Federal Employees in ‘Coup D’etat’ Should Be Caught, Jailed ‘to the Maximum Term Allowed by Law"

The avalanche is coming and it won't be funny to the deep state conspirators.
My garden will have grown and gone away with winter and I bet nothing shall come of this..Since Barr has already made a comment on the fact that Oblama is not guilty of treason or wrongdoing on the affair...

Video: AG Barr now appears to be at odds with Trump

Obama may skate, but I'm hearing that the deep state was busy as early as 2012 with their dirty tricks. We shall see...

who are you hearing this from? What is your inside source? :21::21::21:

It's my prediction based on TV reports. BTW, how's that impeachment thing working for y'all?
Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz are going to make things happen to the deep state, by the end of June:
If you want a video report, try these.

Judicial Watch
Dan Bongino
This "deep state coup" theory says a lot of things about the Trumpbots, none of them good. Be a conservative, be a Trump supporter but for God's sake quit being so stupidly gullible.
The avalanche is coming and it won't be funny to the deep state conspirators.
My garden will have grown and gone away with winter and I bet nothing shall come of this..Since Barr has already made a comment on the fact that Oblama is not guilty of treason or wrongdoing on the affair...

Video: AG Barr now appears to be at odds with Trump

Obama may skate, but I'm hearing that the deep state was busy as early as 2012 with their dirty tricks. We shall see...

who are you hearing this from? What is your inside source? :21::21::21:

It's my prediction based on TV reports. BTW, how's that impeachment thing working for y'all?
Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz are going to make things happen to the deep state, by the end of June:
If you want a video report, try these.

Judicial Watch
Dan Bongino

Well, I have said since day 1 that Trump did nothing illegal and him being impeached would be the worst thing possible for the country...so I don't really know how it is coming. Nice try at a diversion though...Your god in the White House would be so proud of you.
The avalanche is coming and it won't be funny to the deep state conspirators.

I hope you're right. IF we cannot restore equal justice under law, far more severe measures will be taken.

But I don't trust Barr. John Brennan and Andrew McCabe both should have been arrested the day the Mueller Dossier was released. The moment it was released, any claim that the arrest of these criminals would "impede" the witch hunt was nullified. Both Brennan and McCabe have BRAGGED on low rated cable TV that they tampered with the 2016 election. McCabe wrote in his book that he rigged the election on behalf of Hillary.

So the fact that neither of these two - the lowest hanging fruit - have been taken into custody makes me question if Barr will actually uphold the law. I fear that we will continue with a deep state that is immune to the law.
This "deep state coup" theory says a lot of things about the Trumpbots, none of them good. Be a conservative, be a Trump supporter but for God's sake quit being so stupidly gullible.

You're a dumb one, but even for you that is a jaw droppingly stupid post.
This "deep state coup" theory says a lot of things about the Trumpbots, none of them good. Be a conservative, be a Trump supporter but for God's sake quit being so stupidly gullible.

You're a dumb one, but even for you that is a jaw droppingly stupid post.

When this all ends up going nowhere and is roundly debunked you will never admit ever believing a bit of it. It's why "conservatives" are so easily led. They can lie to your face everyday and twice on Sunday and you will still unquestionably believe them.
The avalanche is coming and it won't be funny to the deep state conspirators.
My garden will have grown and gone away with winter and I bet nothing shall come of this..Since Barr has already made a comment on the fact that Oblama is not guilty of treason or wrongdoing on the affair...

Video: AG Barr now appears to be at odds with Trump

Obama may skate, but I'm hearing that the deep state was busy as early as 2012 with their dirty tricks. We shall see...

who are you hearing this from? What is your inside source? :21::21::21:

It's my prediction based on TV reports. BTW, how's that impeachment thing working for y'all?
Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz are going to make things happen to the deep state, by the end of June:
If you want a video report, try these.

Judicial Watch
Dan Bongino

Well, I have said since day 1 that Trump did nothing illegal and him being impeached would be the worst thing possible for the country...so I don't really know how it is coming. Nice try at a diversion though...Your god in the White House would be so proud of you.

Trump is not a god. Your god is human, is gaia and the devil. Trump is a stop gap chance for us all to come back to sense. And that is if he is real to his promises. Even so there have been questionable decisions. But he did not run as a conservative. You want to guarantee a win. Push and promise a massive tax cut for the working class. From just above the poverty level to 30/40 thousand dollars more. No games. No college or unwed mother sweeteners. Just change the tax number schedule to reflect what I typed. The people above those numbers would see their tax tables adjusted accordingly from the new number set up. No new taxes on the side like gasoline, electricity and the such. We know who the potentate gods are. No one can spend tens of trillions of dollars to eliminate poverty over decades and have the collectors being violent and blaming others for their lot in life for gaming the system that your gods set up to be played.
This "deep state coup" theory says a lot of things about the Trumpbots, none of them good. Be a conservative, be a Trump supporter but for God's sake quit being so stupidly gullible.

You're a dumb one, but even for you that is a jaw droppingly stupid post.

When this all ends up going nowhere and is roundly debunked you will never admit ever believing a bit of it. It's why "conservatives" are so easily led. They can lie to your face everyday and twice on Sunday and you will still unquestionably believe them.

