Democrats can start shitting bricks anytime:

Didn't the Trump-losers learn their lesson in 2012, after screaming "The polls are skewed!" led to their complete humiliation, and had everyone laughing hard at them for months?

Apparently not. After all, if they weren't profoundly stupid people, prone to believe any loopy conspiracy theory they get fed, they wouldn't be Trump-losers.

Vote early and vote often! Bring them in buses going from polling place to polling place. What a joke this country has's just like I's a banana republic. The system has been exposed with the Wiklileaks and Project Veritas revelations. There is no way to spin it and there is no putting the genie back in the bottle. Your paradigm has been exposed for the fraud it is, dumb fuck.
Last edited:
Democrats can start shitting bricks just

IBD poll shows Trump leading by one, which actually means Trump leading by 6. And considering his debate performance (not the one the left wing media propaganda machine promotes), and the possibility of a bombshell wikileaks dump such as the 33,000 deleted emails, this thing is starting to turn around for Trump!

General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

IBD/TIPP Tracking Clinton 40, Trump 41, Johnson 8, Stein 4 Trump +1

IBD/TIPP Tracking Poll: The Most Accurate Presidential Poll In America

She is actually being crushed which is why there is a massive plan to cheat via voter fraud. Wikileaks is about to release some dirt in Donna Brazile and Tim Kaine. This is un-fucking real to learn the things we have the past few weeks. These people are nothing but commie filth and criminals. I didn't think it was possible to despise these people more than I do...but I was wrong.

Be ware the voices in your head.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Bob Creamer, the ringleader of the Clinton voter fraud scheme met with the Barrypuppet 45 times and has been to the WH over 200 times? He is married to a leftard? He is on undercover camera explaining the tactic of "bulldogging"...i.e "trying to instigate violence at Trump rallies" so that the TV cameras catch and the lamestream media that is in the backpocket of Hitlery blames it on Trump supporters. See? That's what commies and fascists do. It's pretty fucking pitiful and any democrat should be embarrassed beyond words.
Washington (CNN)A Democratic operative whose organization was helping Hillary Clinton's campaign announced Tuesday that he would be "stepping back" from the campaign after an edited video suggested that he and other staffers hired people to attend Donald Trump's campaign rallies and incite violence.

Robert Creamer -- husband of Illinois Rep. Jan Schakowsky -- announced his resignation in a statement after conservative activist James O'Keefe released a video under his organization Project Veritas Action, which showed Creamer and other operatives purportedly discussing methods for inciting violence at rallies for the Republican nominee.

In the past, O'Keefe and his Project Veritas Action have been criticized for strategically editing footage to create false accusations about people or groups.

Creamer was helping the Democratic National Committee with Clinton's campaign while working for Democracy Partners, a progressive consulting group. He is also the head of a group called Mobilize, which contracted with the DNC.

"I am unwilling to become a distraction to the important task of electing Hilary Clinton, and defeating Donald Trump in the upcoming election," Creamer said in a statement. "As a result I have indicated to the Democratic National Committee that I am stepping back from my responsibilities working with the campaign." Dem operative 'stepping back' after video suggests group incited violence at Trump rallies -

Like that solves anything or makes up for the shit that has already been done? HOLY fuck but are you ever a stupid liberal piece of living shit.
Democrats can start shitting bricks just

IBD poll shows Trump leading by one, which actually means Trump leading by 6. And considering his debate performance (not the one the left wing media propaganda machine promotes), and the possibility of a bombshell wikileaks dump such as the 33,000 deleted emails, this thing is starting to turn around for Trump!

General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

IBD/TIPP Tracking Clinton 40, Trump 41, Johnson 8, Stein 4 Trump +1

IBD/TIPP Tracking Poll: The Most Accurate Presidential Poll In America

She is actually being crushed which is why there is a massive plan to cheat via voter fraud. Wikileaks is about to release some dirt in Donna Brazile and Tim Kaine. This is un-fucking real to learn the things we have the past few weeks. These people are nothing but commie filth and criminals. I didn't think it was possible to despise these people more than I do...but I was wrong.

