Democrats Believe They Have The Right To Use The IRS To Attack Us

Progressive have different Founding Fathers than us.

Our Founding Fathers wanted to limit the role of the Federal government in the role of our lives: they are more in line with Dictators and Tyrants like Mao, Stalin, Hitler and Fidel. It's a different philosophy

No, we just don't think that slave rapists who bled people to treat Strep Throat are really the best place to go for advice on how to run a modern industrial democracy.

"OH, my God, you won't let me apply for a fraudelent tax deduction, just like Hitler!!!"

Do you guys ever realize how crazy you sound most of the time?

because the places where Progressives have the most influence arent dirty, corrupt fetid examples of everything the Left claims to be against

What does that have to do with what was being discussed?
The New Rules being attempted by the IRS are to RE-DEFINE the terms of 501's saying it's to fix the problem..............

BS......It's about trying to change the wording so they can refuse the status of Conservative groups.........and cover their butts for targeting Conservative groups...............

This whole issue will not be settled in the Congressional Hearings.............

It will be settled in the courts as the groups targeted are striking back against the Gov't and more specifically the IRS..............

Later, and even now individuals like Lerner will be sued directly by these groups..........This is only the tip of the ice berg as people FIGHT BACK against the abuses.

You can only sue the government if the government allows itself to be sued...

But I have a question. Exactly what are you guys fighting for here? The right of shadowy rich people to secretly fund political groups with no accountablity of where the money is coming from?

You actually think this is a good thing?

the idiotic, corrupt Left has no problem with the shadowy, non-accountability of groups that give to dems

idiots and hypocrites
No, we just don't think that slave rapists who bled people to treat Strep Throat are really the best place to go for advice on how to run a modern industrial democracy.

"OH, my God, you won't let me apply for a fraudelent tax deduction, just like Hitler!!!"

Do you guys ever realize how crazy you sound most of the time?

because the places where Progressives have the most influence arent dirty, corrupt fetid examples of everything the Left claims to be against

What does that have to do with what was being discussed?

only everything
Democrats have no qualms of conscience in sending the IRS after conservatives.

from BEFORE the IRS imbroglio came up...

From 2011 -- Look


Fox was hep on the bandwagon (some here might remember it) of contacting the IRS ...about an org they thought should be scrutinized...

"July 1, 2011- Fox News continues to hype this issue. They have run numerous stories on air by James Rosen, Steve Doocy, and Bret Baier, many of which include instructions and appeals to file an IRS complaint against Media Matters. Fox Nation has bumped the story to the top of their page all week, including the IRS link. See below for new action items."
Progressive have different Founding Fathers than us.

Our Founding Fathers wanted to limit the role of the Federal government in the role of our lives: they are more in line with Dictators and Tyrants like Mao, Stalin, Hitler and Fidel. It's a different philosophy

No, we just don't think that slave rapists who bled people to treat Strep Throat are really the best place to go for advice on how to run a modern industrial democracy.

"OH, my God, you won't let me apply for a fraudelent tax deduction, just like Hitler!!!"

Do you guys ever realize how crazy you sound most of the time?

Do you realize how crazy you sound?

I'm not sure which country you're from but it's clear you hate America.

Why don't you move to Russia, where they think like you and they have leaders you can respect?

Funny, only people I see having a man-Crush on Putin these days are on the right.

I don't think America is a great country beause 200 years ago, some slave rapists didn't want to pay their taxes.

America is a great country because Lincoln abolished slavery and FDR made the rich pay their fucking taxes.
No, we just don't think that slave rapists who bled people to treat Strep Throat are really the best place to go for advice on how to run a modern industrial democracy.

"OH, my God, you won't let me apply for a fraudelent tax deduction, just like Hitler!!!"

Do you guys ever realize how crazy you sound most of the time?

Do you realize how crazy you sound?

I'm not sure which country you're from but it's clear you hate America.

Why don't you move to Russia, where they think like you and they have leaders you can respect?

Funny, only people I see having a man-Crush on Putin these days are on the right.

I don't think America is a great country beause 200 years ago, some slave rapists didn't want to pay their taxes.

America is a great country because Lincoln abolished slavery and FDR made the rich pay their fucking taxes.

nobody has a crush on putin; that is just your deluded mind; and the fact the Left cant handle criticism of their inept Messiah; or anybody pointing out his weaknesses
[ame=]CAUGHT ON TAPE: Obamacare Navigators Counsel Applicants to "Lie" - YouTube[/ame]


Enroll America the new Rotten Acorn.............

