Democrats can start shitting bricks anytime:

Democrats can start shitting bricks just

IBD poll shows Trump leading by one, which actually means Trump leading by 6. And considering his debate performance (not the one the left wing media propaganda machine promotes), and the possibility of a bombshell wikileaks dump such as the 33,000 deleted emails, this thing is starting to turn around for Trump!

General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

IBD/TIPP Tracking Clinton 40, Trump 41, Johnson 8, Stein 4 Trump +1

IBD/TIPP Tracking Poll: The Most Accurate Presidential Poll In America
They live in a different world called planet Denial sometimes planet fantasy.
Democrats can start shitting bricks just

IBD poll shows Trump leading by one, which actually means Trump leading by 6. And considering his debate performance (not the one the left wing media propaganda machine promotes), and the possibility of a bombshell wikileaks dump such as the 33,000 deleted emails, this thing is starting to turn around for Trump!

General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

IBD/TIPP Tracking Clinton 40, Trump 41, Johnson 8, Stein 4 Trump +1

IBD/TIPP Tracking Poll: The Most Accurate Presidential Poll In America
A Donald Trump Win Would Signal The Biggest Poll Failure Ever | Huffington Post
If anyone thinks Donald Trump is doing well or even close to winning this election, they’re badly mistaken. Only the GOP presidential nominee himself and his most ardent supporters believe that. Even his own campaign manager is subtly distancing herself from the candidate.

Despite often-crazy election news cycles, polling numbers have been pretty boring in the past couple of months. Trump has never been ahead. Yet the narrative that polls could be wrong persists among liberals and conservatives: Trump supporters think polls are missing a “silent majority,” who are refusing to answer polls but will vote for Trump on Election Day. Others believe “shy” Trump voters won’t admit their voting preference to others. Liberals point to “what if” nightmare scenarios for reasons to doubt the number
Well, isn't that what happened in the UK with the BREXIT vote? The so called polls turned out to be bullshit.

We are obviously dealing with a corrupt media and establishment politicians who are in collusion with one another in order to defeat Trump. They are doing everything they can to get the witch elected, including lying, and providing cover for the latest revelations of Hilarys criminal and illegal activity. So why is it a stretch for some to believe that the same polls that are being conducted are somehow not biased or fabricated in any way? CNN's "instant poll" always has Hillary winning all three. Only a moron actually believes that.
Democrats can start shitting bricks just

IBD poll shows Trump leading by one, which actually means Trump leading by 6. And considering his debate performance (not the one the left wing media propaganda machine promotes), and the possibility of a bombshell wikileaks dump such as the 33,000 deleted emails, this thing is starting to turn around for Trump!

General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

IBD/TIPP Tracking Clinton 40, Trump 41, Johnson 8, Stein 4 Trump +1

IBD/TIPP Tracking Poll: The Most Accurate Presidential Poll In America

She is actually being crushed which is why there is a massive plan to cheat via voter fraud. Wikileaks is about to release some dirt in Donna Brazile and Tim Kaine. This is un-fucking real to learn the things we have the past few weeks. These people are nothing but commie filth and criminals. I didn't think it was possible to despise these people more than I do...but I was wrong.
Democrats can start shitting bricks just

IBD poll shows Trump leading by one, which actually means Trump leading by 6. And considering his debate performance (not the one the left wing media propaganda machine promotes), and the possibility of a bombshell wikileaks dump such as the 33,000 deleted emails, this thing is starting to turn around for Trump!

General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

IBD/TIPP Tracking Clinton 40, Trump 41, Johnson 8, Stein 4 Trump +1

IBD/TIPP Tracking Poll: The Most Accurate Presidential Poll In America

She is actually being crushed which is why there is a massive plan to cheat via voter fraud. Wikileaks is about to release some dirt in Donna Brazile and Tim Kaine. This is un-fucking real to learn the things we have the past few weeks. These people are nothing but commie filth and criminals. I didn't think it was possible to despise these people more than I do...but I was wrong.

Be ware the voices in your head.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Democrats can start shitting bricks just

IBD poll shows Trump leading by one, which actually means Trump leading by 6. And considering his debate performance (not the one the left wing media propaganda machine promotes), and the possibility of a bombshell wikileaks dump such as the 33,000 deleted emails, this thing is starting to turn around for Trump!

