s.

Since that time, Ayers had become active in leftist circles in Chicago. In 2001, Ayers bragged, "I don't regret setting bombs. I feel we didn't do enough."

At the debate, Sen. Hillary Clinton condemned Obama's association with Ayers, adding that in those bombings "people died." "So it is--I think it is, again, an issue that people will be asking about," said Clinton.:
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Hillary, Terrorism and the FALN

I actually have personal familiarity with the Greenwich Village bombing involving Ayers.

So....you are a lying fool.

So stupid and dishonest you'd try to steal a free sample.
Are you ready to apologize for your error?

Wow. You're making excuses for an airplane bomber? You've stooped low before, but now you're plumbing new depths.

But thanks for making my point so convincingly, which is that many Republicans will proudly kiss the asses of terrorists, so long as those terrorists are aligned with the right.

3. And...since you were, it seems, incensed at the erroneous thought of pardoning Bosch as a bomber....would you like to attack Bill 'the rapist' Clinton for pardoning convicted bombers?

Clinton didn't pardon anyone who had done violence. And they had all already served 19 years, which was much longer than the standard sentence for non-violent offenders. That would justify the pardons as correcting a case of politically motivated oversentencing.

So, are you going to admit your error here, when you said Clinton pardoned bombers? Or will you double down on it, turning it into a deliberate lie?

And...how about the same for Barack Hussein Obama, the most merciful, the most compassionate, for his close relationship with the admitted bomber who wrote his 'autobiography,' Bill Ayers?

Ayers who ... blew up an ugly statue? That's vandalism, not terrorism. Unlike your mass-murdering hero Bosch, Ayers didn't hurt anyone or attempt to hurt anyone.

Really? No violence?

Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional Puertorriqueña - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And just for good measure, Clinton pardoned a pervert convicted of Solicitation of Child Pornograpy.
It was Republicans who let Bin Laden go. Ignored 9/11 warnings. Invited al Qaeda into Iraq. Made a new friend for Iran. Turned Iraq into a hard core right wing Islamic Theocracy by Constitution. Began the Arab Spring that turned into Middle East Bloodshed. It was Republicans who did nothing when Iraqi Christians were being crucified and chased from their homeland.
Republicans couldn't have caused more damage even if they were working together with al Qaeda from the start.
Are you ready to apologize for your error?

Wow. You're making excuses for an airplane bomber? You've stooped low before, but now you're plumbing new depths.

But thanks for making my point so convincingly, which is that many Republicans will proudly kiss the asses of terrorists, so long as those terrorists are aligned with the right.

Clinton didn't pardon anyone who had done violence. And they had all already served 19 years, which was much longer than the standard sentence for non-violent offenders. That would justify the pardons as correcting a case of politically motivated oversentencing.

So, are you going to admit your error here, when you said Clinton pardoned bombers? Or will you double down on it, turning it into a deliberate lie?

And...how about the same for Barack Hussein Obama, the most merciful, the most compassionate, for his close relationship with the admitted bomber who wrote his 'autobiography,' Bill Ayers?

Ayers who ... blew up an ugly statue? That's vandalism, not terrorism. Unlike your mass-murdering hero Bosch, Ayers didn't hurt anyone or attempt to hurt anyone.

Coming right up: about to rip a new one for someone who is one!

1. "Wow. You're making excuses for an airplane bomber? You've stooped low before, but now you're plumbing new depths."

Since I provided proof that he was no such thing....you're pretty much self-identified as either a liar or a moron.

For purposes of clarity...which is it?

2. "Clinton didn't pardon anyone who had done violence."

Now...the only difference between Custer’s Last Stand and what I’m about to do to you is that Custer didn’t have to read the post afterwards.

