Democratic congressman SUES Donald Trump accusing him of inciting the January 6 MAGA riot,

You insane leftwingers are living in a dream world if you think a President can be sued for a small riot, especially when the “court”, aka impeachment exonerated him.
There is no evidence that Trump had anything to do with the protest aside from telling people they had a right to proteet.
Donald Trump has lived by the law suit sword. He has bragged he has filed or defended over 3,000 lawsuits.

This is karma.

He will be spending the next four years defending law suits brought against him.

This is only the first of many to deal with the insurrection.

The saving grace of course is that Trump will ask for money from his supporters and his supporters will gladly ante up to pay for his lawyers and damages.

Quite a joke. How many companies do you think former President Donald Trump has owned or had a part of during his 50 years as a New York City developer? Currently, he has between 400 and 500. And he's been sued over 3,000 times. WOW!

This is excellent news. He should be hounded to the grave. Will it be televised ?


This is excellent news. He should be hounded to the grave. Will it be televised ?
Yay more commie America hating news for the wackos to get all excited over!!!
Poor dare anyone hold him accountable!!!!!!!

For? All the great things he has done for our country in only four years?
Chalk this up as another loss for the Dems. The counter suit could drive Bennie into bankruptcy. Especially considering HIS side got caught fabricating evidence.
You insane leftwingers are living in a dream world if you think a President can be sued for a small riot, especially when the “court”, aka impeachment exonerated him.
How was he exonerated. His mates voted to let him off. The majority found him guilty. A normal jury will convict the fat ****. Bring it on.
You insane leftwingers are living in a dream world if you think a President can be sued for a small riot, especially when the “court”, aka impeachment exonerated him.
How was he exonerated. His mates voted to let him off. The majority found him guilty. A normal jury will convict the fat ****. Bring it on.
The impeachment failed, there was no evidence of any wrongdoing or incitement of violence or trying to start an insurrection. You cannot question it, doing so incites violence. Would hate to have to report you for spreading dangerous disinformation.

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