Democratic Party Becomes Party Of Corruption


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Impunity: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was accused of bribery last weekend, while two Obama Cabinet officials are leaving amid a trail of broken laws and squandered cash. Which, again, is the party of corruption?
Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. So with a White House that rules by executive order and blithely ignores budget deadlines as its divine right, it's no surprise that a culture of impunity has taken hold through the Democratic Party in the Obama economy.

We're not talking about incompetence, or about policy errors, which are abundant as well in the Obama administration, but evidence of wrongdoing for personal and political advantage. That's what's going unscrutinized and undoubtedly unpunished, all because Democrats have the political "juice" to evade the law.

From Harry Reid To Lisa Jackson To Hilda Solis, Democrats Become Party Of Impunity And Corruption -
Impunity: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid was accused of bribery last weekend, while two Obama Cabinet officials are leaving amid a trail of broken laws and squandered cash. Which, again, is the party of corruption?
Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. So with a White House that rules by executive order and blithely ignores budget deadlines as its divine right, it's no surprise that a culture of impunity has taken hold through the Democratic Party in the Obama economy.

We're not talking about incompetence, or about policy errors, which are abundant as well in the Obama administration, but evidence of wrongdoing for personal and political advantage. That's what's going unscrutinized and undoubtedly unpunished, all because Democrats have the political "juice" to evade the law.

From Harry Reid To Lisa Jackson To Hilda Solis, Democrats Become Party Of Impunity And Corruption -

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
These charges against Reid need to be looked into.

Also, can he account for is whereabouts when that transvestite prostitute went missing?

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