"In 1999, her husband [Bill Clinton] offered pardons to 16 unrepentant members of a fringe Puerto Rican terrorist group known as the FALN (Armed Forces of National Liberation), who were based in the U.S., and the Macheteros (machete-wielders), the FALN's island-based branch. They were seeking independence from the U.S. and had virtually no political support on the island

During the 1970s and 1980s, FALN members set off at least 138 bombs in five major U.S. Cities. Six Americans were killed in those attacks. One of those bombings, in January 1975, was at the historic Fraunces Tavern in lower Manhattan while patrons were at lunch. The explosion killed four and injured more than 50."
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Hillary, Terrorism and the FALN

3. "Ayers who ... blew up an ugly statue? That's vandalism, not terrorism. Unlike your mass-murdering hero Bosch, Ayers didn't hurt anyone or attempt to hurt anyone.

a. Bosch was found not guilty in a court of law.

b. "... moderator George Stephanopoulos asked Barack Obama about his relationship to William Ayers, the unrepentant member of the Weather Underground who had participated in several bombings of government facilities back in 1970s.

Since that time, Ayers had become active in leftist circles in Chicago. In 2001, Ayers bragged, "I don't regret setting bombs. I feel we didn't do enough."

At the debate, Sen. Hillary Clinton condemned Obama's association with Ayers, adding that in those bombings "people died." "So it is--I think it is, again, an issue that people will be asking about," said Clinton.:
RealClearPolitics - Articles - Hillary, Terrorism and the FALN

I actually have personal familiarity with the Greenwich Village bombing involving Ayers.

So....you are a lying fool.

So stupid and dishonest you'd try to steal a free sample.

Mamooth qualifies as both moron and liar.
It was Republicans who let Bin Laden go. Ignored 9/11 warnings. Invited al Qaeda into Iraq. Made a new friend for Iran. Turned Iraq into a hard core right wing Islamic Theocracy by Constitution. Began the Arab Spring that turned into Middle East Bloodshed. It was Republicans who did nothing when Iraqi Christians were being crucified and chased from their homeland.
Republicans couldn't have caused more damage even if they were working together with al Qaeda from the start.

Ummmm, it was Clinton who let BL go. Look it up.
It was Republicans who let Bin Laden go. Ignored 9/11 warnings. Invited al Qaeda into Iraq. Made a new friend for Iran. Turned Iraq into a hard core right wing Islamic Theocracy by Constitution. Began the Arab Spring that turned into Middle East Bloodshed. It was Republicans who did nothing when Iraqi Christians were being crucified and chased from their homeland.
Republicans couldn't have caused more damage even if they were working together with al Qaeda from the start.

Ummmm, it was Clinton who let BL go. Look it up.

Not according to Clinton.

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It was Republicans who let Bin Laden go. Ignored 9/11 warnings. Invited al Qaeda into Iraq. Made a new friend for Iran. Turned Iraq into a hard core right wing Islamic Theocracy by Constitution. Began the Arab Spring that turned into Middle East Bloodshed. It was Republicans who did nothing when Iraqi Christians were being crucified and chased from their homeland.
Republicans couldn't have caused more damage even if they were working together with al Qaeda from the start.

Ummmm, it was Clinton who let BL go. Look it up.

Not according to Clinton.

Man I miss Bill Clinton
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It was Republicans who let Bin Laden go. Ignored 9/11 warnings. Invited al Qaeda into Iraq. Made a new friend for Iran. Turned Iraq into a hard core right wing Islamic Theocracy by Constitution. Began the Arab Spring that turned into Middle East Bloodshed. It was Republicans who did nothing when Iraqi Christians were being crucified and chased from their homeland.
Republicans couldn't have caused more damage even if they were working together with al Qaeda from the start.

Ummmm, it was Clinton who let BL go. Look it up.

Not according to Clinton.

Rickey Ray Rector....famous for leaving the desert from his last meal as he was being taken to be executed....saying 'I'll have it when I get back...."

"Rector’s appeal for clemency took place during Clinton’s presidential campaign—specifically during the New Hampshire primary. Clinton presumably wanted to present himself as someone who was firm on crime and capital punishment in order to garner more votes. Rector’s execution, therefore, became quite important to the candidate, though the eleven-year controversy over Rector’s case had already guaranteed that Clinton’s decision would be highly public. In keeping with this strong stance on capital punishment, Clinton not only denied Rector’s appeal for clemency but flew home to Arkansas in order to oversee the execution personally."
Rickey Ray Rector (Execution of) - Encyclopedia of Arkansas

Executing Rickey Ray was essential for Clinton....

bin Laden....not so much.
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Ummmm, it was Clinton who let BL go. Look it up.

