Democrats Can't Be Serious.Now They Are Concerned Over The Debt And Deficit? Laughable?

You gotta remember these people still claim that Obama lowered the national debt.

You voted for a guy who promised to build a wall. The MSM told you he was lying about everything and that Russia was helping him, but you refused to believe it and elected him anyway. How's that working out for you.

Yeah, Trump is claiming that the reduction of the national debt in January of this year is HIS doing. He's lying, as always. When isn't he lying. Oh yeah, when he invited Putin to help him hack Hillary Clinton, and when he said the election was rigged. Of course it was rigged - he rigged it.
not once did Obama bring up the debt and deficit of which was only getting worse during his 8 year recession,,,but hey,,I will take 400,000 dollars from Wall Street....

Carter balanced the budget, Clinton balanced the budget, Obama took over an economy in total freefall, shedding 500,000 jobs a month, with two expensive wars on going, and Bush tax cuts.

Yes it took 8 years to get rid of the mess Bush left, but he did it. How long will it take to deal with the 7 to 8 trillion dollar debt created by this fiasco?
dragon you carbin and faun are the best , along with a few others on the board,,in dealing with these idiots
Obama's Numbers April 2016 Update -
Apr 6, 2016 - Since President Barack Obama first took office: The U.S. trade deficit has shrunk by 24 percent; exports have grown faster than imports. The number of ... That would be a decrease of 1.1 million, or 9 percent. (See Figure 1 ..
You gotta remember these people still claim that Obama lowered the national debt.

You voted for a guy who promised to build a wall. The MSM told you he was lying about everything and that Russia was helping him, but you refused to believe it and elected him anyway. How's that working out for you.

Yeah, Trump is claiming that the reduction of the national debt in January of this year is HIS doing. He's lying, as always. When isn't he lying. Oh yeah, when he invited Putin to help him hack Hillary Clinton, and when he said the election was rigged. Of course it was rigged - he rigged it.
Lied about leaving NAFTA, sanctuary city cuts wouldn't work, cutting up Iran deal on his first day ?? lol etc etc etc
Both party's only worry about the debt/deficit when the other party's in power.

The Republicans cut taxes and never cut spending to match. That'll run up the deficit every day of the week. When was the last time a Republican raised taxes? Wait...let me fill you in. George H.W. Bush raised them a little following the massive tax cuts under Reagan. Clinton raised taxes in early 1993 while he still had a Democrat congress then proceeded to not only balance the budget but left a surplus. What he did was to buy back $400,000,000,000 of debt. Although the stage was set to completely settle the national debt by 2012 George W. Bush cut tax rates twice, 2001 and 2003 then proceeded to double the national debt from $5.7 trillion to $11.9 trillion.
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Don't be so hard on Democrats. They don't know Obama doubled the national debt in just eight years, because their media refused to tell them.
Bush doubled it and Reagan tripled it. Where was your outrage then?

Simple question for you, Faun...

If one person increase the debt they owe from $5 to $15 and another increases the debt they owe from $100 to $200...who's incurred the most debt?
You're painfully rightarded asking such a question with nominal figures. To give you an idea of just how stupid you look using nominal figures.... in his12 years in office, FDR added about $236 billion which included massive deficits caused by the Great Depression and WWII.

Yet FDR's $236 billion in 12 years is less than ¼ of what Bush added in just his final year in office alone. According to you, FDR, who spiked the debt like no other, didn't add much debt at all. :cuckoo:

To start with, I'm going to adjust FDR's numbers for inflation which you've failed to do! Or do you not grasp the fact that a 1936 dollar had a very different value than a 1996 dollar?