Be ware the voices in your head.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Bob Creamer, the ringleader of the Clinton voter fraud scheme met with the Barrypuppet 45 times and has been to the WH over 200 times? He is married to a leftard? He is on undercover camera explaining the tactic of "bulldogging"...i.e "trying to instigate violence at Trump rallies" so that the TV cameras catch and the lamestream media that is in the backpocket of Hitlery blames it on Trump supporters. See? That's what commies and fascists do. It's pretty fucking pitiful and any democrat should be embarrassed beyond words.
Washington (CNN)A Democratic operative whose organization was helping Hillary Clinton's campaign announced Tuesday that he would be "stepping back" from the campaign after an edited video suggested that he and other staffers hired people to attend Donald Trump's campaign rallies and incite violence.

Robert Creamer -- husband of Illinois Rep. Jan Schakowsky -- announced his resignation in a statement after conservative activist James O'Keefe released a video under his organization Project Veritas Action, which showed Creamer and other operatives purportedly discussing methods for inciting violence at rallies for the Republican nominee.

In the past, O'Keefe and his Project Veritas Action have been criticized for strategically editing footage to create false accusations about people or groups.

Creamer was helping the Democratic National Committee with Clinton's campaign while working for Democracy Partners, a progressive consulting group. He is also the head of a group called Mobilize, which contracted with the DNC.

"I am unwilling to become a distraction to the important task of electing Hilary Clinton, and defeating Donald Trump in the upcoming election," Creamer said in a statement. "As a result I have indicated to the Democratic National Committee that I am stepping back from my responsibilities working with the campaign." Dem operative 'stepping back' after video suggests group incited violence at Trump rallies -

Like that solves anything or makes up for the shit that has already been done? HOLY fuck but are you ever a stupid liberal piece of living shit.
Oh stop drooling and wipe the spit off your chin. You are so stupid that you think you can present a one sided smear of someone and think that no one is going to research it. That's your problem bubba.
Democrats can start shitting bricks just

IBD poll shows Trump leading by one, which actually means Trump leading by 6. And considering his debate performance (not the one the left wing media propaganda machine promotes), and the possibility of a bombshell wikileaks dump such as the 33,000 deleted emails, this thing is starting to turn around for Trump!

General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

IBD/TIPP Tracking Clinton 40, Trump 41, Johnson 8, Stein 4 Trump +1

IBD/TIPP Tracking Poll: The Most Accurate Presidential Poll In America

She is actually being crushed which is why there is a massive plan to cheat via voter fraud. Wikileaks is about to release some dirt in Donna Brazile and Tim Kaine. This is un-fucking real to learn the things we have the past few weeks. These people are nothing but commie filth and criminals. I didn't think it was possible to despise these people more than I do...but I was wrong.

Be ware the voices in your head.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Bob Creamer, the ringleader of the Clinton voter fraud scheme met with the Barrypuppet 45 times and has been to the WH over 200 times? He is married to a leftard? He is on undercover camera explaining the tactic of "bulldogging"...i.e "trying to instigate violence at Trump rallies" so that the TV cameras catch and the lamestream media that is in the backpocket of Hitlery blames it on Trump supporters. See? That's what commies and fascists do. It's pretty fucking pitiful and any democrat should be embarrassed beyond words.
Washington (CNN)A Democratic operative whose organization was helping Hillary Clinton's campaign announced Tuesday that he would be "stepping back" from the campaign after an edited video suggested that he and other staffers hired people to attend Donald Trump's campaign rallies and incite violence.

Robert Creamer -- husband of Illinois Rep. Jan Schakowsky -- announced his resignation in a statement after conservative activist James O'Keefe released a video under his organization Project Veritas Action, which showed Creamer and other operatives purportedly discussing methods for inciting violence at rallies for the Republican nominee.

In the past, O'Keefe and his Project Veritas Action have been criticized for strategically editing footage to create false accusations about people or groups.

Creamer was helping the Democratic National Committee with Clinton's campaign while working for Democracy Partners, a progressive consulting group. He is also the head of a group called Mobilize, which contracted with the DNC.

