Democrats are using Tactics of the Marxists of 1917 from Russia


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
and I am not one of those closed minded people that think the GOP can do no wrong like PC and others.I have always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same which was true for decades till this past year which is WHY so many are leaving the dem party in droves left and right as they are california.

and I am not one of those closed minded people that think the GOP can do no wrong like PC and others.I have always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same which was true for decades till this past year which is WHY so many are leaving the dem party in droves left and right as they are california.

I read down to the part where it said The assault on the EXECUTIVE BRANCH and stopped.
I certainly hope things dont get that bad.
with the way the american people have let this country become the facists government it is,I would not be surprised in the least if it does.
You are just not sure what it is that they are doing that is Marxist.
That is one of the answers of the marxists. This has been going on a long time. They will turn on you. And you do not believe it. The agendas are more important then the people. The people are used and discarded.
You are just not sure what it is that they are doing that is Marxist.
Causing riots.
Turning THE PEOPLE against the government.
Causing hate and division between classes.
That has happened the entire history of the USA and you claim it was done by Marxist before Marx existed?

Before Marx it was called something else. The French used it during the French revolution.
You are just not sure what it is that they are doing that is Marxist.
Causing riots.
Turning THE PEOPLE against the government.
Causing hate and division between classes.
That has happened the entire history of the USA and you claim it was done by Marxist before Marx existed?

Before Marx it was called something else. The French used it during the French revolution.
Yes, they are called rebellions...
and I am not one of those closed minded people that think the GOP can do no wrong like PC and others.I have always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same which was true for decades till this past year which is WHY so many are leaving the dem party in droves left and right as they are california.

Suburban voters are leaving the Republican Party as well. I hav3e never seen such a well-orchestrated effort to deny the people the right to cast their ballots and have them counted. The gateway pundit is fake news. You are one of those close minded people.
and I am not one of those closed minded people that think the GOP can do no wrong like PC and others.I have always said both parties are corrupt and one in the same which was true for decades till this past year which is WHY so many are leaving the dem party in droves left and right as they are california.

They have been trying to use the Bolshevik playbook for DECADES!!!
You are just not sure what it is that they are doing that is Marxist.
Causing riots.
Turning THE PEOPLE against the government.
Causing hate and division between classes.
That has happened the entire history of the USA and you claim it was done by Marxist before Marx existed?

Before Marx it was called something else. The French used it during the French revolution.
Yes, they are called rebellions...
Glad you can admit that.
And you're encouraging rebellion.
From my time in the military....the way you would be called a traitor.
I was trained to spot folks like that.
What specious comparison. Democrat are not, they support that status quo just like the Banana bunch.

"...nothing is so deserving of the hatred of the ruling class as the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917."

"This was an autocratic hereditary monarchy, with no democratic elections, no right to free speech, free assembly, or free association, where political dissidents were sent to Siberia, and Jews and oppressed nationalities faced regular murderous pogroms with the support of the regime. It is therefore hard for a liberal historian to argue against the February Revolution, no matter how much he or she may disapprove of the concept of revolution in general."


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