You've failed to address my point, Faun. You use a misleading statistic...that Reagan tripled the debt as opposed to Obama only doubling it to "prove" that Obama was somehow less of a debt incurring President than Reagan was!
Don't be so hard on Democrats. They don't know Obama doubled the national debt in just eight years, because their media refused to tell them.
Did the media tell you we had the most severe recession ever that moron repubs handed to Obama?/

Ah...yeah, the main stream media pushed that narrative about every day of the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression, Ed...what's your point? The fact is, Barry didn't have a clue when it came to economics! He wanted to raise taxes in the midst of that recession and was only prevented from doing so by moderate Democrats and Republicans. He also was pushing a Cap & Trade plan to raise the price of energy in the midst of that recession...something else that the GOP taking back the House kept him from getting done. Obama was handed a recession. His policies turned it into "The Great Recession".
75 straight months of triple digit job gains and raise taxes ?? On the million and billionaires who really were getting richer was a bad thing??

Raising taxes on ANYONE in the midst of a recession is idiotic economic policy, Edward. It's only going to do one thing and that's slow economic growth. That's the kind of thing you learn about as a college undergrad taking entry level Econ classes...something that Obama OBVIOUSLY never had as part of his college curriculum!
Do ya ever stop lying, ya con tool?


"The last thing you want to do is raise taxes in the middle of the recession because that would just suck up and take more demand out of the economy and put businesses in a further hole." ~ Barack Obama

He said that, Faun...and yet he wanted to let the Bush tax cuts expire...which is essentially raising taxes! So all you've proven is that Barry was two faced...saying one thing while actually trying to do something else!
You gotta remember these people still claim that Obama lowered the national debt.

You voted for a guy who promised to build a wall. The MSM told you he was lying about everything and that Russia was helping him, but you refused to believe it and elected him anyway. How's that working out for you.

Yeah, Trump is claiming that the reduction of the national debt in January of this year is HIS doing. He's lying, as always. When isn't he lying. Oh yeah, when he invited Putin to help him hack Hillary Clinton, and when he said the election was rigged. Of course it was rigged - he rigged it.

Ah...yes...Trump "rigged" the election by exposing the fact that Hillary Clinton and the DNC had REALLY rigged the election process? Is that the narrative you're going with, Dragonlady?

Take a step back and think about THAT and then get back to me! Surely even you can see how monumentally silly that is?
Did the media tell you we had the most severe recession ever that moron repubs handed to Obama?/

Ah...yeah, the main stream media pushed that narrative about every day of the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression, Ed...what's your point? The fact is, Barry didn't have a clue when it came to economics! He wanted to raise taxes in the midst of that recession and was only prevented from doing so by moderate Democrats and Republicans. He also was pushing a Cap & Trade plan to raise the price of energy in the midst of that recession...something else that the GOP taking back the House kept him from getting done. Obama was handed a recession. His policies turned it into "The Great Recession".
75 straight months of triple digit job gains and raise taxes ?? On the million and billionaires who really were getting richer was a bad thing??

Raising taxes on ANYONE in the midst of a recession is idiotic economic policy, Edward. It's only going to do one thing and that's slow economic growth. That's the kind of thing you learn about as a college undergrad taking entry level Econ classes...something that Obama OBVIOUSLY never had as part of his college curriculum!
Do ya ever stop lying, ya con tool?


"The last thing you want to do is raise taxes in the middle of the recession because that would just suck up and take more demand out of the economy and put businesses in a further hole." ~ Barack Obama

He said that, Faun...and yet he wanted to let the Bush tax cuts expire...which is essentially raising taxes! So all you've proven is that Barry was two faced...saying one thing while actually trying to do something else!

The Bush tax cuts were the reason you were in a deficit in the first place. Of course he wanted them to expire. They should never have happened.

Republicans refused to let the tax cuts expire, and then blamed Obama for not getting rid of the deficit fast enough. They refused to give authorization to bomb Syria and then mocked him for failing to follow through on the threat. Congress refused to close Gitmo and then blamed Obama because it was still open.

Republicans THINK they can suck and blow at the same time because their loyal followers believe their every lie without question or fact checking, but even the most simple minded among you can see the hypocrisy.
It was both irresponsible and unpatriotic...

OK...little light on fact, little heavy on opinion...but facts would defeat the purpose, wouldn't it?
No matter, it's all in the Congressional record if anyone cares look.

