Democrats Can't Be Serious.Now They Are Concerned Over The Debt And Deficit? Laughable?

Why do some leftists always lie?


Because if they told the truth they wouldn't be leftists?

Just in case anyone was wondering - here are a few fun facts.
a. When Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, the outstanding public debt totaled $10,626,877,048,913. On Jan. 20, 2017, when Obama left office, outstanding public debt totaled $19,944,429,217,106, an increase of roughly $9.3 trillion.
b. From 2007 to 2011, the 110th and 111th Congress, Democrats held both houses of Congress...and the Senate until 2015, 112th and 113th Congress.
c. and this blast from the past -on Bush increasing the debt by over 4 trillion during his 8 years.

All by his lonesome Bush did that - added almost 5 trillion to the debt - irresponsible the man says, unpatriotic he declares - oh, the hypocrisy! ;)

How many JOBS lost under gwb and how many gained under Obama??
:banghead: :cow: :eusa_boohoo: And when us "Normal People/Conservatives" watch the loonies on any news cable outlet "Pretend To Show Concern" over what may happen when Trump lowers all taxes, aren't we all talking back to our flatscreens, maybe yelling back..."You Got To Be F--------King Kidding Me". :eek-52:
Remember in 2009 when the Democrats were out to steal from the middle class and borrow a few trillion dollars from our kids? And they just kept borrowing about a trillion a year to pay our expenses while lining their own pockets? And now they are worried about the debt and deficit? Need we say more? :disbelief:
Gosh, you are such a liar!!!! :p

The Lake of Fire awaits you! :eek:
FactCheck.Org - A look at just Obama's 1st 4 years in office:

Q: How much has the federal debt gone up under Obama?
During his first three years in office, it rose $4.7 trillion, an increase of 45 percent.
* In ONLY Obama's 1st 4 years

It’s not true, for example, that the debt has increased only 16 percent since Obama took office.
That erroneous calculation originally came from the office of House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi. And — despite being corrected later — it has continued to circulate via email.

Even the corrected version, currently appearing on the site of the liberal group and Pelosi’s Flickr site, is many months out of date as of this writing. It shows a 35 percent increase for Obama, which is now far too low.

To Be Fair...
"And it’s also untrue — as claimed in a graphic widely circulated by email and in social media postings — that the debt has increased more under Obama than under all previous 43 presidents combined. In fact, as of Jan. 31, 2012, the rise under Obama had yet to surpass the rise under his predecessor, George W. Bush."

* Note FactCheck.Org points out that after ONLY Obama's 1st 4 years Obama had not YET surpassed the amount of debt Bush added in 8 years.


This graph shows that after only 4 years Obama had almost matched the entire amount of debt added by Bush over an 8 year period.

Democrats like to compare Obama's debt addition to Bush, who increased debt addition above that of Clinton by 86%. Obama only increased debt addition by 45%, compared to BUSH and only after 4 years. Consider the debt addition percentage increase from CLINTON to Obama and the percentage rate goes up a great deal more than 45% comparatively. Bush may have broken the debt addition amount compared to Clinton, but Obama shattered Clinton's record, almost surpassing Bush's total 8-year amount in only 4 years.

But NOW snowflakes are suddenly worried about increased debt addition.

Dueling Debt Deceptions -
How many JOBS lost under gwb and how many gained under Obama??

Why, you're free to post your own set of fun facts on the jobs thread. This here one's about concern over debt and deficits - you know, the stuff Obama called Bush irresponsible and unpatriotic for increasing by 4+Trillion.
Remember when Barry Hussein showered boxcar loads of about a billion dollars in cold U.S. cash on Iran? Not a single democrat even asked what the hell he was doing. Now they are complaining because Trump wants to safeguard U.S. borders. Go figure.
Don't be so hard on Democrats. They don't know Obama doubled the national debt in just eight years, because their media refused to tell them.
Did the media tell you we had the most severe recession ever that moron repubs handed to Obama?/

Ah...yeah, the main stream media pushed that narrative about every day of the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression, Ed...what's your point? The fact is, Barry didn't have a clue when it came to economics! He wanted to raise taxes in the midst of that recession and was only prevented from doing so by moderate Democrats and Republicans. He also was pushing a Cap & Trade plan to raise the price of energy in the midst of that recession...something else that the GOP taking back the House kept him from getting done. Obama was handed a recession. His policies turned it into "The Great Recession".
75 straight months of triple digit job gains and raise taxes ?? On the million and billionaires who really were getting richer was a bad thing??

