Democratic Bastions California And New York Are Flopping On Vaccine Rollout


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Democrat Bastions California And New York Are Failing On Vaccine Rollout (
4 Jan 2021 ~~ By Jordan Davidson
As states around the country are working to distribute and administer doses of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, some governors are handling the responsibility better than others.
While states such as West Virginia, North Dakota, and South Dakota top the charts for administering vaccines, ranking above a rate of 2,700 vaccinations per 100,000 people, other states such as California and New York are dragging their feet on implementation, administering vaccines to just over 1,000 people per 100,000 in the states’ populations.
As of Monday in New York, however, vaccines were overwhelmingly limited to being administered during business hours, with large drops in administered vaccinations over weekends and holidays. On Christmas Day, only 180 people in the entire state of New York received a dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. On New Year’s Day, only 135 people in the state were vaccinated.

Another hangup in New York’s vaccine implementation plan is Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s decision to increase penalties on health care providers who disregard the state’s COVID-19 vaccine prioritization schedule, which includes vaccinating drug addicts before senior citizens.

The Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats led by Ezekiel Emanuele (Doctor Death) and his fellow Democrat Governors are implementing their part of the Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (DIE) strategy to kill off white pensioimplementing trs. They have cloaked this effort by prioritizing first responders and front-line workers, whose typical case fatality rate is under 1%, vs 60 and over elderly, whose death rate is 3.5%-20% (using Italian numbers).
Meanwhile, Florida's governor DeSantis has ignored the CDC's kill whitey guidelines, and prioritized 65 and over adults.
It's genocide they seek.....
you mean incompetent liberal governors and liberal beauracrats are botching something??
No way!!
I mean hell, they only had how long to figure out how to implement this, 4 months? 6?

Add it to the list of Cuomo’s tight work. First shipping Covid patients back into nursing homes and killing thousands.Then prioritizing drug addicts over seniors for the vacciine. Now completely fucking up the administering of the vaccine. Way to go cuomo!!

And let me ask this... according to the libs this virus is the greatest threat ever, necessitating a permanent change to our very society. Hell, even constitutional rights fall to the waysidebefore the night of the Covid. Yet they don’t seem all that serious about getting this vaccine out and getting people vaccinated. In fact, seems like they don’t really give a shit.
Looks like it’s just another case of playing politics.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has proposed a new law that would make it a crime to administer the coronavirus vaccine to anyone who is not eligible under his rollout guidelines. Currently, eligibility is limited to health care workers, first responders, and people living in congregate settings such as nursing homes. That leaves millions of New Yorkers ineligible even as doses go unused and expire.
The end of Cuomo’s dictatorial rule under emergency powers depends upon vaccinating a large percentage of New Yorkers, meaning his mishandling of the rollout is prolonging the lockdown and his own emergency powers. This is absolute madness. The first priority here should be to make sure all of the vaccine doses are used. Getting them to the people who need them most has to be a secondary goal given that loosening restrictions on our lives will depend on far more than just inoculating the first wave of those eligible.

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