I'll gladly accept Obama's claim that Bush was unpatriotic and irresponsible for adding 4+Trillion to the debt all by his lonesome - if you can accept that Obama was doubly irresponsible and unpatriotic for adding 9+ Trillion all by his lonesome....using his definition, of course. ;)
It was both irresponsible and unpatriotic...

OK...little light on fact, little heavy on opinion...but that would defeat the purpose, wouldn't it?
No matter, it's all in the Congressional record if anyone cares look.

I'll gladly accept Obama's claim that Bush was unpatriotic and irresponsible for adding 4+Trillion to the debt all by his lonesome - if you can accept that Obama was doubly irresponsible and unpatriotic for adding 9+ Trillion all by his lonesome....using his definition, of course. ;)
Obama's shoes

Roxane Hanney


Excellent illustration! Those are yuuge shoes - expensive too. The American taxpayer spent 9.3 Trillion dollars to buy those shoes. Golly gee, sure am glad Trump doesn't plan on wearing them. :biggrin:
Folks like I made small fortunes with Obama at the head Maybe you would blame Yellen but it was on Obamas watch Now you want me to bite the hand that fed me?? You must be a republican
:banghead: :cow: :eusa_boohoo: And when us "Normal People/Conservatives" watch the loonies on any news cable outlet "Pretend To Show Concern" over what may happen when Trump lowers all taxes, aren't we all talking back to our flatscreens, maybe yelling back..."You Got To Be F--------King Kidding Me". :eek-52:
Remember in 2009 when the Democrats were out to steal from the middle class and borrow a few trillion dollars from our kids? And they just kept borrowing about a trillion a year to pay our expenses while lining their own pockets? And now they are worried about the debt and deficit? Need we say more? :disbelief:

pointing out rightwingnut hypocrisy isn't changing positions. but redistributing wealth up to the top 1% and screwing people and then saying there's no money to do what the government SHOULD do is worth noting.

if you had the IQ of a piece of toast you would understand. but you make a piece of toast look like a genius
Ah...yeah, the main stream media pushed that narrative about every day of the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression, Ed...what's your point? The fact is, Barry didn't have a clue when it came to economics! He wanted to raise taxes in the midst of that recession and was only prevented from doing so by moderate Democrats and Republicans. He also was pushing a Cap & Trade plan to raise the price of energy in the midst of that recession...something else that the GOP taking back the House kept him from getting done. Obama was handed a recession. His policies turned it into "The Great Recession".
75 straight months of triple digit job gains and raise taxes ?? On the million and billionaires who really were getting richer was a bad thing??

Raising taxes on ANYONE in the midst of a recession is idiotic economic policy, Edward. It's only going to do one thing and that's slow economic growth. That's the kind of thing you learn about as a college undergrad taking entry level Econ classes...something that Obama OBVIOUSLY never had as part of his college curriculum!
Do ya ever stop lying, ya con tool?


"The last thing you want to do is raise taxes in the middle of the recession because that would just suck up and take more demand out of the economy and put businesses in a further hole." ~ Barack Obama

He said that, Faun...and yet he wanted to let the Bush tax cuts expire...which is essentially raising taxes! So all you've proven is that Barry was two faced...saying one thing while actually trying to do something else!

The Bush tax cuts were the reason you were in a deficit in the first place. Of course he wanted them to expire. They should never have happened.

Republicans refused to let the tax cuts expire, and then blamed Obama for not getting rid of the deficit fast enough. They refused to give authorization to bomb Syria and then mocked him for failing to follow through on the threat. Congress refused to close Gitmo and then blamed Obama because it was still open.

Republicans THINK they can suck and blow at the same time because their loyal followers believe their every lie without question or fact checking, but even the most simple minded among you can see the hypocrisy.

Wait a second...first you claim that he didn't want to raise taxes...then I point out that he wanted the Bush tax cuts to expire...which let's face IS a tax increase...and now you claim that he wanted them to expire because they increased the deficit? You've just made my point for me when I said Obama was clueless when it came to economics!

