My Opinion On The Motive Of The Shooter

1. He was one of the many who disliked both candidates, both Biden and Trump, or maybe just both parties

2. He did searches as to where both Trump and Biden would be and when

3. Trump was the easiest first target so Trump got to go first, and, Biden might just be removed from the ticket anyway (or maybe even if Biden was replaced on the ticket he felt he still had a job to do, due to a dislike of both parties (his father was registered as a Libertarian))

4. The shooter recently posted on Steam that July 13th would be his "premier", indicating that he possibly expected the show to go on after Trump, especially considering he told his bosses he needed Saturday off and told his co-workers he would be back to work Sunday.
He was a registered republican gun nut (fact). Opinion....he saw the fame that Pop and Fresh Rittenhouse got and wanted some of that.
Most people seem to believe that all that is needed to get help for those with mental illness. The fact is that serious mental illness is very difficult to treat much less cure. There are drugs that can control psychosis but they have such terrible side effects that no wants to take them. Imagine trying get your 18 year old psychotic son to take drugs that will will control the psychosis but leave him devoid of emotions and sexually important.
Also, if there was such a determination made it would be unthinkable (I hope) but imagine just how detatched you have to be as a parent (unless you're off the reservation yourself) to buy a machine gun for your kid if you know he's having these struggles. Do you just not care or do you not-know (which is worse in my book).

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