"I am unwilling to become a distraction to the important task of electing Hilary Clinton, and defeating Donald Trump in the upcoming election," Creamer said in a statement. "As a result I have indicated to the Democratic National Committee that I am stepping back from my responsibilities working with the campaign." Dem operative 'stepping back' after video suggests group incited violence at Trump rallies -

Like that solves anything or makes up for the shit that has already been done? HOLY fuck but are you ever a stupid liberal piece of living shit.
What you are doing here is using a propaganda technique . You are doing it because the actual truth does not serve you well. It is the last desperate tool of those who know that they will loose the argument if they told the WHOLE TRUTH:

Card stacking is the presentation of only the details, statistics and other information that impacts public opinion positively. In other words, the bad stuff is left out entirely. Experts maintain that although the information that's presented is usually true, this type of propaganda technique presents a lopsided and unrealistic viewpoint that is dangerously deceptive. Card stacking is often used in political campaign advertisements. How Propaganda Works

In addition:

Propaganda based on fear is designed to scare people into choosing sides. Often, worst-case scenarios are presented of horrible things to come if a particular action isn't taken. Special interest groups use this technique to encourage people to avoid behaviors such as smoking, drinking alcohol and driving recklessly.


Many other propaganda methods exist, but they subsist on the same basic principles as the ones listed above: Manipulate the message to portray an issue or person in the most favorable light possible, and when necessary, make the opposing side look shabby in comparison.

You're just not that bright if you think that others can't see through your idiotic equine excrement. Have a good evening. I know that I will. :dance::dance::dance:
Last edited:
She is actually being crushed which is why there is a massive plan to cheat via voter fraud. Wikileaks is about to release some dirt in Donna Brazile and Tim Kaine. This is un-fucking real to learn the things we have the past few weeks. These people are nothing but commie filth and criminals. I didn't think it was possible to despise these people more than I do...but I was wrong.

Be ware the voices in your head.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Bob Creamer, the ringleader of the Clinton voter fraud scheme met with the Barrypuppet 45 times and has been to the WH over 200 times? He is married to a leftard? He is on undercover camera explaining the tactic of "bulldogging"...i.e "trying to instigate violence at Trump rallies" so that the TV cameras catch and the lamestream media that is in the backpocket of Hitlery blames it on Trump supporters. See? That's what commies and fascists do. It's pretty fucking pitiful and any democrat should be embarrassed beyond words.
Washington (CNN)A Democratic operative whose organization was helping Hillary Clinton's campaign announced Tuesday that he would be "stepping back" from the campaign after an edited video suggested that he and other staffers hired people to attend Donald Trump's campaign rallies and incite violence.

Robert Creamer -- husband of Illinois Rep. Jan Schakowsky -- announced his resignation in a statement after conservative activist James O'Keefe released a video under his organization Project Veritas Action, which showed Creamer and other operatives purportedly discussing methods for inciting violence at rallies for the Republican nominee.

In the past, O'Keefe and his Project Veritas Action have been criticized for strategically editing footage to create false accusations about people or groups.

Creamer was helping the Democratic National Committee with Clinton's campaign while working for Democracy Partners, a progressive consulting group. He is also the head of a group called Mobilize, which contracted with the DNC.

"I am unwilling to become a distraction to the important task of electing Hilary Clinton, and defeating Donald Trump in the upcoming election," Creamer said in a statement. "As a result I have indicated to the Democratic National Committee that I am stepping back from my responsibilities working with the campaign." Dem operative 'stepping back' after video suggests group incited violence at Trump rallies -

Like that solves anything or makes up for the shit that has already been done? HOLY fuck but are you ever a stupid liberal piece of living shit.
Oh stop drooling and wipe the spit off your chin. You are so stupid that you think you can present a one sided smear of someone and think that no one is going to research it. That's your problem bubba.

Go fuck yourself, you stupid piece of shit. You can't spin this in ANY way that puts this situation in a good light. The curtain has been pulled back and just like I have claimed since I started posting here is that Americans have been played for chumps. Hell, it's even been proven to be as bad as I said it was.
She is actually being crushed which is why there is a massive plan to cheat via voter fraud. Wikileaks is about to release some dirt in Donna Brazile and Tim Kaine. This is un-fucking real to learn the things we have the past few weeks. These people are nothing but commie filth and criminals. I didn't think it was possible to despise these people more than I do...but I was wrong.