The very ESSENCE of Keynesian economic theory is that you increase government spending during an economic downturn and then recoup that spending by increasing taxes when the economy improves. You don't increase taxes during a recession...that will only worsen the problem.
Ah...yeah, the main stream media pushed that narrative about every day of the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression, Ed...what's your point? The fact is, Barry didn't have a clue when it came to economics! He wanted to raise taxes in the midst of that recession and was only prevented from doing so by moderate Democrats and Republicans. He also was pushing a Cap & Trade plan to raise the price of energy in the midst of that recession...something else that the GOP taking back the House kept him from getting done. Obama was handed a recession. His policies turned it into "The Great Recession".
75 straight months of triple digit job gains and raise taxes ?? On the million and billionaires who really were getting richer was a bad thing??

Raising taxes on ANYONE in the midst of a recession is idiotic economic policy, Edward. It's only going to do one thing and that's slow economic growth. That's the kind of thing you learn about as a college undergrad taking entry level Econ classes...something that Obama OBVIOUSLY never had as part of his college curriculum!
Do ya ever stop lying, ya con tool?


"The last thing you want to do is raise taxes in the middle of the recession because that would just suck up and take more demand out of the economy and put businesses in a further hole." ~ Barack Obama

He said that, Faun...and yet he wanted to let the Bush tax cuts expire...which is essentially raising taxes! So all you've proven is that Barry was two faced...saying one thing while actually trying to do something else!

The Bush tax cuts were the reason you were in a deficit in the first place. Of course he wanted them to expire. They should never have happened.

Republicans refused to let the tax cuts expire, and then blamed Obama for not getting rid of the deficit fast enough. They refused to give authorization to bomb Syria and then mocked him for failing to follow through on the threat. Congress refused to close Gitmo and then blamed Obama because it was still open.

Republicans THINK they can suck and blow at the same time because their loyal followers believe their every lie without question or fact checking, but even the most simple minded among you can see the hypocrisy.

Interesting concept, Dragonlady...Obama had the votes to push through the ACA despite every effort to stop it being made by the GOP...promised to close Gitmo as soon as he was elected but didn't even attempt to do so until years later and then blamed his inability to do so on the Republicans. He did the same thing with immigration reform. You can only blame the GOP if you pretend Obama didn't control the House and the Senate at the beginning of his first term. What you're doing is altering what actually happened to paint a picture where Obama isn't to blame for his agenda.
Don't be so hard on Democrats. They don't know Obama doubled the national debt in just eight years, because their media refused to tell them.
Bush doubled it and Reagan tripled it. Where was your outrage then?

Simple question for you, Faun...

If one person increase the debt they owe from $5 to $15 and another increases the debt they owe from $100 to $200...who's incurred the most debt?
You're painfully rightarded asking such a question with nominal figures. To give you an idea of just how stupid you look using nominal figures.... in his12 years in office, FDR added about $236 billion which included massive deficits caused by the Great Depression and WWII.

Yet FDR's $236 billion in 12 years is less than ¼ of what Bush added in just his final year in office alone. According to you, FDR, who spiked the debt like no other, didn't add much debt at all. :cuckoo:

To start with, I'm going to adjust FDR's numbers for inflation which you've failed to do! Or do you not grasp the fact that a 1936 dollar had a very different value than a 1996 dollar?

You've failed to address my point, Faun. You use a misleading statistic...that Reagan tripled the debt as opposed to Obama only doubling it to "prove" that Obama was somehow less of a debt incurring President than Reagan was!
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Your question was based on nominal figures. I point that out to you while I explain why real figures are necessary for such comparisons, and here you are, talking about real figures as though I didn't just use FDR as an example of why real figures are used.


And yes, I addressed your point. I pointed out your question was retarded because it's based on nominal figures.
Did the media tell you we had the most severe recession ever that moron repubs handed to Obama?/

Ah...yeah, the main stream media pushed that narrative about every day of the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression, Ed...what's your point? The fact is, Barry didn't have a clue when it came to economics! He wanted to raise taxes in the midst of that recession and was only prevented from doing so by moderate Democrats and Republicans. He also was pushing a Cap & Trade plan to raise the price of energy in the midst of that recession...something else that the GOP taking back the House kept him from getting done. Obama was handed a recession. His policies turned it into "The Great Recession".
75 straight months of triple digit job gains and raise taxes ?? On the million and billionaires who really were getting richer was a bad thing??

