Democrats Can't Be Serious.Now They Are Concerned Over The Debt And Deficit? Laughable?

Extenuating circumstances do arise Obama didn't have the luxury of an economy clinton left gwb allowing him to give tax breaks etc etc BUT he did the best he could do with a nasty repub congress who's only aim in life was to make obama look bad

I see.

Obama was swept along against his will and it's somebody else's fault he incurred so much national debt? so sad. Sad for the country really...because like you, he got his. ;)

In any case, since you've established that Obama was too helpless to be a leader in strengthening the economy - do debts and deficits concern you now?
Extenuating circumstances do arise Obama didn't have the luxury of an economy clinton left gwb allowing him to give tax breaks etc etc BUT he did the best he could do with a nasty repub congress who's only aim in life was to make obama look bad

I see.

Obama was swept along against his will and it's somebody else's fault he incurred so much national debt? so sad. Sad for the country really...because like you, he got his. ;)

In any case, since you've established that Obama was too helpless to be a leader in strengthening the economy - do debts and deficits concern you now?
first off can you tell me how many fillibusters cons threw in obamas path??? and yes they concern me now and the orange rectum wants to make state and local taxes NON deductable??
first off can you tell me how many fillibusters cons threw in obamas path??? and yes they concern me now and the orange rectum wants to make state and local taxes NON deductable??

Of course they concern you now. :D

Although we're still working off Obama's budget - so you need to wait a little while longer to be concerned. You've waited 8 years, what's a few more days/weeks/months?
Don't be so hard on Democrats. They don't know Obama doubled the national debt in just eight years, because their media refused to tell them.
Bush doubled it and Reagan tripled it. Where was your outrage then?

Simple question for you, Faun...

If one person increase the debt they owe from $5 to $15 and another increases the debt they owe from $100 to $200...who's incurred the most debt?
You're painfully rightarded asking such a question with nominal figures. To give you an idea of just how stupid you look using nominal figures.... in his12 years in office, FDR added about $236 billion which included massive deficits caused by the Great Depression and WWII.

Yet FDR's $236 billion in 12 years is less than ¼ of what Bush added in just his final year in office alone. According to you, FDR, who spiked the debt like no other, didn't add much debt at all. :cuckoo:
You clearly lack an aptitude for simple math.
:banghead: :cow: :eusa_boohoo: And when us "Normal People/Conservatives" watch the loonies on any news cable outlet "Pretend To Show Concern" over what may happen when Trump lowers all taxes, aren't we all talking back to our flatscreens, maybe yelling back..."You Got To Be F--------King Kidding Me". :eek-52:
Remember in 2009 when the Democrats were out to steal from the middle class and borrow a few trillion dollars from our kids? And they just kept borrowing about a trillion a year to pay our expenses while lining their own pockets? And now they are worried about the debt and deficit? Need we say more? :disbelief:
A $30 trillion debt is okay if Trump does it!
Gee, is it any surprise that the Trumptards would flip flop on fiscal responsibility,

and then try to blame their flip on the Democrats?

I could have written that joke.
:banghead: :cow: :eusa_boohoo: And when us "Normal People/Conservatives" watch the loonies on any news cable outlet "Pretend To Show Concern" over what may happen when Trump lowers all taxes, aren't we all talking back to our flatscreens, maybe yelling back..."You Got To Be F--------King Kidding Me". :eek-52:
Remember in 2009 when the Democrats were out to steal from the middle class and borrow a few trillion dollars from our kids? And they just kept borrowing about a trillion a year to pay our expenses while lining their own pockets? And now they are worried about the debt and deficit? Need we say more? :disbelief:
A $30 trillion debt is okay if Trump does it!

It's a cult. Whatever the Master says, goes. These people are one step away from selling flowers on street corners to enrich Trump.
You gotta remember these people still claim that Obama lowered the national debt.

You voted for a guy who promised to build a wall. The MSM told you he was lying about everything and that Russia was helping him, but you refused to believe it and elected him anyway. How's that working out for you.

Yeah, Trump is claiming that the reduction of the national debt in January of this year is HIS doing. He's lying, as always. When isn't he lying. Oh yeah, when he invited Putin to help him hack Hillary Clinton, and when he said the election was rigged. Of course it was rigged - he rigged it.

Ah...yes...Trump "rigged" the election by exposing the fact that Hillary Clinton and the DNC had REALLY rigged the election process? Is that the narrative you're going with, Dragonlady?

Take a step back and think about THAT and then get back to me! Surely even you can see how monumentally silly that is?

Two special committees are busy gathering evidence that Putin slanted the election to Trump. The sad thing is that Hillary still got nearly three million more votes than Trump.
You gotta remember these people still claim that Obama lowered the national debt.

You voted for a guy who promised to build a wall. The MSM told you he was lying about everything and that Russia was helping him, but you refused to believe it and elected him anyway. How's that working out for you.

Yeah, Trump is claiming that the reduction of the national debt in January of this year is HIS doing. He's lying, as always. When isn't he lying. Oh yeah, when he invited Putin to help him hack Hillary Clinton, and when he said the election was rigged. Of course it was rigged - he rigged it.