Raising taxes on ANYONE in the midst of a recession is idiotic economic policy, Edward. It's only going to do one thing and that's slow economic growth. That's the kind of thing you learn about as a college undergrad taking entry level Econ classes...something that Obama OBVIOUSLY never had as part of his college curriculum!
Don't be so hard on Democrats. They don't know Obama doubled the national debt in just eight years, because their media refused to tell them.
Bush doubled it and Reagan tripled it. Where was your outrage then?

Simple question for you, Faun...

If one person increase the debt they owe from $5 to $15 and another increases the debt they owe from $100 to $200...who's incurred the most debt?
FactCheck.Org - A look at just Obama's 1st 4 years in office:

Q: How much has the federal debt gone up under Obama?
During his first three years in office, it rose $4.7 trillion, an increase of 45 percent.
* In ONLY Obama's 1st 4 years

It’s not true, for example, that the debt has increased only 16 percent since Obama took office.
That erroneous calculation originally came from the office of House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi. And — despite being corrected later — it has continued to circulate via email.

Even the corrected version, currently appearing on the site of the liberal group and Pelosi’s Flickr site, is many months out of date as of this writing. It shows a 35 percent increase for Obama, which is now far too low.

To Be Fair...
"And it’s also untrue — as claimed in a graphic widely circulated by email and in social media postings — that the debt has increased more under Obama than under all previous 43 presidents combined. In fact, as of Jan. 31, 2012, the rise under Obama had yet to surpass the rise under his predecessor, George W. Bush."

* Note FactCheck.Org points out that after ONLY Obama's 1st 4 years Obama had not YET surpassed the amount of debt Bush added in 8 years.


This graph shows that after only 4 years Obama had almost matched the entire amount of debt added by Bush over an 8 year period.

Democrats like to compare Obama's debt addition to Bush, who increased debt addition above that of Clinton by 86%. Obama only increased debt addition by 45%, compared to BUSH and only after 4 years. Consider the debt addition percentage increase from CLINTON to Obama and the percentage rate goes up a great deal more than 45% comparatively. Bush may have broken the debt addition amount compared to Clinton, but Obama shattered Clinton's record, almost surpassing Bush's total 8-year amount in only 4 years.

But NOW snowflakes are suddenly worried about increased debt addition.

Dueling Debt Deceptions -
A little perspective here... first of all, you're using nominal figures as though a dollar in the early 80's is worth what it is now. Secondly, if we look at the first term of recent presidents with real figures, we find...

Reagan ........ 54.9%
Bush41 ........ 35.2%
Obama ......... 31.7%
Bush43 ........ 24.7%
Clinton ....... 14.3%
Carter ......... 2.0%

... and if we average the annual increase over their entire presidency...

Reagan ........ 14.7%
Bush43 ......... 9.0%
Bush41 ......... 8.8%
Obama .......... 6.2%
Clinton ........ 1.8%
Carter ......... 0.5%

Government Debt Chart: United States 1970-2017 - Federal State Local Data

And rightards bitch about Democrats.

Don't be so hard on Democrats. They don't know Obama doubled the national debt in just eight years, because their media refused to tell them.
Did the media tell you we had the most severe recession ever that moron repubs handed to Obama?/

Ah...yeah, the main stream media pushed that narrative about every day of the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression, Ed...what's your point? The fact is, Barry didn't have a clue when it came to economics! He wanted to raise taxes in the midst of that recession and was only prevented from doing so by moderate Democrats and Republicans. He also was pushing a Cap & Trade plan to raise the price of energy in the midst of that recession...something else that the GOP taking back the House kept him from getting done. Obama was handed a recession. His policies turned it into "The Great Recession".
75 straight months of triple digit job gains and raise taxes ?? On the million and billionaires who really were getting richer was a bad thing??

Raising taxes on ANYONE in the midst of a recession is idiotic economic policy, Edward. It's only going to do one thing and that's slow economic growth. That's the kind of thing you learn about as a college undergrad taking entry level Econ classes...something that Obama OBVIOUSLY never had as part of his college curriculum!
Old why are you so protective of the people who have been coining money for 20,30 years while the rest of the population stagnates?
Old why are you so protective of the people who have been coining money for 20,30 years while the rest of the population stagnates?
Snowflake sheeple do and say what they have been told / indoctrinated to say.
Don't be so hard on Democrats. They don't know Obama doubled the national debt in just eight years, because their media refused to tell them.
Did the media tell you we had the most severe recession ever that moron repubs handed to Obama?/

Ah...yeah, the main stream media pushed that narrative about every day of the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression, Ed...what's your point? The fact is, Barry didn't have a clue when it came to economics! He wanted to raise taxes in the midst of that recession and was only prevented from doing so by moderate Democrats and Republicans. He also was pushing a Cap & Trade plan to raise the price of energy in the midst of that recession...something else that the GOP taking back the House kept him from getting done. Obama was handed a recession. His policies turned it into "The Great Recession".
75 straight months of triple digit job gains and raise taxes ?? On the million and billionaires who really were getting richer was a bad thing??