General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

IBD/TIPP Tracking Clinton 40, Trump 41, Johnson 8, Stein 4 Trump +1

IBD/TIPP Tracking Poll: The Most Accurate Presidential Poll In America

The Propaganda MSM who are the Hillary Cheerleaders and the Internet Troll Hillarybot Shills who have The Kool Aid Memo, they are repeating 24/7 that Trump Can't Win, Hillary Has Already Won.

They're doing this to suppress the Trump vote, to put people off voting thinking "what's the point in even voting?" etc.

I think there is a large portion of the American people who are not brainwashed and know what the MSM are doing, they will get out and vote, so the Hillarybots shouldn't count their chickens yet.

Of course whenever someone points this out, they think it's funny, because they only have two cards, the thinking it's funny card and the Shut Up Racist Bigot card, and neither card have been working for some time now, only they're too ignorant to realise this.

They love to post polls where 500-600 people are polled and the Hillary voters are oversampled by 8%-10%, and then they say See Hillary Is Winning, Look At The Poll. These polls mean nothing, and as the Hillary side are oversampled, they cannot be an accurate reflection.

The internal polls are saying something very different.
LOL and that CNN 'instant poll" where they claim "Hillary won all three debates" is Hillaryous. It's 55 Democrats vs 35 republicans, and even then after the last debate 11 undecided switched to voting to Trump vs 5 to Hillary. Bet they won't be repeating those results anytime soon! Ha ha ha.

Also with telephone polls, I've noticed some samplings that have been 50% Democratic, 40% Republican and 10% Independent, so again loaded polls, oversampling of Democrats, undersampling of Republicans, so of course Hillary leads in these polls because they're loaded.
Democrats can start shitting bricks just

IBD poll shows Trump leading by one, which actually means Trump leading by 6. And considering his debate performance (not the one the left wing media propaganda machine promotes), and the possibility of a bombshell wikileaks dump such as the 33,000 deleted emails, this thing is starting to turn around for Trump!

General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

IBD/TIPP Tracking Clinton 40, Trump 41, Johnson 8, Stein 4 Trump +1

IBD/TIPP Tracking Poll: The Most Accurate Presidential Poll In America

The Propaganda MSM who are the Hillary Cheerleaders and the Internet Troll Hillarybot Shills who have The Kool Aid Memo, they are repeating 24/7 that Trump Can't Win, Hillary Has Already Won.

They're doing this to suppress the Trump vote, to put people off voting thinking "what's the point in even voting?" etc.

I think there is a large portion of the American people who are not brainwashed and know what the MSM are doing, they will get out and vote, so the Hillarybots shouldn't count their chickens yet.

Of course whenever someone points this out, they think it's funny, because they only have two cards, the thinking it's funny card and the Shut Up Racist Bigot card, and neither card have been working for some time now, only they're too ignorant to realise this.

They love to post polls where 500-600 people are polled and the Hillary voters are oversampled by 8%-10%, and then they say See Hillary Is Winning, Look At The Poll. These polls mean nothing, and as the Hillary side are oversampled, they cannot be an accurate reflection.

The internal polls are saying something very different.
LOL and that CNN 'instant poll" where they claim "Hillary won all three debates" is Hillaryous. It's 55 Democrats vs 35 republicans, and even then after the last debate 11 undecided switched to voting to Trump vs 5 to Hillary. Bet they won't be repeating those results anytime soon! Ha ha ha.

Also with telephone polls, I've noticed some samplings that have been 50% Democratic, 40% Republican and 10% Independent, so again loaded polls, oversampling of Democrats, undersampling of Republicans, so of course Hillary leads in these polls because they're loaded.
Part of the same Democrap media election rigging machine.
While her surrogates are acting all cocking pretending it's all over, some say the Hillary campaign is shitting bricks and reviving Hillary from seizures she keeps having over this news.
"Why arent I up 50 points....??"" hell why arent I even at 50%
Democrats can start shitting bricks just

IBD poll shows Trump leading by one, which actually means Trump leading by 6. And considering his debate performance (not the one the left wing media propaganda machine promotes), and the possibility of a bombshell wikileaks dump such as the 33,000 deleted emails, this thing is starting to turn around for Trump!

General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

IBD/TIPP Tracking Clinton 40, Trump 41, Johnson 8, Stein 4 Trump +1

IBD/TIPP Tracking Poll: The Most Accurate Presidential Poll In America

She is actually being crushed which is why there is a massive plan to cheat via voter fraud. Wikileaks is about to release some dirt in Donna Brazile and Tim Kaine. This is un-fucking real to learn the things we have the past few weeks. These people are nothing but commie filth and criminals. I didn't think it was possible to despise these people more than I do...but I was wrong.

