Democrats And Their Push For Totalitarianism..4 Assholes Give A Press Conference And Show Us Nothing

SQUID SQUAD played to their base of Antifa and Antifa wannabes.
Love how CRCs are doubling down.
When the real potential violence is active or we are authoritarian it will be social justice victim hood run amok that will and is causing it. These women are dangerous. And men never learn. They will be at each others throats with the bimbos calling the shots. But that will end the current agendas as much more poverty will change the waste of time we are currently experiencing from our political leaders.
It's kinda hard to put into words what I think of "the squad." Seems like I almost need some new words for anti American trash.


It's kinda hard to put into words what I think of "the squad." Seems like I almost need some new words for anti American trash.


I kept thinking while listening to them talk....I wonder if their combined I.Q. is 130.
I felt dumber just listening to them.
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Live on Fox News....those 4 are up their crying about how mean Trump was to them in his tweet.

My answer to that......GROW UP AND GET OVER IT!!!



These women have been crying over the hardship of illegals in the detention centers.....and yet they refused to vote for funding to make improvements.

LMAO @ the Four Morons of the Apocalypse.
Note the ISIS flag and the portrait of Osama Bin Laden in the background.

Note the ISIS flag and the portrait of Osama Bin Laden in the background.

With Friends like that who needs enemies...............They need to be shown the way out of this country........A little Tar and feathers on the way out.

They either support this country or they don''s pretty clear they don't.
Note the ISIS flag and the portrait of Osama Bin Laden in the background.

With Friends like that who needs enemies...............They need to be shown the way out of this country........A little Tar and feathers on the way out.

They either support this country or they don''s pretty clear they don't.
Nothing tastes like a little Barbecued Squid Squad......

Democrats have become outright fascist.
They spent last week screaming "RACIST" at each other last week....and this week Trump is the target.
I find this tactic boring......but it's working on politicians (except Trump) and corporations(NIKE).
They want to use race-baiting to spread Totalitarianism all over the country.

Don't let them do it.

Do what the president is doing and shove it back in there faces.

Ive been out all day in meatspace ...i didnt see it or even catch any news on the radio while i was out n about
I gotta see it it sounds like it was a complete and utter disaster for the DEMS

wacist wacist racist

I think the progressive morons need to double down on the racism schtick ...ITs really turning people on to your " message " and those "values " the progressive nazis keep mentioning

Democrats have become outright fascist.
They spent last week screaming "RACIST" at each other last week....and this week Trump is the target.
I find this tactic boring......but it's working on politicians (except Trump) and corporations(NIKE).
They want to use race-baiting to spread Totalitarianism all over the country.

Don't let them do it.

Do what the president is doing and shove it back in there faces.

Ive been out all day in meatspace ...i didnt see it or even catch any news on the radio while i was out n about
I gotta see it it sounds like it was a complete and utter disaster for the DEMS

wacist wacist racist

I think the progressive morons need to double down on the racism schtick ...ITs really turning people on to your " message " and those "values " the progressive nazis keep mentioning


We've been listening to Squidward (Ilhan Omar) for the last 6 months tell us how much she hates America.....and then she turns around and actually claimed that Trump hates America.
Thank God I wasn't drinking milk or a Coke.
I would have snarfed it all over my bedroom.

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