Be ware the voices in your head.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Bob Creamer, the ringleader of the Clinton voter fraud scheme met with the Barrypuppet 45 times and has been to the WH over 200 times? He is married to a leftard? He is on undercover camera explaining the tactic of "bulldogging"...i.e "trying to instigate violence at Trump rallies" so that the TV cameras catch and the lamestream media that is in the backpocket of Hitlery blames it on Trump supporters. See? That's what commies and fascists do. It's pretty fucking pitiful and any democrat should be embarrassed beyond words.
Washington (CNN)A Democratic operative whose organization was helping Hillary Clinton's campaign announced Tuesday that he would be "stepping back" from the campaign after an edited video suggested that he and other staffers hired people to attend Donald Trump's campaign rallies and incite violence.

Robert Creamer -- husband of Illinois Rep. Jan Schakowsky -- announced his resignation in a statement after conservative activist James O'Keefe released a video under his organization Project Veritas Action, which showed Creamer and other operatives purportedly discussing methods for inciting violence at rallies for the Republican nominee.

In the past, O'Keefe and his Project Veritas Action have been criticized for strategically editing footage to create false accusations about people or groups.

Creamer was helping the Democratic National Committee with Clinton's campaign while working for Democracy Partners, a progressive consulting group. He is also the head of a group called Mobilize, which contracted with the DNC.

"I am unwilling to become a distraction to the important task of electing Hilary Clinton, and defeating Donald Trump in the upcoming election," Creamer said in a statement. "As a result I have indicated to the Democratic National Committee that I am stepping back from my responsibilities working with the campaign." Dem operative 'stepping back' after video suggests group incited violence at Trump rallies -

Like that solves anything or makes up for the shit that has already been done? HOLY fuck but are you ever a stupid liberal piece of living shit.
What you are doing here is using a propaganda technique . You are doing it because the actual truth does not serve you well. It is the last desperate tool of those who know that they will loose the argument if they told the WHOLE TRUTH:

Card stacking is the presentation of only the details, statistics and other information that impacts public opinion positively. In other words, the bad stuff is left out entirely. Experts maintain that although the information that's presented is usually true, this type of propaganda technique presents a lopsided and unrealistic viewpoint that is dangerously deceptive. Card stacking is often used in political campaign advertisements. How Propaganda Works

In addition:

Propaganda based on fear is designed to scare people into choosing sides. Often, worst-case scenarios are presented of horrible things to come if a particular action isn't taken. Special interest groups use this technique to encourage people to avoid behaviors such as smoking, drinking alcohol and driving recklessly.


Many other propaganda methods exist, but they subsist on the same basic principles as the ones listed above: Manipulate the message to portray an issue or person in the most favorable light possible, and when necessary, make the opposing side look shabby in comparison.

You're just not that bright if you think that others can't see through your idiotic equine excrement. Have a good evening. I know that I will. :dance::dance::dance:

No, dumb ass.....I know how to read and digest information. You might try it sometime.

Be ware the voices in your head.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Bob Creamer, the ringleader of the Clinton voter fraud scheme met with the Barrypuppet 45 times and has been to the WH over 200 times? He is married to a leftard? He is on undercover camera explaining the tactic of "bulldogging"...i.e "trying to instigate violence at Trump rallies" so that the TV cameras catch and the lamestream media that is in the backpocket of Hitlery blames it on Trump supporters. See? That's what commies and fascists do. It's pretty fucking pitiful and any democrat should be embarrassed beyond words.
Washington (CNN)A Democratic operative whose organization was helping Hillary Clinton's campaign announced Tuesday that he would be "stepping back" from the campaign after an edited video suggested that he and other staffers hired people to attend Donald Trump's campaign rallies and incite violence.

Robert Creamer -- husband of Illinois Rep. Jan Schakowsky -- announced his resignation in a statement after conservative activist James O'Keefe released a video under his organization Project Veritas Action, which showed Creamer and other operatives purportedly discussing methods for inciting violence at rallies for the Republican nominee.

