Democrats Believe They Have The Right To Use The IRS To Attack Us

Democrats have no qualms of conscience in sending the IRS after conservatives.

from BEFORE the IRS imbroglio came up...

From 2011 -- Look


Fox was hep on the bandwagon (some here might remember it) of contacting the IRS ...about an org they thought should be scrutinized...

"July 1, 2011- Fox News continues to hype this issue. They have run numerous stories on air by James Rosen, Steve Doocy, and Bret Baier, many of which include instructions and appeals to file an IRS complaint against Media Matters. Fox Nation has bumped the story to the top of their page all week, including the IRS link. See below for new action items."

Fox was on the story way back before it became well known.

So you think that's bad? Investigative journalism is bad?

Isn't the media supposed to be the government watchdog?
This is what YOU said:

"Democrats have no qualms of conscience in sending the IRS after conservatives."

I've shown you Foxers / CONS telling it's audience to sic the IRS on them - complete with links to the IRS

They obviously are OK with extra IRS scrutiny ...right?

Here's O'Reilly doing same:

O&#8217;Reilly Calls For Formal Objection Filed Against Media Matters&#8217; Tax-Exempt Status

And let's see, the The Media Research Center - Brent Bozell's pile of conservative propaganda

what is that again?

Oh yeah...
The Media Research Center is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit and education foundation

Media Research Center Contact


We've already established precedent with the likes of the NAACP, and even Obama's brother, Malik Obama got 501c status for fundraising for the Muslim Brotherhood. You don't seem to have a problem with the Democrats breaking the rules. Only when conservatives supposedly do it do you start whining.

The NAACP has been around for 100 years and there's no real doubt that it's a "social welfare agency". It got its tax exemption a long time before SCOTUS fucked everything up and decided corporations were people.

Again, here's the thing. Nothing was stopping these Teabaggers from applying as 527 groups and getting a tax exemption. They just had to disclose who their donors were.

We've already established precedent with the likes of the NAACP, and even Obama's brother, Malik Obama got 501c status for fundraising for the Muslim Brotherhood. You don't seem to have a problem with the Democrats breaking the rules. Only when conservatives supposedly do it do you start whining.

The NAACP has been around for 100 years and there's no real doubt that it's a "social welfare agency". It got its tax exemption a long time before SCOTUS fucked everything up and decided corporations were people.

Again, here's the thing. Nothing was stopping these Teabaggers from applying as 527 groups and getting a tax exemption. They just had to disclose who their donors were.

libs have no problem with the notion of Mafia-infested unions being people

idiots and hypocrites
The New Rules being attempted by the IRS are to RE-DEFINE the terms of 501's saying it's to fix the problem..............

BS......It's about trying to change the wording so they can refuse the status of Conservative groups.........and cover their butts for targeting Conservative groups...............

This whole issue will not be settled in the Congressional Hearings.............

It will be settled in the courts as the groups targeted are striking back against the Gov't and more specifically the IRS..............

Later, and even now individuals like Lerner will be sued directly by these groups..........This is only the tip of the ice berg as people FIGHT BACK against the abuses.

You can only sue the government if the government allows itself to be sued...

But I have a question. Exactly what are you guys fighting for here? The right of shadowy rich people to secretly fund political groups with no accountablity of where the money is coming from?

You actually think this is a good thing?

Joe.........You are nothing but a tool...........

The Government is being sued now.......Which part of that don't you understand.........

Of course they will try to claim immunity, but are failing miserably..............and individuals of the IRS will have to try and claim this immunity when they are sued individually.

Funny, that those of a party who use this tactic of the courts to get their agenda passed by the courts NOW SUDDENLY argue against others going to courts to protect their rights........... are a hypocrit..............

and Enroll America will be your new ACORN achilles heel.

Meh, not really. frankly, I've heard you guys cite so many "This is going to bring Obama down" claims in the last 5 years you'd think Obama was a centipede, he has so many "Achilles' Heels".

But I do notice you didn't answer the question.

Do you really think it's good that shadowy rich people (Whether they be the Koch Brothers or Soros) can funnel money into groups with no accountablity for where that money came from?

