Democrate committe hearings


Gold Member
Jul 25, 2020
Thier was one on CNN the last two days, I did not watch nothing but BS, each party has their own spin and pre0rehersed goals are a funking joke, this is useless nothing never happens for we the people just theater, look at the impeachment hearings and countles meetings and for what NOTHING, Now I really do not care about the hate America sees from Democrats to them what has the do nothing House of Drunk Nancy Pelosi done for America NOTHING except give my money to her pet projects if Leader McConnel agrees I do not care is you are a Republican or Democrate do the math each Congress person has a staff so $180,000 per Congress person then staff $50,000 each average 10 plus Health Benefit Thats like 100 million dollads per year were is Bernie we have a socialist House of Representatives now?

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