And undercover with the Navigators...............

It never ends.
Since most Americans struggle with how to fill out Schedule A, you really aren't going to get much upset outside the Hate Radio Fever Swamps.

Yup yup.

Keep em dumb and misinformed.

That's your only recourse.

Meh, guy, I think both sides are equally guilty of feeding the electorate bullshit, but the real problem is most of you don't really want to challenge yourselves.

When I was a right winger, I listened to Limbaugh and bought every dollop of bullshit he ladeled out.

And then my ex-boss showed me the TRUE MEANING of Christmas.

Simply put, the bottom line on this is that some political groups couldn't get a fraudulent tax deduction. Just can't see anyone getting all that worked up about it, and no one really is outside or your little circle.

Now, if you guys were a serious political movement, you'd be taking this oppurtunity to challenge how convoluted and confusing the tax code is. Because honestly, you can call the IRS with the same question three times and get three different answers because even THEY aren't sure what the law is on certain things.

But, no, no, it's much easier to feed the wingnut obsession that they were somehow "robbed" in 2012 when they lost by 6 million votes.

We've already established precedent with the likes of the NAACP, and even Obama's brother, Malik Obama got 501c status for fundraising for the Muslim Brotherhood. You don't seem to have a problem with the Democrats breaking the rules. Only when conservatives supposedly do it do you start whining.
Left-wing regimes are invariably also dictatorships: Cuba under Castro, Venezuala under Chavez, Syria under Assad and Iraq under Saddam (yes both countries BAATH Party groups are Pan-Arab Socialist)
The New Rules being attempted by the IRS are to RE-DEFINE the terms of 501's saying it's to fix the problem..............

BS......It's about trying to change the wording so they can refuse the status of Conservative groups.........and cover their butts for targeting Conservative groups...............

This whole issue will not be settled in the Congressional Hearings.............

It will be settled in the courts as the groups targeted are striking back against the Gov't and more specifically the IRS..............

Later, and even now individuals like Lerner will be sued directly by these groups..........This is only the tip of the ice berg as people FIGHT BACK against the abuses.

You can only sue the government if the government allows itself to be sued...

But I have a question. Exactly what are you guys fighting for here? The right of shadowy rich people to secretly fund political groups with no accountablity of where the money is coming from?

You actually think this is a good thing?

Joe.........You are nothing but a tool...........

The Government is being sued now.......Which part of that don't you understand.........

Of course they will try to claim immunity, but are failing miserably..............and individuals of the IRS will have to try and claim this immunity when they are sued individually.

Funny, that those of a party who use this tactic of the courts to get their agenda passed by the courts NOW SUDDENLY argue against others going to courts to protect their rights........... are a hypocrit..............

and Enroll America will be your new ACORN achilles heel.
Democrats have no qualms of conscience in sending the IRS after conservatives.

from BEFORE the IRS imbroglio came up...

From 2011 -- Look


Fox was hep on the bandwagon (some here might remember it) of contacting the IRS ...about an org they thought should be scrutinized...

"July 1, 2011- Fox News continues to hype this issue. They have run numerous stories on air by James Rosen, Steve Doocy, and Bret Baier, many of which include instructions and appeals to file an IRS complaint against Media Matters. Fox Nation has bumped the story to the top of their page all week, including the IRS link. See below for new action items."

Fox was on the story way back before it became well known.

So you think that's bad? Investigative journalism is bad?

Isn't the media supposed to be the government watchdog?
funny; the Left can be heard calling our Founding Fathers "liberals" when they see fit; then turn around and call them throat-slitters and such

libs are losers who talk out of both sides of their mouths
We've already established precedent with the likes of the NAACP...

You mean like this?

IRS Ends 2-Year Probe Of NAACP's Tax Status

"Nearly two years after a controversial decision to investigate the NAACP for criticizing President Bush during the 2004 presidential campaign, the Internal Revenue Service has ruled that the remarks did not violate the group's tax-exempt status."