Yes or no.

Simple question. Let's see if you can answer it.

from BEFORE the IRS imbroglio came up...

From 2011 -- Look


Fox was hep on the bandwagon (some here might remember it) of contacting the IRS ...about an org they thought should be scrutinized...

"July 1, 2011- Fox News continues to hype this issue. They have run numerous stories on air by James Rosen, Steve Doocy, and Bret Baier, many of which include instructions and appeals to file an IRS complaint against Media Matters. Fox Nation has bumped the story to the top of their page all week, including the IRS link. See below for new action items."

Fox was on the story way back before it became well known.

So you think that's bad? Investigative journalism is bad?

Isn't the media supposed to be the government watchdog?
This is what YOU said:

"Democrats have no qualms of conscience in sending the IRS after conservatives."

I've shown you Foxers / CONS telling it's audience to sic the IRS on them - complete with links to the IRS

They obviously are OK with extra IRS scrutiny ...right?

Here's O'Reilly doing same:

O’Reilly Calls For Formal Objection Filed Against Media Matters’ Tax-Exempt Status

And let's see, the The Media Research Center - Brent Bozell's pile of conservative propaganda

what is that again?

Oh yeah...
The Media Research Center is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit and education foundation

Media Research Center Contact

oh the Fox News rants


fox isnt the reason the left-wing agenda is corrupt and falling apart; failing

We've already established precedent with the likes of the NAACP, and even Obama's brother, Malik Obama got 501c status for fundraising for the Muslim Brotherhood. You don't seem to have a problem with the Democrats breaking the rules. Only when conservatives supposedly do it do you start whining.

The NAACP has been around for 100 years and there's no real doubt that it's a "social welfare agency". It got its tax exemption a long time before SCOTUS fucked everything up and decided corporations were people.

Again, here's the thing. Nothing was stopping these Teabaggers from applying as 527 groups and getting a tax exemption. They just had to disclose who their donors were.

libs have no problem with the notion of Mafia-infested unions being people

idiots and hypocrites

Really? I ask because every "lib" I know would be more than happy to get all the large money donations out of our political system, unions and corporations alike.

How about this...only individual donations to candidates and they cannot exceed $1,000. Sound good?

We've already established precedent with the likes of the NAACP, and even Obama's brother, Malik Obama got 501c status for fundraising for the Muslim Brotherhood. You don't seem to have a problem with the Democrats breaking the rules. Only when conservatives supposedly do it do you start whining.

The NAACP has been around for 100 years and there's no real doubt that it's a "social welfare agency". It got its tax exemption a long time before SCOTUS fucked everything up and decided corporations were people.

Again, here's the thing. Nothing was stopping these Teabaggers from applying as 527 groups and getting a tax exemption. They just had to disclose who their donors were.

libs have no problem with the notion of Mafia-infested unions being people

idiots and hypocrites

Actualy, the IRS has a completely different code for Unions and completely different sets of rules that don't apply here.
You can only sue the government if the government allows itself to be sued...

But I have a question. Exactly what are you guys fighting for here? The right of shadowy rich people to secretly fund political groups with no accountablity of where the money is coming from?

You actually think this is a good thing?

Joe.........You are nothing but a tool...........

The Government is being sued now.......Which part of that don't you understand.........

Of course they will try to claim immunity, but are failing miserably..............and individuals of the IRS will have to try and claim this immunity when they are sued individually.

Funny, that those of a party who use this tactic of the courts to get their agenda passed by the courts NOW SUDDENLY argue against others going to courts to protect their rights........... are a hypocrit..............

and Enroll America will be your new ACORN achilles heel.

Meh, not really. frankly, I've heard you guys cite so many "This is going to bring Obama down" claims in the last 5 years you'd think Obama was a centipede, he has so many "Achilles' Heels".

But I do notice you didn't answer the question.

Do you really think it's good that shadowy rich people (Whether they be the Koch Brothers or Soros) can funnel money into groups with no accountablity for where that money came from?

Yes or no.