Be ware the voices in your head.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Bob Creamer, the ringleader of the Clinton voter fraud scheme met with the Barrypuppet 45 times and has been to the WH over 200 times? He is married to a leftard? He is on undercover camera explaining the tactic of "bulldogging"...i.e "trying to instigate violence at Trump rallies" so that the TV cameras catch and the lamestream media that is in the backpocket of Hitlery blames it on Trump supporters. See? That's what commies and fascists do. It's pretty fucking pitiful and any democrat should be embarrassed beyond words.
Democrats can start shitting bricks just

IBD poll shows Trump leading by one, which actually means Trump leading by 6. And considering his debate performance (not the one the left wing media propaganda machine promotes), and the possibility of a bombshell wikileaks dump such as the 33,000 deleted emails, this thing is starting to turn around for Trump!

General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

IBD/TIPP Tracking Clinton 40, Trump 41, Johnson 8, Stein 4 Trump +1

IBD/TIPP Tracking Poll: The Most Accurate Presidential Poll In America

She is actually being crushed which is why there is a massive plan to cheat via voter fraud. Wikileaks is about to release some dirt in Donna Brazile and Tim Kaine. This is un-fucking real to learn the things we have the past few weeks. These people are nothing but commie filth and criminals. I didn't think it was possible to despise these people more than I do...but I was wrong.

Be ware the voices in your head.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Bob Creamer, the ringleader of the Clinton voter fraud scheme met with the Barrypuppet 45 times and has been to the WH over 200 times? He is married to a leftard? He is on undercover camera explaining the tactic of "bulldogging"...i.e "trying to instigate violence at Trump rallies" so that the TV cameras catch and the lamestream media that is in the backpocket of Hitlery blames it on Trump supporters. See? That's what commies and fascists do. It's pretty fucking pitiful and any democrat should be embarrassed beyond words.
Why do all of Hillary's surrogates and associates have these ironic names, Her right hand woman is married to a pervert named Weiner and here's another leftist anarchist asshole agitator named Creamer. What next?
Democrats can start shitting bricks just

IBD poll shows Trump leading by one, which actually means Trump leading by 6. And considering his debate performance (not the one the left wing media propaganda machine promotes), and the possibility of a bombshell wikileaks dump such as the 33,000 deleted emails, this thing is starting to turn around for Trump!

General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

IBD/TIPP Tracking Clinton 40, Trump 41, Johnson 8, Stein 4 Trump +1

IBD/TIPP Tracking Poll: The Most Accurate Presidential Poll In America

She is actually being crushed which is why there is a massive plan to cheat via voter fraud. Wikileaks is about to release some dirt in Donna Brazile and Tim Kaine. This is un-fucking real to learn the things we have the past few weeks. These people are nothing but commie filth and criminals. I didn't think it was possible to despise these people more than I do...but I was wrong.

Be ware the voices in your head.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Bob Creamer, the ringleader of the Clinton voter fraud scheme met with the Barrypuppet 45 times and has been to the WH over 200 times? He is married to a leftard? He is on undercover camera explaining the tactic of "bulldogging"...i.e "trying to instigate violence at Trump rallies" so that the TV cameras catch and the lamestream media that is in the backpocket of Hitlery blames it on Trump supporters. See? That's what commies and fascists do. It's pretty fucking pitiful and any democrat should be embarrassed beyond words.
Washington (CNN)A Democratic operative whose organization was helping Hillary Clinton's campaign announced Tuesday that he would be "stepping back" from the campaign after an edited video suggested that he and other staffers hired people to attend Donald Trump's campaign rallies and incite violence.

Robert Creamer -- husband of Illinois Rep. Jan Schakowsky -- announced his resignation in a statement after conservative activist James O'Keefe released a video under his organization Project Veritas Action, which showed Creamer and other operatives purportedly discussing methods for inciting violence at rallies for the Republican nominee.

In the past, O'Keefe and his Project Veritas Action have been criticized for strategically editing footage to create false accusations about people or groups.

Creamer was helping the Democratic National Committee with Clinton's campaign while working for Democracy Partners, a progressive consulting group. He is also the head of a group called Mobilize, which contracted with the DNC.

