Democratic Exodus


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
It's time for the pendulum to swing...^

Democratic Exodus

January 17, 2014 by Matthew Vadum


Terrified Democratic lawmakers are retiring in droves because they know it won’t be easy to survive the anti-establishment electoral tsunami expected to swamp Capitol Hill in November.

Democrats have every reason to feel depressed about the approaching midterm elections, according to famed psephologist and prognosticator Larry Sabato.

This will probably be “a good election year for the GOP,” Sabato says. Rattling off the main factors that appear to be driving this election cycle, Sabato opined,

The president is a Democrat and his approval is weak. The economy may be improving, based on GDP growth (4.1 percent in the third quarter), but voters still don’t believe their personal economy, at least, has picked up much. Instead, the major national issue of the moment is Obamacare, which at this point is a loser for Democrats. The structure of the election in the House and Senate also bends in the GOP direction.


With a straight face, this week Nancy Pelosi praised Israel-hating Moran as “a pillar of our Caucus and one of the finest legislators in the House.” Surely she was lying when she said the endlessly obnoxious bloody shirt-waving congressman’s “eloquence and ability commands the respect of members on both sides of the aisle.”

Expect Pelosi’s lying to intensify over the coming 10 months.

Democratic Exodus | FrontPage Magazine
Maintaining a top country takes money...fact.

The violent, hard-drinking, rage-filled, emotionally volatile Moran has a long corruption rap sheet. Amazingly enough, he managed to stay out of jail after taking what appeared to be a bribe from a lobbyist. Moran accepted an unsecured $25,000 “loan,” based on a secret promissory note issued by a registered lobbyist, Terry Lierman, who received legislative assistance from the congressman.

Lierman represented Schering-Plough Corp., which hired him to push Congress to defend its monopoly on the popular allergy drug Claritin. On June 30, 1999, Moran co-sponsored legislation to help Schering-Plough. The next month Moran sent a letter to other Democratic lawmakers, seeking support for the measure. That summer Moran accepted $25,000 from Lierman. The promissory note had no maturity date and did not indicate when the principal had to be repaid except to stipulate that Lierman could call in the loan at any time. This means it was less a promissory note than a “get out of jail free” card ready to be made public in case of emergency.

Democratic Exodus | FrontPage Magazine
Dude wtf are you reading these days? That link is NOT a news article. It's pretty much a forum post. :dunno:

Where have you been? AJ never posts anything but FrontPageMag and AmericanThinker articles. He makes no attempt at being impartial, or bringing to the table an original thought.
Dude wtf are you reading these days? That link is NOT a news article. It's pretty much a forum post. :dunno:

If you disagree, why not take the opportunity to show us how the article is wrong?

Dismissing it out of hand does nothing but to take up room in cyberspace.

If the source is indeed that bad, you should have no trouble, right?
Dude wtf are you reading these days? That link is NOT a news article. It's pretty much a forum post. :dunno:

If you disagree, why not take the opportunity to show us how the article is wrong?

Dismissing it out of hand does nothing but to take up room in cyberspace.

If the source is indeed that bad, you should have no trouble, right?

It's a common trend for the party that holds the White House to do bad in the midterm elections. The Democrats know this. The article says they are "terrified". What they are is prepared for the inevitable. FrontPageMag is turning it into something it isn't. They are crying victory over nothing. The source is indeed bad.

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