Not according to Clinton.

Rickey Ray Rector....famous for leaving the desert from his last meal as he was being taken to be executed....saying 'I'll have it when I get back...."

"Rector’s appeal for clemency took place during Clinton’s presidential campaign—specifically during the New Hampshire primary. Clinton presumably wanted to present himself as someone who was firm on crime and capital punishment in order to garner more votes. Rector’s execution, therefore, became quite important to the candidate, though the eleven-year controversy over Rector’s case had already guaranteed that Clinton’s decision would be highly public. In keeping with this strong stance on capital punishment, Clinton not only denied Rector’s appeal for clemency but flew home to Arkansas in order to oversee the execution personally."
Rickey Ray Rector (Execution of) - Encyclopedia of Arkansas

Executing Rickey Ray was essential for Clinton....

bin Laden....not so much.

Did you bother to read your link? There was no dispute that Rector brutally murdered two people. The dispute was the guy, after shooting himself in the head, was possibly not competent to stand trial. That's his own fucking fault.
9/11 happened after Bill Clinton left office. Bush and the Republicans were warned. Their arrogant ignorance kept them from doing anything. That's the right wing, arrogant ignorance.

Why I can't understand is why you want to defend a murderer. Course, you probably see child killer George Zimmerman as a "hero".
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Rickey Ray Rector....famous for leaving the desert from his last meal as he was being taken to be executed....saying 'I'll have it when I get back...."

"Rector’s appeal for clemency took place during Clinton’s presidential campaign—specifically during the New Hampshire primary. Clinton presumably wanted to present himself as someone who was firm on crime and capital punishment in order to garner more votes. Rector’s execution, therefore, became quite important to the candidate, though the eleven-year controversy over Rector’s case had already guaranteed that Clinton’s decision would be highly public. In keeping with this strong stance on capital punishment, Clinton not only denied Rector’s appeal for clemency but flew home to Arkansas in order to oversee the execution personally."
Rickey Ray Rector (Execution of) - Encyclopedia of Arkansas

Executing Rickey Ray was essential for Clinton....

bin Laden....not so much.

Did you bother to read your link? There was no dispute that Rector brutally murdered two people. The dispute was the guy, after shooting himself in the head, was possibly not competent to stand trial. That's his own fucking fault.
9/11 happened after Bill Clinton left office. Bush and the Republicans were warned. Their arrogant ignorance kept them from doing anything. That's the right wing, arrogant ignorance.

Why I can't understand is why you want to defend a murderer. Course, you probably see child killer George Zimmerman as a "hero".

1. "Did you bother to read your link?"
Of course, and I'm fully familiar with the case.
Did you bother to engage your cerebrum?

I made no excuse for the death penalty, or that Rector didn't deserve same.

The point you seem determined to miss is that at the very least, bin Laden deserved the same attention from the rapist, Clinton.

"[Clinton] administration having passed on numerous opportunities to kill or capture the al Qaeda leader before 9/11."
60 Minutes Details Clinton Passing on Opportunity to Kill Bin Laden in 1999 | NewsBusters

2. "Bush and the Republicans were warned."

Provide that warning, dunce.

3. "Why I can't understand is why you want to defend a murderer."

Show where I did that.

4. "Course, you probably see child killer George Zimmerman as a "hero""

What is clear is that you see the rapist as your hero.

I'd like to leave you with one thought, but I'm not sure you have anywhere to put it.
It was Republicans who let Bin Laden go. Ignored 9/11 warnings. Invited al Qaeda into Iraq. Made a new friend for Iran. Turned Iraq into a hard core right wing Islamic Theocracy by Constitution. Began the Arab Spring that turned into Middle East Bloodshed. It was Republicans who did nothing when Iraqi Christians were being crucified and chased from their homeland.
Republicans couldn't have caused more damage even if they were working together with al Qaeda from the start.

Ummmm, it was Clinton who let BL go. Look it up.

Clinton tried, unsuccessfully, to kill BL.

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