"I am unwilling to become a distraction to the important task of electing Hilary Clinton, and defeating Donald Trump in the upcoming election," Creamer said in a statement. "As a result I have indicated to the Democratic National Committee that I am stepping back from my responsibilities working with the campaign." Dem operative 'stepping back' after video suggests group incited violence at Trump rallies -
Democrats can start shitting bricks just

IBD poll shows Trump leading by one, which actually means Trump leading by 6. And considering his debate performance (not the one the left wing media propaganda machine promotes), and the possibility of a bombshell wikileaks dump such as the 33,000 deleted emails, this thing is starting to turn around for Trump!

General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

IBD/TIPP Tracking Clinton 40, Trump 41, Johnson 8, Stein 4 Trump +1

IBD/TIPP Tracking Poll: The Most Accurate Presidential Poll In America

The Propaganda MSM who are the Hillary Cheerleaders and the Internet Troll Hillarybot Shills who have The Kool Aid Memo, they are repeating 24/7 that Trump Can't Win, Hillary Has Already Won.

They're doing this to suppress the Trump vote, to put people off voting thinking "what's the point in even voting?" etc.

I think there is a large portion of the American people who are not brainwashed and know what the MSM are doing, they will get out and vote, so the Hillarybots shouldn't count their chickens yet.

Of course whenever someone points this out, they think it's funny, because they only have two cards, the thinking it's funny card and the Shut Up Racist Bigot card, and neither card have been working for some time now, only they're too ignorant to realise this.

They love to post polls where 500-600 people are polled and the Hillary voters are oversampled by 8%-10%, and then they say See Hillary Is Winning, Look At The Poll. These polls mean nothing, and as the Hillary side are oversampled, they cannot be an accurate reflection.

The internal polls are saying something very different.
LOL and that CNN 'instant poll" where they claim "Hillary won all three debates" is Hillaryous. It's 55 Democrats vs 35 republicans, and even then after the last debate 11 undecided switched to voting to Trump vs 5 to Hillary. Bet they won't be repeating those results anytime soon! Ha ha ha.

Also with telephone polls, I've noticed some samplings that have been 50% Democratic, 40% Republican and 10% Independent, so again loaded polls, oversampling of Democrats, undersampling of Republicans, so of course Hillary leads in these polls because they're loaded.

That's because there are more Democrats than Republicans.
Has Hillary been seen today? Or is she resting following the last two days of gruelling activity? :eusa_shifty:
She is relaxing at a spa with Bill and friends, having a god laugh at the Trump implosion. She does not have to be seen or heard now. Trump is doing all the "right things" to get Clinton elected.
So she's a lazy bitch? OK.
Lazy? Who is the one who would not prepare for the debates??

Trump won the debate. LOL
Democrats can start shitting bricks just

IBD poll shows Trump leading by one, which actually means Trump leading by 6. And considering his debate performance (not the one the left wing media propaganda machine promotes), and the possibility of a bombshell wikileaks dump such as the 33,000 deleted emails, this thing is starting to turn around for Trump!

General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

IBD/TIPP Tracking Clinton 40, Trump 41, Johnson 8, Stein 4 Trump +1

IBD/TIPP Tracking Poll: The Most Accurate Presidential Poll In America

She is actually being crushed which is why there is a massive plan to cheat via voter fraud. Wikileaks is about to release some dirt in Donna Brazile and Tim Kaine. This is un-fucking real to learn the things we have the past few weeks. These people are nothing but commie filth and criminals. I didn't think it was possible to despise these people more than I do...but I was wrong.

Be ware the voices in your head.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Bob Creamer, the ringleader of the Clinton voter fraud scheme met with the Barrypuppet 45 times and has been to the WH over 200 times? He is married to a leftard? He is on undercover camera explaining the tactic of "bulldogging"...i.e "trying to instigate violence at Trump rallies" so that the TV cameras catch and the lamestream media that is in the backpocket of Hitlery blames it on Trump supporters. See? That's what commies and fascists do. It's pretty fucking pitiful and any democrat should be embarrassed beyond words.
Why do all of Hillary's surrogates and associates have these ironic names, Her right hand woman is married to a pervert named Weiner and here's another leftist anarchist asshole agitator named Creamer. What next?

Judy Prophylactic
Didn't the Trump-losers learn their lesson in 2012, after screaming "The polls are skewed!" led to their complete humiliation, and had everyone laughing hard at them for months?

Apparently not. After all, if they weren't profoundly stupid people, prone to believe any loopy conspiracy theory they get fed, they wouldn't be Trump-losers.

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