Democrats absent at House Sub Committee hearing on the origins of Covid 19 .

Your exaggeration of the few running around is why you have no credibility, sure they broke in which is trespassing which I never disputed, but to say they were a bunch of dangerous insurrectionists is a blatant lie since there were no such behavior. Most of the trespassers milled around and did little to the place as most didn't have weapons at all.
First, the one's that broke in committed felony breaking and entering. And none of the 500 indited and charged, were charged with tresspass alone. They were charged with felony assault, felony theft, felony destruction of property, and felony weapons possession.
Democrats don't want to hear anything bad about their communist brothers, especially in light of all the money and campaign help they're getting from those Pinkos.
Foreign campaign contributions, funding, or foreign assistance is strictly illegal.

See Rick Gates for an example of accepting foreign money
Do you ever wonder if a good number of these people knew exactly what this was from very early on, and this is the reason they've been shitting all over themselves and causing mass panic, or was it just a convenient tool at the time to push their agenda....
Remember Pelosi said to celebrate chinese new year, and Faucci said people didn't have to wear a mask.
Tuesday House republicans held a hearing on the origins of the virus that has killed millions around the world ....but one thing about the hearing was shockingly apparent ...not one democrat was present ! one would think that the dems would want to be present at a hearing to determine the origins of a virus that has killed millions around the world and 600 thousand ! of there fellow countrymen and women ! House Republicans hold hearing on COVID origins — with no Democrats or Fauci
It wasn't a hearing, it was a PR stunt.

Your own citation says:

The fact-finding event, which took place in the Capitol Visitors Center as opposed to a traditional hearing room, was led by House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.), who also serves as ranking member of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis.
because the dems control the house and wouldn’t let the hearing take place

the dems are helping their chinese over lords cover this up
Tuesday House republicans held a hearing on the origins of the virus that has killed millions around the world ....but one thing about the hearing was shockingly apparent ...not one democrat was present ! one would think that the dems would want to be present at a hearing to determine the origins of a virus that has killed millions around the world and 600 thousand ! of there fellow countrymen and women ! House Republicans hold hearing on COVID origins — with no Democrats or Fauci

600,000 dead Americas are just "bumps in the road" to hand Xi the White House
600,000 dead Americas are just "bumps in the road" to hand Xi the White House
You know if Trump had only taken the virus seriously instead of purposefully "playing it down" he would have easily gotten re-elected.

But Trump blew it, which is why people voted for the guy hiding in his basement instead.
Do you ever wonder if a good number of these people knew exactly what this was from very early on, and this is the reason they've been shitting all over themselves and causing mass panic, or was it just a convenient tool at the time to push their agenda....
Remember Pelosi said to celebrate chinese new year, and Faucci said people didn't have to wear a mask.

Ok, I'll put you down as a "B"
... it wasn't an armed group shooting their way in or that most people just walked around in one area of the Capital building being friendly with a number of D.C. police and to each other.

Most people who were arrested and let go didn't have any weapons on them...

While it is true that "most people" as in the crowd of 10,000 people stayed outside or did no damage. There were at least 1,000 who rampaged inside the capitol, with 500 caught on security or body camera committing specific acts of assault, vandalism, breaking and entering, or theft.
sounds like the so called mostly peaceful BLM protest .....
While it is true that "most people" as in the crowd of 10,000 people stayed outside or did no damage. There were at least 1,000 who rampaged inside the capitol, with 500 caught on security or body camera committing specific acts of assault, vandalism, breaking and entering, or theft.
sounds like the so called mostly peaceful BLM protest .....
But the difference is where they did their rampaging. Doing it on the city streets, is a riot.
Doing it in the halls of congress is an insurrection.
While it is true that "most people" as in the crowd of 10,000 people stayed outside or did no damage. There were at least 1,000 who rampaged inside the capitol, with 500 caught on security or body camera committing specific acts of assault, vandalism, breaking and entering, or theft.
sounds like the so called mostly peaceful BLM protest .....
But the difference is where they did their rampaging. Doing it on the city streets, is a riot.
Doing it in the halls of congress is an insurrection.
fire bombing a federal courthouse, breaking into the dept of tres, attempting to break into the white house....attempting to stop the swearing in of a president....all insurrections...or attempts
While it is true that "most people" as in the crowd of 10,000 people stayed outside or did no damage. There were at least 1,000 who rampaged inside the capitol, with 500 caught on security or body camera committing specific acts of assault, vandalism, breaking and entering, or theft.
sounds like the so called mostly peaceful BLM protest .....
But the difference is where they did their rampaging. Doing it on the city streets, is a riot.
Doing it in the halls of congress is an insurrection.
and overthrowing the local state fed gov in Seattle to set up your own country called the nation of Chop in is not only an insurrection but a successful one .
Do you ever wonder if a good number of these people knew exactly what this was from very early on, and this is the reason they've been shitting all over themselves and causing mass panic, or was it just a convenient tool at the time to push their agenda....
If you go back to footage of press conferences at the time congress was informed, during the impeachment hoax theater, instead of there being snickers of glee, house majority was out of character and very sad and extrenely scared like they saw a ghost. I noticed this (I notice everything) and said something about it, but would have never guessed what news it was and how they hid it and used it for political strategy as well as insider trading.
Never under estimate pure evil.
Tuesday House republicans held a hearing on the origins of the virus that has killed millions around the world ....but one thing about the hearing was shockingly apparent ...not one democrat was present ! one would think that the dems would want to be present at a hearing to determine the origins of a virus that has killed millions around the world and 600 thousand ! of there fellow countrymen and women ! House Republicans hold hearing on COVID origins — with no Democrats or Fauci

That's because they have no interest in any such investigation as they already got the cause they want to blame! Trump.

By not participating, they can just declare the conclusions of the covid investigation, like the Arizona audit, to be nothing but an unauthorized partisan witch hunt full of MAGA conspiracy theories.

First the democrats try to drag the party down labelling EVERYTHING the GOP does as nothing more than a MAGA conspiracy witch hunt stunt.

Then they blame the GOP for getting dragged down by Trump when it is they doing the dragging.
It wasn't a hearing, it was a PR stunt.

Your own citation says:

The fact-finding event, which took place in the Capitol Visitors Center as opposed to a traditional hearing room, was led by House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.), who also serves as ranking member of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis.
Just spitballing here, but maybe because since Scalise is in the minority, he has no authority to just demand a venue without permission?

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