Democrats and maybe al gore exposed Tuesday at 9 am !!

Democrats will be proven as the most crooked and immoral group in history

9 am the news coming out with the Epstein recordings
Al gore is so immoral with insane greed he was pro life as a senator from tenn... then a chance to become Vice President he changed to pro choice BUT BUT when he nearly won the president race his own home state ran him out of tenn on a rail and stopped him from being a president

No body ever goes from pro life to pro choice unless they are totally crooked

His home state divorced him and then his wife tipper and he ran to where all crooks and deviates run to. New York as did the crooked Clintons
9 am today o keef is suppose to bring out recordings about the Epstein situation

Maybe democrats ??
ABC news woman caught on hot mic exposing the cover up

Had unbelievable evidence on people like Clinton

caught on 'hot mic' in August disgustedly exposing networks decision to strategically spike bombshell investigation into Jefferey Esptein over THREE YEARS AGO. Says what she had was "unbelievable"
Gee, did the OP over sell this or what?

Look again this is a big time issue

Totally exposes the whole deep state as crooked and gives trump the power to call for martial law and then to make logic tests for voters to stop the unwise from electing crooks that destroys the nation

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