Democrats Building A Third-World State On West Coast


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
One toxic discharge at a time.

Wednesday’s massive storm had rivers rising all around our area. In Sacramento County, the surge of water swept away toxic waste from homeless camps and sent it all downstream.

One section of Steelhead Creek, hit hard by toxic debris from homeless camps, grabbed the attention of geologist Roland Brady.

One day after the storm, Brady came out to see the aftermath.

“I wouldn’t drink it,” Brady said. “I would never drink it. What you’ll see are places that look like a solid waste disposal site, with a creek flowing through it.”

Homeless Camp Waste Leads To Big Toxic Discharge After Massive Storm
With fire and storm damage plus increasing taxes in CA We are going to buried in froot-loops in FL soon.
This is one reason why they oppose border security. Only an enemy of The United States would oppose The United States in securing it's borders. They are also opposed to identifying and enumerating the number of illegals we have in this country. They are also opposed to voter ID. They have been at war with The Constitution, at war with Law Enforcement, and at war with The American People and The President of The United States. They support trade legislation that weakens America. At every turn, they oppose what is good for America in favor of what weakens America.


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