Democrat Waste Taxpayers $$$ With Childish Stunt

Typical Democrat. Nothing better to do with our tax dollars than to waste it on some childish bullshit grandstanding.
Cohen defends chicken stunt aimed at Barr, says it was planned night before

Of course he defends it. He ought to slapped with a $50,000 fine for pulling that crap at a congressional hearing. When is there ever going to be any integrity with our officials? I'd be arrested if I did that. It took advance planning to stop and buy that bucket of chicken and bring it onto the floor, they knew Barr wouldn't be there because that was their intention all along in insulting him the day before!

Democrats: the perennial adolescents who never grow up past the age of 16.

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Typical Democrat. Nothing better to do with our tax dollars than to waste it on some childish bullshit grandstanding.
Cohen defends chicken stunt aimed at Barr, says it was planned night before

KFC closes at 10:30 PM but the window is open till 11:00 PM. How much money did he get for advertising KFC? edit: This publicity stunt harks back to the Hoover Days, a chicken in
Typical Democrat. Nothing better to do with our tax dollars than to waste it on some childish bullshit grandstanding.
Cohen defends chicken stunt aimed at Barr, says it was planned night before

Of course he defends it. He ought to slapped with a $50,000 fine for pulling that crap at a congressional hearing. When is there ever going to be any integrity with our officials? I'd be arrested if I did that. It took advance planning to stop and buy that bucket of chicken and bring it onto the floor, they knew Barr wouldn't be there because that was their intention all along in insulting him the day before!

Democrats: the perennial adolescents who never grow up past the age of 16.

View attachment 259626
Democrats have no new ideas. Only gimmicks.
Typical Democrat. Nothing better to do with our tax dollars than to waste it on some childish bullshit grandstanding.
Cohen defends chicken stunt aimed at Barr, says it was planned night before

KFC closes at 10:30 PM but the window is open till 11:00 PM. How much money did he get for advertising KFC? edit: This publicity stunt harks back to the Hoover Days, a chicken in
Typical Democrat. Nothing better to do with our tax dollars than to waste it on some childish bullshit grandstanding.
Cohen defends chicken stunt aimed at Barr, says it was planned night before

Of course he defends it. He ought to slapped with a $50,000 fine for pulling that crap at a congressional hearing. When is there ever going to be any integrity with our officials? I'd be arrested if I did that. It took advance planning to stop and buy that bucket of chicken and bring it onto the floor, they knew Barr wouldn't be there because that was their intention all along in insulting him the day before!

Democrats: the perennial adolescents who never grow up past the age of 16.

View attachment 259626

I eat chicken but only moderately. I have a soft heart and worry about the poor chickens.
Democrats have no new ideas. Only gimmicks.
I eat chicken but only in moderation because I worry about the poor chickens.
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...And next, Democrats are going to start chugging shots of Scotch,
as a tribute to everyone "taking the fifth"....

I doubt that. If anybody is chugging booze it has to be republicans.
Typical Democrat. Nothing better to do with our tax dollars than to waste it on some childish bullshit grandstanding.
Cohen defends chicken stunt aimed at Barr, says it was planned night before

The Barr investigation of Trumps made up story of being spied on is going to waste more taxpayer money than that bucket of chicken.

LMAO Barr will investigate the giant shit show that was the Mueller investigation.

He already stated that Trump's campaign was spied on and I'd be he will get the proof.

His report should be a dandy and I hope we all get to read it.

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