Democrats censure Senator Sinema

Not sure where 52 comes from but here's a question, which presidents in the last few decades were elected by a majority of voters?
Maybe you ought to keep up with the thread, moron. Your post alluded to the mistaken notion that a minority of senators controlled the vote. I, correctly informed you that 52 senators carried the vote and that is a majority of the senate. How about stopping the irrelevant "but, but, but, whattabout" and stay with the topic.
I've brought this up 4-5 times without a reply. In the bill is a section where a state can not change their voting rules without the approval of the Federal government.

In 2020 many states changed their rules to address the issues with Covid. I fully supported that and I thought it was a great idea to make sure people could fully exercise their Constitutional right to vote.

Do you think those rules would have been permitted under the Trump administration? Do you think those rules could have been addressed quick enough if 50 states had to get approval through the federal government regardless of who was president?
They were permitted, though.

And your equivocation dances around the most important point:

One side is on the ethically and morally corre t side of the issue, and the other is not.

Think what you want about motivations, but one side is trying to make it easier for more people to vote. And one side is trying to make it harder.
are you really this stupid ??? Schumer was doing the same thing McConnell has been doing ... every judge they have passed every bill they wanted passed McConneld stop the use of the filibuster ... 195 times under trump ...386 times under Obama who the hell are you try to fool... it ain't us democrats do you have a brain ???? you don't seem to have one have no idea what you are saying or talking about Sinema is not working with the party she is against everything we Dems are for ...she will be gone in 2024 along with Manchin ... their donators are now asking for their donations back ... they don't like the way she supports the party shes done and she knows it ...
Abolishing the filibuster is Corrupt Democrat tyranny.
They are a destroying our country.
BTW, yea, the GOP have a good chance of gaining two more Senate seats, AZ and WV.
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They were permitted, though.

And your equivocation dances around the most important point:

One side is on the ethically and morally corre t side of the issue, and the other is not.

Think what you want about motivations, but one side is trying to make it easier for more people to vote. And one side is trying to make it harder.
Sure, anyone should be able to vote. Maybe we should send ballots to every Honduran, El Salvadoran and Mexican who hasn't already crossed Biden's open border. Why stop there? For example, we could send a billion ballots to China, another Biden stronghold.
U.S. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema is growing increasingly isolated from some of her party’s most influential officials and donors after playing a key role in scuttling voting rights legislation that many Democrats consider essential to preserving democracy.
Leaders of the Arizona Democratic Party voted Saturday to censure Sinema, a symbolic condemnation for the woman who just three years ago brought the party an Arizona Senate seat for the first time in a generation.

Sinema helped save the republic.
Schumer's abolishment of the Filibuster would have destroyed the balance of power between the three branches of government.
Without the Senate Filibuster the high population states would have dictatorial power over the low population states.
The Corrupt Democrat Party's "Voting Rights Bill" is a total shame, just like their "infrastructure bill" was.
It did the opposite.
It undermined Voting Rights by making elections less secure.
Schumer and the Dirty Democrats are habitual liars who are dependent upon the hate and ignorance of Dem voters to maintain their power.
The Democratic Nazi Party lobbied for her and now because she refuses to have a mind of her own, want her out. The party is full of complete dumbasses as is its voting base as illustrated on this board via:


To name a few. That party is full of complete idiots now. Amazing. Even Bill Maher agrees.


Great news!
Sure, anyone should be able to vote. Maybe we should send ballots to every Honduran, El Salvadoran and Mexican who hasn't already crossed Biden's open border. Why stop there? For example, we could send a billion ballots to China, another Biden stronghold.
Ah, slippery slope non sequitur from someone with nothing substantial to add.

Hey, at least you terrified yourself, I guess. You guys are good at that. Usually adding a dash of "brown people" does the trick.
They were permitted, though.

And your equivocation dances around the most important point:

One side is on the ethically and morally corre t side of the issue, and the other is not.

Think what you want about motivations, but one side is trying to make it easier for more people to vote. And one side is trying to make it harder.

I noted my issue. People don't like this massive bills either with all kinds of stuff. That's a large part of the reason there is no real uproar to get is passed.

Are the Republicans attempting to curtail voting? They are but I do not support this bill and I noted why.
I like a little hyperbole now and again. There may also be a nugget of truth in it. There is a saying that the tree doesn't bend will break (or some such).

If our government is so polarized that it can't change, one group or another will decide to tear it down and start over. Plenty of progressive types may be starting to think that way, hence BLM, the voting rights bill, and police reform. All have essentially failed to create real change and people will eventually give up on reform and opt for replacement.

The Right is no different, they see their power waning and refuse to admit the country is changing in ways they don't like. I think many felt an insurrection on Jan 6th was a necessary step.
The change occurred in the 1960's following many decades of nibbling at the documents our Founding Fathers wrote. If you are inferring the nation changing because of ethnic and cultural back grounds you are wrong with a lot of people. We are changing in assimilation into this and have lowered standards and denied people employment due to favoring groups because of it. Instead of taking a bow and joining in we have a war started by Progs/globalists against people to turn us into the rest of the world.
Ah, slippery slope non sequitur from someone with nothing substantial to add.

Hey, at least you terrified yourself, I guess. You guys are good at that. Usually adding a dash of "brown people" does the trick.
Well, to be fair, the billion Chinese you want to vote for the sake of diversity are usually considered "yellow" rather than brown.
They were permitted, though.

And your equivocation dances around the most important point:

One side is on the ethically and morally corre t side of the issue, and the other is not.

Think what you want about motivations, but one side is trying to make it easier for more people to vote. And one side is trying to make it harder.
Easier to CHEAT you mean. No one with a lick of sense believes harvesting is a good idea it is illegal in 49 states for a reason.
The change occurred in the 1960's following many decades of nibbling at the documents our Founding Fathers wrote. If you are inferring the nation changing because of ethnic and cultural back grounds you are wrong with a lot of people. We are changing in assimilation into this and have lowered standards and denied people employment due to favoring groups because of it. Instead of taking a bow and joining in we have a war started by Progs/globalists against people to turn us into the rest of the world.
Your view of American history is laughable. America became the superpower it is because we had open borders and assimilated foreign peoples and ideas. Ironically there were always voices, probably just like yours, that wanted to close the door.
Another example of how similar the two parties can be.

Don't toe the line, and we'll censure you, Dem or Trumpster.

They won their seats. That's the way it goes. Sheesh.
Now. Let’s see of they get primaried, that means the Dems have gone full Republican Retard.

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