Raising taxes on ANYONE in the midst of a recession is idiotic economic policy, Edward. It's only going to do one thing and that's slow economic growth. That's the kind of thing you learn about as a college undergrad taking entry level Econ classes...something that Obama OBVIOUSLY never had as part of his college curriculum!
Do ya ever stop lying, ya con tool?


"The last thing you want to do is raise taxes in the middle of the recession because that would just suck up and take more demand out of the economy and put businesses in a further hole." ~ Barack Obama

He said that, Faun...and yet he wanted to let the Bush tax cuts expire...which is essentially raising taxes! So all you've proven is that Barry was two faced...saying one thing while actually trying to do something else!
Quote him saying he wanted to let Bush's tax cuts expire during a recession....
Don't be so hard on Democrats. They don't know Obama doubled the national debt in just eight years, because their media refused to tell them.
Bush doubled it and Reagan tripled it. Where was your outrage then?

Simple question for you, Faun...

If one person increase the debt they owe from $5 to $15 and another increases the debt they owe from $100 to $200...who's incurred the most debt?
You're painfully rightarded asking such a question with nominal figures. To give you an idea of just how stupid you look using nominal figures.... in his12 years in office, FDR added about $236 billion which included massive deficits caused by the Great Depression and WWII.

Yet FDR's $236 billion in 12 years is less than ¼ of what Bush added in just his final year in office alone. According to you, FDR, who spiked the debt like no other, didn't add much debt at all. :cuckoo:

To start with, I'm going to adjust FDR's numbers for inflation which you've failed to do! Or do you not grasp the fact that a 1936 dollar had a very different value than a 1996 dollar?

You've failed to address my point, Faun. You use a misleading statistic...that Reagan tripled the debt as opposed to Obama only doubling it to "prove" that Obama was somehow less of a debt incurring President than Reagan was!
You're fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Your question was based on nominal figures. I point that out to you while I explain why real figures are necessary for such comparisons, and here you are, talking about real figures as though I didn't just use FDR as an example of why real figures are used.


And yes, I addressed your point. I pointed out your question was retarded because it's based on nominal figures.

You compare 1930's dollars to 1990's dollars without adjusting for inflation but my pointing that out is "retarded"?

I used to be able to buy a Hershey bar for a they cost a dollar and ten cents! What's retarded is basing your economic arguments on numbers that AREN'T adjusted for inflation!
Ah...yeah, the main stream media pushed that narrative about every day of the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression, Ed...what's your point? The fact is, Barry didn't have a clue when it came to economics! He wanted to raise taxes in the midst of that recession and was only prevented from doing so by moderate Democrats and Republicans. He also was pushing a Cap & Trade plan to raise the price of energy in the midst of that recession...something else that the GOP taking back the House kept him from getting done. Obama was handed a recession. His policies turned it into "The Great Recession".
75 straight months of triple digit job gains and raise taxes ?? On the million and billionaires who really were getting richer was a bad thing??

Raising taxes on ANYONE in the midst of a recession is idiotic economic policy, Edward. It's only going to do one thing and that's slow economic growth. That's the kind of thing you learn about as a college undergrad taking entry level Econ classes...something that Obama OBVIOUSLY never had as part of his college curriculum!
Do ya ever stop lying, ya con tool?


"The last thing you want to do is raise taxes in the middle of the recession because that would just suck up and take more demand out of the economy and put businesses in a further hole." ~ Barack Obama

He said that, Faun...and yet he wanted to let the Bush tax cuts expire...which is essentially raising taxes! So all you've proven is that Barry was two faced...saying one thing while actually trying to do something else!
Quote him saying he wanted to let Bush's tax cuts expire during a recession....

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