Raising taxes on ANYONE in the midst of a recession is idiotic economic policy, Edward. It's only going to do one thing and that's slow economic growth. That's the kind of thing you learn about as a college undergrad taking entry level Econ classes...something that Obama OBVIOUSLY never had as part of his college curriculum!
Do ya ever stop lying, ya con tool?


"The last thing you want to do is raise taxes in the middle of the recession because that would just suck up and take more demand out of the economy and put businesses in a further hole." ~ Barack Obama
Don't be so hard on Democrats. They don't know Obama doubled the national debt in just eight years, because their media refused to tell them.
Bush doubled it and Reagan tripled it. Where was your outrage then?

Simple question for you, Faun...

If one person increase the debt they owe from $5 to $15 and another increases the debt they owe from $100 to $200...who's incurred the most debt?
You're painfully rightarded asking such a question with nominal figures. To give you an idea of just how stupid you look using nominal figures.... in his12 years in office, FDR added about $236 billion which included massive deficits caused by the Great Depression and WWII.

Yet FDR's $236 billion in 12 years is less than ¼ of what Bush added in just his final year in office alone. According to you, FDR, who spiked the debt like no other, didn't add much debt at all. :cuckoo:
Don't be so hard on Democrats. They don't know Obama doubled the national debt in just eight years, because their media refused to tell them.
Did the media tell you we had the most severe recession ever that moron repubs handed to Obama?/
Your post only proves you to be a brain dead partisan. To think the Great Recession was caused by Rs, clearly exposes you as a fool.
speaking of fools thinking everything that happened on obamas watch was his fault makes you the king of fools or doesn't your bs go both ways ?

He had his moments:


Don't be so hard on Democrats. They don't know Obama doubled the national debt in just eight years, because their media refused to tell them.
Did the media tell you we had the most severe recession ever that moron repubs handed to Obama?/

Ah...yeah, the main stream media pushed that narrative about every day of the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression, Ed...what's your point? The fact is, Barry didn't have a clue when it came to economics! He wanted to raise taxes in the midst of that recession and was only prevented from doing so by moderate Democrats and Republicans. He also was pushing a Cap & Trade plan to raise the price of energy in the midst of that recession...something else that the GOP taking back the House kept him from getting done. Obama was handed a recession. His policies turned it into "The Great Recession".
75 straight months of triple digit job gains and raise taxes ?? On the million and billionaires who really were getting richer was a bad thing??

Raising taxes on ANYONE in the midst of a recession is idiotic economic policy, Edward. It's only going to do one thing and that's slow economic growth. That's the kind of thing you learn about as a college undergrad taking entry level Econ classes...something that Obama OBVIOUSLY never had as part of his college curriculum!
Do ya ever stop lying, ya con tool?


"The last thing you want to do is raise taxes in the middle of the recession because that would just suck up and take more demand out of the economy and put businesses in a further hole." ~ Barack Obama
They take after their leader Dump
Why do some leftists always lie?


Because if they told the truth they wouldn't be leftists?

Just in case anyone was wondering - here are a few fun facts.
a. When Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, the outstanding public debt totaled $10,626,877,048,913. On Jan. 20, 2017, when Obama left office, outstanding public debt totaled $19,944,429,217,106, an increase of roughly $9.3 trillion.
b. From 2007 to 2011, the 110th and 111th Congress, Democrats held both houses of Congress...and the Senate until 2015, 112th and 113th Congress.
c. and this blast from the past -on Bush increasing the debt by over 4 trillion during his 8 years.

All by his lonesome Bush did that - added almost 5 trillion to the debt - irresponsible the man says, unpatriotic he declares - oh, the hypocrisy! ;)

It was both irresponsible and unpatriotic. It is fiscally irresponsible to declare war and cut taxes at the same time. It's fiscally irresponsible to create a HUGE program like Medicare Part D, without creating a tax to pay for it. It is fiscally irresponsible to hand money over to privately owned banks for bail-outs of THEIR fiscal irresponsibility without getting assurances that the money would NOT be used for executive bonuses to the guys who crashed the economy.

When your economic policies nearly take down the US banking system and the rest of the world's economy, it is very irresponsible, and considering that there was ample evidence that what he was doing was making things worse, that he persisted on this path makes him unpatriotic.

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