Ah...yes...Trump "rigged" the election by exposing the fact that Hillary Clinton and the DNC had REALLY rigged the election process? Is that the narrative you're going with, Dragonlady?

Take a step back and think about THAT and then get back to me! Surely even you can see how monumentally silly that is?

Two special committees are busy gathering evidence that Putin slanted the election to Trump. The sad thing is that Hillary still got nearly three million more votes than Trump.
Republicans playing games Slowing the process down considerably Afraid their orange rectum will get implicated
You gotta remember these people still claim that Obama lowered the national debt.

You voted for a guy who promised to build a wall. The MSM told you he was lying about everything and that Russia was helping him, but you refused to believe it and elected him anyway. How's that working out for you.

Yeah, Trump is claiming that the reduction of the national debt in January of this year is HIS doing. He's lying, as always. When isn't he lying. Oh yeah, when he invited Putin to help him hack Hillary Clinton, and when he said the election was rigged. Of course it was rigged - he rigged it.

Ah...yes...Trump "rigged" the election by exposing the fact that Hillary Clinton and the DNC had REALLY rigged the election process? Is that the narrative you're going with, Dragonlady?

Take a step back and think about THAT and then get back to me! Surely even you can see how monumentally silly that is?

Two special committees are busy gathering evidence that Putin slanted the election to Trump. The sad thing is that Hillary still got nearly three million more votes than Trump.
Republicans playing games Slowing the process down considerably Afraid their orange rectum will get implicated

Apparently the Senate had three times the number of staffers working on the last Benghazi Investigation than they have on the Trump/Russia investigation, which shows how hard they're working to cover for their treasonous President and his staff.
When has the debt decreased?? under Reagan? GWB ?
Interesting that no one on the Right will answer that question because it will show the Right's hypocritical double standard when "calculating" the national debt for each president!!!
i dont recall the debt going up one trillion a year when Reagan was President
i wonder if greedy moochelle is concerned?

This is the only way petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama could talk her into those eight years. Well, that and the exotic, luxurious, ultra expensive vacations locations in the world. He promised that when he got out, they would be able to continue that lifestyle.

Come on, did you ever see Michelle smile when she didn't know the camera was watching her?

i wonder if greedy moochelle is concerned?

This is the only way petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama could talk her into those eight years. Well, that and the exotic, luxurious, ultra expensive vacations locations in the world. He promised that when he got out, they would be able to continue that lifestyle.

Come on, did you ever see Michelle smile when she didn't know the camera was watching her?

why did moochelle need so much make up? guess she looks pretty awful without it
i wonder if greedy moochelle is concerned?

This is the only way petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama could talk her into those eight years. Well, that and the exotic, luxurious, ultra expensive vacations locations in the world. He promised that when he got out, they would be able to continue that lifestyle.

Come on, did you ever see Michelle smile when she didn't know the camera was watching her?

why did moochelle need so much make up? guess she looks pretty awful without it

Assholes like you would have complained that she had no respect for her role as First Lady if she went without it.
Tax cuts are the crack of politics.
and eliminating deductions for state and local taxes is like murder for high tax areas like NY and Cal
Good. They should get murdered

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
Bripat Have you no decency?

What would be "decent" about forcing the burden of high taxes from those who voted for them onto the shoulders of people who didn't vote for them?
i wonder if greedy moochelle is concerned?

This is the only way petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama could talk her into those eight years. Well, that and the exotic, luxurious, ultra expensive vacations locations in the world. He promised that when he got out, they would be able to continue that lifestyle.

Come on, did you ever see Michelle smile when she didn't know the camera was watching her?

why did moochelle need so much make up? guess she looks pretty awful without it

Assholes like you would have complained that she had no respect for her role as First Lady if she went without it.

Says the foreign douche bag who insults Melania Trump at every opportunity.
You gotta remember these people still claim that Obama lowered the national debt.

You voted for a guy who promised to build a wall. The MSM told you he was lying about everything and that Russia was helping him, but you refused to believe it and elected him anyway. How's that working out for you.

Yeah, Trump is claiming that the reduction of the national debt in January of this year is HIS doing. He's lying, as always. When isn't he lying. Oh yeah, when he invited Putin to help him hack Hillary Clinton, and when he said the election was rigged. Of course it was rigged - he rigged it.

Ah...yes...Trump "rigged" the election by exposing the fact that Hillary Clinton and the DNC had REALLY rigged the election process? Is that the narrative you're going with, Dragonlady?

Take a step back and think about THAT and then get back to me! Surely even you can see how monumentally silly that is?

Two special committees are busy gathering evidence that Putin slanted the election to Trump. The sad thing is that Hillary still got nearly three million more votes than Trump.
Republicans playing games Slowing the process down considerably Afraid their orange rectum will get implicated

Apparently the Senate had three times the number of staffers working on the last Benghazi Investigation than they have on the Trump/Russia investigation, which shows how hard they're working to cover for their treasonous President and his staff.

That's because everyone knows it's a faux scandal.

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