In the past, O'Keefe and his Project Veritas Action have been criticized for strategically editing footage to create false accusations about people or groups.

Creamer was helping the Democratic National Committee with Clinton's campaign while working for Democracy Partners, a progressive consulting group. He is also the head of a group called Mobilize, which contracted with the DNC.

"I am unwilling to become a distraction to the important task of electing Hilary Clinton, and defeating Donald Trump in the upcoming election," Creamer said in a statement. "As a result I have indicated to the Democratic National Committee that I am stepping back from my responsibilities working with the campaign." Dem operative 'stepping back' after video suggests group incited violence at Trump rallies -

Like that solves anything or makes up for the shit that has already been done? HOLY fuck but are you ever a stupid liberal piece of living shit.
What you are doing here is using a propaganda technique . You are doing it because the actual truth does not serve you well. It is the last desperate tool of those who know that they will loose the argument if they told the WHOLE TRUTH:

Card stacking is the presentation of only the details, statistics and other information that impacts public opinion positively. In other words, the bad stuff is left out entirely. Experts maintain that although the information that's presented is usually true, this type of propaganda technique presents a lopsided and unrealistic viewpoint that is dangerously deceptive. Card stacking is often used in political campaign advertisements. How Propaganda Works

In addition:

Propaganda based on fear is designed to scare people into choosing sides. Often, worst-case scenarios are presented of horrible things to come if a particular action isn't taken. Special interest groups use this technique to encourage people to avoid behaviors such as smoking, drinking alcohol and driving recklessly.


Many other propaganda methods exist, but they subsist on the same basic principles as the ones listed above: Manipulate the message to portray an issue or person in the most favorable light possible, and when necessary, make the opposing side look shabby in comparison.

You're just not that bright if you think that others can't see through your idiotic equine excrement. Have a good evening. I know that I will. :dance::dance::dance:

No, dumb ass.....I know how to read and digest information. You might try it sometime.


You're one crazy jackass . We're done here

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Bob Creamer, the ringleader of the Clinton voter fraud scheme met with the Barrypuppet 45 times and has been to the WH over 200 times? He is married to a leftard? He is on undercover camera explaining the tactic of "bulldogging"...i.e "trying to instigate violence at Trump rallies" so that the TV cameras catch and the lamestream media that is in the backpocket of Hitlery blames it on Trump supporters. See? That's what commies and fascists do. It's pretty fucking pitiful and any democrat should be embarrassed beyond words.
Washington (CNN)A Democratic operative whose organization was helping Hillary Clinton's campaign announced Tuesday that he would be "stepping back" from the campaign after an edited video suggested that he and other staffers hired people to attend Donald Trump's campaign rallies and incite violence.

Robert Creamer -- husband of Illinois Rep. Jan Schakowsky -- announced his resignation in a statement after conservative activist James O'Keefe released a video under his organization Project Veritas Action, which showed Creamer and other operatives purportedly discussing methods for inciting violence at rallies for the Republican nominee.

In the past, O'Keefe and his Project Veritas Action have been criticized for strategically editing footage to create false accusations about people or groups.

Creamer was helping the Democratic National Committee with Clinton's campaign while working for Democracy Partners, a progressive consulting group. He is also the head of a group called Mobilize, which contracted with the DNC.

"I am unwilling to become a distraction to the important task of electing Hilary Clinton, and defeating Donald Trump in the upcoming election," Creamer said in a statement. "As a result I have indicated to the Democratic National Committee that I am stepping back from my responsibilities working with the campaign." Dem operative 'stepping back' after video suggests group incited violence at Trump rallies -

Like that solves anything or makes up for the shit that has already been done? HOLY fuck but are you ever a stupid liberal piece of living shit.
What you are doing here is using a propaganda technique . You are doing it because the actual truth does not serve you well. It is the last desperate tool of those who know that they will loose the argument if they told the WHOLE TRUTH:

Card stacking is the presentation of only the details, statistics and other information that impacts public opinion positively. In other words, the bad stuff is left out entirely. Experts maintain that although the information that's presented is usually true, this type of propaganda technique presents a lopsided and unrealistic viewpoint that is dangerously deceptive. Card stacking is often used in political campaign advertisements. How Propaganda Works

In addition:

Propaganda based on fear is designed to scare people into choosing sides. Often, worst-case scenarios are presented of horrible things to come if a particular action isn't taken. Special interest groups use this technique to encourage people to avoid behaviors such as smoking, drinking alcohol and driving recklessly.


