Democrats: A plague on the nation


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
How as Americans do we explain the intransigence of the left when it comes to national security? 'Tis a mystery. These people, these Democrats in Congress, are among the most privileged persons on the planet. They have enjoyed, more than most, the blessings bequeathed by the Founders, the authors of the Constitution. Yet they are determined, like Obama, to transform us into something this nation was never meant to be: a land without borders. While all of them are on record supporting a border wall in the past, now that Donald Trump is president, they all oppose it with every fiber of their being. They know that it will work, and they cannot abide Trump having a win. These people – Schumer, Pelosi, Gutiérrez, etc. – are truly venal. Governor Brown has effectively destroyed California, now benighted by rampant homelessness and the crime that accompanies a population of illiterate, drug-addicted, gang-affiliated, criminally inclined persons adrift on our streets. And now another young officer has been killed by an illegal alien thanks to the left's obsession with protecting the throngs of migrants crossing the border into the U.S.

Democrats can't stand to read about themselves, when they see reflections of who they are most deny it because who wants to admit they are a degenerate, desensitized, useful idiot who has helped shred this nation to pieces all because your weak minds were easily lead into the very bs that turns America into a communist/Socialist nation. Countries already under it falling to the ground , people starving eating their pets, selling 14 yr olds for sex so they can eat are you morons seriously so dumbed down you can't see reality as it falls yet you want the same thing here. WAKE UP!!
How as Americans do we explain the intransigence of the left when it comes to national security? 'Tis a mystery. These people, these Democrats in Congress, are among the most privileged persons on the planet. They have enjoyed, more than most, the blessings bequeathed by the Founders, the authors of the Constitution. Yet they are determined, like Obama, to transform us into something this nation was never meant to be: a land without borders. While all of them are on record supporting a border wall in the past, now that Donald Trump is president, they all oppose it with every fiber of their being. They know that it will work, and they cannot abide Trump having a win. These people – Schumer, Pelosi, Gutiérrez, etc. – are truly venal. Governor Brown has effectively destroyed California, now benighted by rampant homelessness and the crime that accompanies a population of illiterate, drug-addicted, gang-affiliated, criminally inclined persons adrift on our streets. And now another young officer has been killed by an illegal alien thanks to the left's obsession with protecting the throngs of migrants crossing the border into the U.S.

Democrats can't stand to read about themselves, when they see reflections of who they are most deny it because who wants to admit they are a degenerate, desensitized, useful idiot who has helped shred this nation to pieces all because your weak minds were easily lead into the very bs that turns America into a communist/Socialist nation. Countries already under it falling to the ground , people starving eating their pets, selling 14 yr olds for sex so they can eat are you morons seriously so dumbed down you can't see reality as it falls yet you want the same thing here. WAKE UP!!
We must be ever vigilant or we will lose this great country forever.
How as Americans do we explain the intransigence of the left when it comes to national security? 'Tis a mystery. These people, these Democrats in Congress, are among the most privileged persons on the planet. They have enjoyed, more than most, the blessings bequeathed by the Founders, the authors of the Constitution. Yet they are determined, like Obama, to transform us into something this nation was never meant to be: a land without borders. While all of them are on record supporting a border wall in the past, now that Donald Trump is president, they all oppose it with every fiber of their being. They know that it will work, and they cannot abide Trump having a win. These people – Schumer, Pelosi, Gutiérrez, etc. – are truly venal. Governor Brown has effectively destroyed California, now benighted by rampant homelessness and the crime that accompanies a population of illiterate, drug-addicted, gang-affiliated, criminally inclined persons adrift on our streets. And now another young officer has been killed by an illegal alien thanks to the left's obsession with protecting the throngs of migrants crossing the border into the U.S.

Democrats can't stand to read about themselves, when they see reflections of who they are most deny it because who wants to admit they are a degenerate, desensitized, useful idiot who has helped shred this nation to pieces all because your weak minds were easily lead into the very bs that turns America into a communist/Socialist nation. Countries already under it falling to the ground , people starving eating their pets, selling 14 yr olds for sex so they can eat are you morons seriously so dumbed down you can't see reality as it falls yet you want the same thing here. WAKE UP!!

The Democrat Politicians are liars.
They are motivated by greed, not compassion.
The Democrat Voters are motivated by hate, and the Democrat politicians exploit them.
The truth is that open borders will destroy our country.
The truth is that left wing economics is slavery.
The truth is that amoral cultures always self destruct.
How America is destroyed.jpg

Conservative desires are the cause.
There are no real Democrats in the Democratic Party. Democrats have all been purged and there haven't been any in decades. No "Democrat" today puts country over party. None of them hold traditional American values and their only objective is to advance the socialist agenda no matter how much damage it does or who is hurt in the process. They ARE the enemy from within, the worst kind of enemy and they need to be kept as far away from the reins of power as possible. In fact, the Democratic Party should be outlawed and their members tried for treason. They are far worse than any foreign enemy the U.S. has ever faced.
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Conservative desires are the cause.
Socialism is always sold in the name of "fairness", only there is nothing fair about it. It's based on a lie. The deception is accomplished through propaganda, like your meme, exploiting class envy and cultivating hate among the poor and uneducated, and those who are ignorant of history.

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