Simple question. Let's see if you can answer it.

cuz it's hard to get left-wing nutjobs to accept that their corrupt fascist-like ways arent good for the country as a whole; not just harmful to Republicans
Here's an interesting (in retrospect) Fox Business News story -- from 2011, in regards to the MMFA story...

Where they unwittingly Foxsplain the troubles with non-profit status and how, taxed the IRS is in manpower and trying to make sense of the dizzying rules:

Former White House Counsel to IRS: Pull Media Matters? Tax-Exempt Status | Fox Business

The IRS tries to be strict about nonprofit politicking.

But nonprofits often get away with questionable activity via tortured readings of an already tortured tax law.

Moreover, the IRS only has several thousand workers to cover an estimated 1.5 million nonprofits with $1.4 trillion in revenues and an estimated $4.3 trillion in assets, roughly the size of India.

That, along with having to annually match 230 million returns with 1.4 billion information documents, has turned many IRS service centers into neurotic paper factories that look like something out of an anxiety dream.
Also, tax returns come in a year or more after alleged abuses, Owens notes. So the IRS often has to "play catch up with abusive nonprofits."

And that means judgment calls through the years on letting taxpayers effectively subsidize questionable nonprofit activity, judgment calls which can lead to equivocation and quibbling.

"One can argue that most corporations don't pay taxes either," Owens says. "Like nonprofits, they're taking advantage of the code to not pay taxes. The tax code is full of incentives for anyone to arrange their affairs to not pay taxes."
Former White House Counsel to IRS: Pull Media Matters? Tax-Exempt Status | Fox Business
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the question was never accountability

try another straw man

the question was ONLY right-wing groups were being held "accountable"; and by accountable meaning held like they were guilty of something before they even formed.. it was about preventing their speech

who are you trying to fool; but yourself left-wing moron?

You are trying to change the subject Joe............You asked what are we fighting for Joe............

We are fighting against the abuses of the IRS and Gov't Joe.............Clearly they have done so JOE..................

We are fighting against orgs like ACORN Joe.............Rotten Acorn Joe...........and now the new Acorn Joe...........called Enroll America Joe................
the question was never accountability

try another straw man

the question was ONLY right-wing groups were being held "accountable"; and by accountable meaning held like they were guilty of something before they even formed.. it was about preventing their speech

who are you trying to fool; but yourself left-wing moron?

How does making them disclose who their donors are limit their free speech?
the question was never accountability

try another straw man

the question was ONLY right-wing groups were being held "accountable"; and by accountable meaning held like they were guilty of something before they even formed.. it was about preventing their speech

who are you trying to fool; but yourself left-wing moron?

How does making them disclose who their donors are limit their free speech?

they were prevented from even forming until after the election

ur a loser; lying to himself

You are trying to change the subject Joe............You asked what are we fighting for Joe............

We are fighting against the abuses of the IRS and Gov't Joe.............Clearly they have done so JOE..................

We are fighting against orgs like ACORN Joe.............Rotten Acorn Joe...........and now the new Acorn Joe...........called Enroll America Joe................

So you aren't going to answer the question, then?

Why are you fighting so hard for the right of rich people to buy influence?

It's a very simple question.
prove they didnt want to; or refused to disclose who their donors were; any more than any other group or groups, to the extent that they freely give up this information

you're an idiot; lying to himself

i'm waiting.........................
the question was never accountability

try another straw man

the question was ONLY right-wing groups were being held "accountable"; and by accountable meaning held like they were guilty of something before they even formed.. it was about preventing their speech

who are you trying to fool; but yourself left-wing moron?

How does making them disclose who their donors are limit their free speech?

they were prevented from even forming until after the election

ur a loser; lying to himself

No, they could have formed before the election IF they filed as 527 groups, which was the appropriate code to file under.

They didn't do that, because they were trying to pull a fast one.
How does making them disclose who their donors are limit their free speech?

they were prevented from even forming until after the election

ur a loser; lying to himself

No, they could have formed before the election IF they filed as 527 groups, which was the appropriate code to file under.

They didn't do that, because they were trying to pull a fast one.

again; prove they were trying to not disclose that data; or stfu
where is that proof joe? you type and answer fast any other time?
where is it?

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