Many other propaganda methods exist, but they subsist on the same basic principles as the ones listed above: Manipulate the message to portray an issue or person in the most favorable light possible, and when necessary, make the opposing side look shabby in comparison.

You're just not that bright if you think that others can't see through your idiotic equine excrement. Have a good evening. I know that I will. :dance::dance::dance:

No, dumb ass.....I know how to read and digest information. You might try it sometime.


You're one crazy jackass . We're done here

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

We never started. You lack the intellect or the honesty for self reflection douche bag.
Washington (CNN)A Democratic operative whose organization was helping Hillary Clinton's campaign announced Tuesday that he would be "stepping back" from the campaign after an edited video suggested that he and other staffers hired people to attend Donald Trump's campaign rallies and incite violence.

Robert Creamer -- husband of Illinois Rep. Jan Schakowsky -- announced his resignation in a statement after conservative activist James O'Keefe released a video under his organization Project Veritas Action, which showed Creamer and other operatives purportedly discussing methods for inciting violence at rallies for the Republican nominee.

In the past, O'Keefe and his Project Veritas Action have been criticized for strategically editing footage to create false accusations about people or groups.

Creamer was helping the Democratic National Committee with Clinton's campaign while working for Democracy Partners, a progressive consulting group. He is also the head of a group called Mobilize, which contracted with the DNC.

"I am unwilling to become a distraction to the important task of electing Hilary Clinton, and defeating Donald Trump in the upcoming election," Creamer said in a statement. "As a result I have indicated to the Democratic National Committee that I am stepping back from my responsibilities working with the campaign." Dem operative 'stepping back' after video suggests group incited violence at Trump rallies -

Like that solves anything or makes up for the shit that has already been done? HOLY fuck but are you ever a stupid liberal piece of living shit.
What you are doing here is using a propaganda technique . You are doing it because the actual truth does not serve you well. It is the last desperate tool of those who know that they will loose the argument if they told the WHOLE TRUTH:

Card stacking is the presentation of only the details, statistics and other information that impacts public opinion positively. In other words, the bad stuff is left out entirely. Experts maintain that although the information that's presented is usually true, this type of propaganda technique presents a lopsided and unrealistic viewpoint that is dangerously deceptive. Card stacking is often used in political campaign advertisements. How Propaganda Works

In addition:

Propaganda based on fear is designed to scare people into choosing sides. Often, worst-case scenarios are presented of horrible things to come if a particular action isn't taken. Special interest groups use this technique to encourage people to avoid behaviors such as smoking, drinking alcohol and driving recklessly.


Many other propaganda methods exist, but they subsist on the same basic principles as the ones listed above: Manipulate the message to portray an issue or person in the most favorable light possible, and when necessary, make the opposing side look shabby in comparison.

You're just not that bright if you think that others can't see through your idiotic equine excrement. Have a good evening. I know that I will. :dance::dance::dance:

No, dumb ass.....I know how to read and digest information. You might try it sometime.


You're one crazy jackass . We're done here

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

We never started. You lack the intellect or the honesty for self reflection douche bag.
Anybody who supports this needs to do the reflecting:

Trump ghostwriter: Losing makes him a desperate ‘little boy’ with ‘a blend of rage and depression’
Funny, the secret service agents who worked with the witch protecting her in a daily basis, labeled her as unstable and a "unique threat to the republic".

Like that solves anything or makes up for the shit that has already been done? HOLY fuck but are you ever a stupid liberal piece of living shit.
What you are doing here is using a propaganda technique . You are doing it because the actual truth does not serve you well. It is the last desperate tool of those who know that they will loose the argument if they told the WHOLE TRUTH:

Card stacking is the presentation of only the details, statistics and other information that impacts public opinion positively. In other words, the bad stuff is left out entirely. Experts maintain that although the information that's presented is usually true, this type of propaganda technique presents a lopsided and unrealistic viewpoint that is dangerously deceptive. Card stacking is often used in political campaign advertisements. How Propaganda Works

In addition:

Propaganda based on fear is designed to scare people into choosing sides. Often, worst-case scenarios are presented of horrible things to come if a particular action isn't taken. Special interest groups use this technique to encourage people to avoid behaviors such as smoking, drinking alcohol and driving recklessly.