It took Mueller 2-years to get nowhere, no collusion and no obstruction. Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz haven't even issued their reports yet, plus the subsequent grand jury testimony, then the indictments, then the trials...the wheels of justice turn slowly. McCabe, Strzok, Comey and the rest will get hit with their ton of bricks...all in due time....
This "deep state coup" theory says a lot of things about the Trumpbots, none of them good. Be a conservative, be a Trump supporter but for God's sake quit being so stupidly gullible.

You're a dumb one, but even for you that is a jaw droppingly stupid post.

When this all ends up going nowhere and is roundly debunked you will never admit ever believing a bit of it. It's why "conservatives" are so easily led. They can lie to your face everyday and twice on Sunday and you will still unquestionably believe them.

What are the lies, specifically?

Why not wait for the investigation to be conclude?

Not a fan of Trump's Pravda I take it?

Hey Meandering Marxist, want to play a little game of "Expose the Goebbels?"

Over the last week, name a lie from Breitbart, and I'll take the holocaust deniers of the NY Times.


The New York Times on May 30th lied that Donald Trump had ordered the Navy to hide the USS John McCain. By late the same day the honest press - Breitbart and Fox, had destroyed the Leftist lie.

Trump says 'would not have' ordered hiding of USS John McCain

Your turn, Comrade...

No? Can't find any lies from Breitbart? That's the point, hack.
Breitbart and MSNBC....2 peas in a pod.

Not even close.

Breitbart is emerging as the only honest media in the nation.

Show me ANYTHING they post as NEWS that isn't factual, I dare you, I don't care if you don't like their editorial policy, what they report is factual - unlike the little Goebbels of the leftist press.
All the while T-rump goes scot-free, right? His latest stunt shows gross abuse office and power all here carefully documented with great sources >>> http://danzview.blogspot.com/

Dark days in America over two years continues
(The eyes behind that darkness)

All the while T-rump goes scot-free, right? His latest stunt shows gross abuse office and power all here carefully documented with great sources >>> http://danzview.blogspot.com/

Dark days in America over two years continues
(The eyes behind that darkness)

Your Thorozine prescription run out, sploogy?


Not a fan of Trump's Pravda I take it?

Hey Meandering Marxist, want to play a little game of "Expose the Goebbels?"

Over the last week, name a lie from Breitbart, and I'll take the holocaust deniers of the NY Times.


The New York Times on May 30th lied that Donald Trump had ordered the Navy to hide the USS John McCain. By late the same day the honest press - Breitbart and Fox, had destroyed the Leftist lie.

Trump says 'would not have' ordered hiding of USS John McCain

Your turn, Comrade...

No? Can't find any lies from Breitbart? That's the point, hack.

where is the link from the NY Times stating that Trump ordered it?
This "deep state coup" theory says a lot of things about the Trumpbots, none of them good. Be a conservative, be a Trump supporter but for God's sake quit being so stupidly gullible.

You're a dumb one, but even for you that is a jaw droppingly stupid post.

When this all ends up going nowhere and is roundly debunked you will never admit ever believing a bit of it. It's why "conservatives" are so easily led. They can lie to your face everyday and twice on Sunday and you will still unquestionably believe them.

What are the lies, specifically?

Why not wait for the investigation to be conclude?
A couple of things. Firstly it is difficult to believe that a stated vengeance investigation launched by people who say things like "deep state coup" is going to be anything but a misleading cherry-picked bunch of bullshit. Next this tactic is eerily similar to how authoritarians act, like Erdogan of Turkey, to purge the government of anyone who might blow the whistle on their illegal acts without just shooting them. This thing will end without a single indictment or even a final report the very day it is no longer needed to make it seem, to you anyway, that those who dare to oppose Trump are involved in an evil plot rather than just having integrity.
This "deep state coup" theory says a lot of things about the Trumpbots, none of them good. Be a conservative, be a Trump supporter but for God's sake quit being so stupidly gullible.

You're a dumb one, but even for you that is a jaw droppingly stupid post.

When this all ends up going nowhere and is roundly debunked you will never admit ever believing a bit of it. It's why "conservatives" are so easily led. They can lie to your face everyday and twice on Sunday and you will still unquestionably believe them.

What are the lies, specifically?

Why not wait for the investigation to be conclude?
A couple of things. Firstly it is difficult to believe that a stated vengeance investigation launched by people who say things like "deep state coup" is going to be anything but a misleading cherry-picked bunch of bullshit. Next this tactic is eerily similar to how authoritarians act, like Erdogan of Turkey, to purge the government of anyone who might blow the whistle on their illegal acts without just shooting them. This thing will end without a single indictment or even a final report the very day it is no longer needed to make it seem, to you anyway, that those who dare to oppose Trump are involved in an evil plot rather than just having integrity.

If the FISA warrant application contained purposely unverified lies, it was a conspiracy to remove Trump from office and its illegal.

Not a fan of Trump's Pravda I take it?

Hey Meandering Marxist, want to play a little game of "Expose the Goebbels?"

Over the last week, name a lie from Breitbart, and I'll take the holocaust deniers of the NY Times.


The New York Times on May 30th lied that Donald Trump had ordered the Navy to hide the USS John McCain. By late the same day the honest press - Breitbart and Fox, had destroyed the Leftist lie.

Trump says 'would not have' ordered hiding of USS John McCain

Your turn, Comrade...

No? Can't find any lies from Breitbart? That's the point, hack.
Navy acknowledges request was made to hide USS John S. McCain during Trump visit.

Anything preceded by "Trump says..." can be safely discounted.
2 peas in a pod. I accept neither Breitbart nor msnbc....and I am a better man for it.

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