IRS Ends 2-Year Probe Of NAACP's Tax Status
I never heard Rush Limbaugh openly dream of taking a crap in the mouth of any liberal woman.

the idiotic Left has some gall ranting about what right-wing pundits say

idiots and hypocrites
Sebelius's Monkey Business | The American Spectator

So what is Enroll America? Its board of directors is made up of Insurers and hospital organizations that will benefit from enrolling millions of people in Obamacare. But its management is 100% political. Its president is Anne Filipic, formerly Deputy Director of the Office of Public Engagement in the White House, where she networked with community organizers. Before that, she had a top job at the Democratic National Committee, and before that she managed Obama&#8217;s victorious 2008 Iowa Caucus bid.

To design a media campaign, Enroll America hired Lake Research, which also manages messaging for ACORN,, LaRaza, and 39 members of Congress, all Democrats.

Sebelius&#8217;s fundraising for Enroll America was inappropriate, but it&#8217;s minor compared with delivering taxpayer dollars to community organizers. Yet Sebelius isn't breaking the law. Amazingly, the Obama health law requires that community organizations be hired as &#8220;navigators&#8221; to enroll the uninsured.

So far Sebelius has announced $45 million in navigator grants. Who qualifies? You don&#8217;t have to know math or insurance, but rules announced April 5 specify you have to match the race, ethnicity, and language preferences of the neighborhood that will be targeted. The odious presumption is that only Asians can assist Asians, only blacks can enroll blacks, only Harlem residents can help Harlem residents.

In addition to navigator grants, last week HHS announced $150 million for community health centers to &#8220;hire and train staff to conduct community outreach efforts.&#8221; Behind those weasel words is the truth that many community health centers engage in political activism. The National Association of Community Health Centers states that part of its mission is registering people to vote and collecting patients&#8217; signatures on desired legislation. Employees hired by the community health centers can say and do things government employees can't. That's the problem.
We've already established precedent with the likes of the NAACP...

You mean like this?

IRS Ends 2-Year Probe Of NAACP's Tax Status

"Nearly two years after a controversial decision to investigate the NAACP for criticizing President Bush during the 2004 presidential campaign, the Internal Revenue Service has ruled that the remarks did not violate the group's tax-exempt status."

IRS Ends 2-Year Probe Of NAACP's Tax Status

so you mean nothing happened?

you make the point for the other side idiot

right-wing groups were denied their applications until after the last election

Liberal Tactics are the same as they claim they don't do these things..............

And when Enroll America gets caught later, some of those doing the deeds will be fed to the lions in the courts saying it was just rouge agents not doing their jobs..................

Sound familiar..........this will come to pass.................and the left will use the same deflection strategies as in the past..........not caring that the rules get violated........only to win elections not caring if they have to lie and cheat to win the day.

Nothing new here with the libs.
We've already established precedent with the likes of the NAACP...

You mean like this?

IRS Ends 2-Year Probe Of NAACP's Tax Status

"Nearly two years after a controversial decision to investigate the NAACP for criticizing President Bush during the 2004 presidential campaign, the Internal Revenue Service has ruled that the remarks did not violate the group's tax-exempt status."

IRS Ends 2-Year Probe Of NAACP's Tax Status

Whoever decided that they weren't political was lying. It's pretty clear that the NAACP is a purely political organization. They claim they're into public service, but the only service they seem to do is drumming up racism in the black community. They were extremely active in the Trayvon Martin case, which became a focal point for racism in an election cycle. Recently they have submitted nominations for the DoJ's civil rights division.


Seven Democrats took a rare step Wednesday and joined Republicans to oppose President Obama’s pick to head the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division.

The Senate failed to advance the nomination of attorney Debo Adegbile by a vote of 47 to 52 as eight Democratic senators voted against invoking cloture on the nominee. The senators included Sen. Bob Casey, D-Pa., Chris Coons, D-Del., Joe Donnelly, D-Ind., Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D., Joe Manchin, D-W.V., Mark Pryor, D-Ark., and John Walsh, D-Mt. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid joined the seven senators by voting no for technical reasons which allow him to bring up the nominee in the future.

Adegbile’s nomination was controversial because of his previous work as counsel for the NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund, which helped overturn the death sentence of Mumia Abu-Jamal, who was convicted over 30 years ago of killing Philadelphia Police Officer Daniel Faulkner. Both of Pennsylvania’s senators, including Democrat Casey, were vocal in their opposition to Adegbile’s nomination.

Senate Dems Join GOP to Block Justice Nominee Who Defended Cop Killer - ABC News

These people are purely a political animal. They have no right to tax-free status under the law.

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