Many other propaganda methods exist, but they subsist on the same basic principles as the ones listed above: Manipulate the message to portray an issue or person in the most favorable light possible, and when necessary, make the opposing side look shabby in comparison.

You're just not that bright if you think that others can't see through your idiotic equine excrement. Have a good evening. I know that I will. :dance::dance::dance:

No, dumb ass.....I know how to read and digest information. You might try it sometime.


You're one crazy jackass . We're done here

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

We never started. You lack the intellect or the honesty for self reflection douche bag.
Anybody who supports this needs to do the reflecting:

Trump ghostwriter: Losing makes him a desperate ‘little boy’ with ‘a blend of rage and depression’

Support what? The political system is theater and the corporate leaders are picked in advance. This isn't a "gubermint" by the people for the people. It's nothing but a joke that is being played on the masses and the latest revelations prove it. If you haven't figured that out by now, then you are one stupid motherfucker and you do strike me as being that stupid.
Funny, the secret service agents who worked with the witch protecting her in a daily basis, labeled her as unstable and a "unique threat to the republic".
Funny, the secret service agents who worked with the witch protecting her in a daily basis, labeled her as unstable and a "unique threat to the republic".

More propaganda....more horseshit

The nonpartisan Association of Former Agents of the United States Secret Service denounced the book for making "security harder by eroding the trust between agents and the people they protect".[2] Members of that Association also said that Byrne's job and role at that time would not have given him the level of access that many of the book's tales would be dependent upon.[2] Media Matters wrote that in places Byrnes' account in the book stood in contradiction to his sworn testimony before the Independent Counsel during the Lewinsky scandal in 1998.[4]

An opposite stance was taken by the author, party of interest Donald Trump, and some in the conservative commentariat, who said that the mainstream media was deliberately ignoring the book.[1] Byrne's publicist declaimed, "the Clintons always trash the messenger".[2] Crisis of Character - Wikipedia
What you are doing here is using a propaganda technique . You are doing it because the actual truth does not serve you well. It is the last desperate tool of those who know that they will loose the argument if they told the WHOLE TRUTH:

In addition:


You're just not that bright if you think that others can't see through your idiotic equine excrement. Have a good evening. I know that I will. :dance::dance::dance:

No, dumb ass.....I know how to read and digest information. You might try it sometime.


You're one crazy jackass . We're done here

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

We never started. You lack the intellect or the honesty for self reflection douche bag.
Anybody who supports this needs to do the reflecting:

Trump ghostwriter: Losing makes him a desperate ‘little boy’ with ‘a blend of rage and depression’

Support what? The political system is theater and the corporate leaders are picked in advance. This isn't a "gubermint" by the people for the people. It's nothing but a joke that is being played on the masses and the latest revelations prove it. If you haven't figured that out by now, then you are one stupid motherfucker and you do strike me as being that stupid.

Really?? Hillary Clinton Seems Very Serious About Thumping Big Business | Huffington Post
Funny, the secret service agents who worked with the witch protecting her in a daily basis, labeled her as unstable and a "unique threat to the republic".
Funny, the secret service agents who worked with the witch protecting her in a daily basis, labeled her as unstable and a "unique threat to the republic".

More propaganda....more horseshit

The nonpartisan Association of Former Agents of the United States Secret Service denounced the book for making "security harder by eroding the trust between agents and the people they protect".[2] Members of that Association also said that Byrne's job and role at that time would not have given him the level of access that many of the book's tales would be dependent upon.[2] Media Matters wrote that in places Byrnes' account in the book stood in contradiction to his sworn testimony before the Independent Counsel during the Lewinsky scandal in 1998.[4]

An opposite stance was taken by the author, party of interest Donald Trump, and some in the conservative commentariat, who said that the mainstream media was deliberately ignoring the book.[1] Byrne's publicist declaimed, "the Clintons always trash the messenger".[2] Crisis of Character - Wikipedia

Wow, so you're questioning the claims of secret agents who worked closely with the witch? :cuckoo:
No, dumb ass.....I know how to read and digest information. You might try it sometime.


You're one crazy jackass . We're done here

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

We never started. You lack the intellect or the honesty for self reflection douche bag.
Anybody who supports this needs to do the reflecting:

Trump ghostwriter: Losing makes him a desperate ‘little boy’ with ‘a blend of rage and depression’

Support what? The political system is theater and the corporate leaders are picked in advance. This isn't a "gubermint" by the people for the people. It's nothing but a joke that is being played on the masses and the latest revelations prove it. If you haven't figured that out by now, then you are one stupid motherfucker and you do strike me as being that stupid.

Really?? Hillary Clinton Seems Very Serious About Thumping Big Business | Huffington Post
That's not what she actually said in her speeches that have come out in the recent wiki leaks dump.
Funny, the secret service agents who worked with the witch protecting her in a daily basis, labeled her as unstable and a "unique threat to the republic".
Funny, the secret service agents who worked with the witch protecting her in a daily basis, labeled her as unstable and a "unique threat to the republic".

More propaganda....more horseshit

The nonpartisan Association of Former Agents of the United States Secret Service denounced the book for making "security harder by eroding the trust between agents and the people they protect".[2] Members of that Association also said that Byrne's job and role at that time would not have given him the level of access that many of the book's tales would be dependent upon.[2] Media Matters wrote that in places Byrnes' account in the book stood in contradiction to his sworn testimony before the Independent Counsel during the Lewinsky scandal in 1998.[4]

An opposite stance was taken by the author, party of interest Donald Trump, and some in the conservative commentariat, who said that the mainstream media was deliberately ignoring the book.[1] Byrne's publicist declaimed, "the Clintons always trash the messenger".[2] Crisis of Character - Wikipedia

Wow, so you're questioning the claims of secret agents who worked closely with the witch? :cuckoo:

Wow! Do you actually have a problem with reading comprehension, or are you just to lazy to read what I posted?
You're one crazy jackass . We're done here

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We never started. You lack the intellect or the honesty for self reflection douche bag.
Anybody who supports this needs to do the reflecting:

Trump ghostwriter: Losing makes him a desperate ‘little boy’ with ‘a blend of rage and depression’

Support what? The political system is theater and the corporate leaders are picked in advance. This isn't a "gubermint" by the people for the people. It's nothing but a joke that is being played on the masses and the latest revelations prove it. If you haven't figured that out by now, then you are one stupid motherfucker and you do strike me as being that stupid.

Really?? Hillary Clinton Seems Very Serious About Thumping Big Business | Huffington Post
That's not what she actually said in her speeches that have come out in the recent wiki leaks dump.
It's what she is saying now Bubba!
No, dumb ass.....I know how to read and digest information. You might try it sometime.


You're one crazy jackass . We're done here

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

We never started. You lack the intellect or the honesty for self reflection douche bag.
Anybody who supports this needs to do the reflecting:

Trump ghostwriter: Losing makes him a desperate ‘little boy’ with ‘a blend of rage and depression’

Support what? The political system is theater and the corporate leaders are picked in advance. This isn't a "gubermint" by the people for the people. It's nothing but a joke that is being played on the masses and the latest revelations prove it. If you haven't figured that out by now, then you are one stupid motherfucker and you do strike me as being that stupid.

Really?? Hillary Clinton Seems Very Serious About Thumping Big Business | Huffington Post

Remember, she has a public policy and a private policy. She will simply do as she is told. She is thicker than thieves with the Rothschilds that have thrown fundraisers for her....don't you understand the significance of that? The reason we are up to our necks in shit is because people are ignorant. E-mails released shows that Hitlery was coordinating with the leader of a super PAC group which is 100 percent illegal...... but she will get away with it. The system is a total fraud and if the data dump of e-mails doesn't prove that to you, then you are either stupid, ignorant or both.

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