Democrats Concerned Over Trumps Mental Status.Really?,& Maxine Waters/ Pelosi Are Perfectly Normal?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
Sarasota, Florida
:2up: :clap2: :laugh2: :laugh: And what about Hank Johnson and Congress Dolt Jackson?,,,The rats can't be serious. They are really worried about Trumps Mental Stability, meanwhile we have the likes of Waters and Pelosi who seem to believe that Bush is the current President and Russia is dropping/sending bombs to North Korea?
:itsok: :mm: :poke:
The American people have defeated Waters and Pelosi's party. Who care what they think?
:2up: :clap2: :laugh2: :laugh: And what about Hank Johnson and Congress Dolt Jackson?,,,The rats can't be serious. They are really worried about Trumps Mental Stability, meanwhile we have the likes of Waters and Pelosi who seem to believe that Bush is the current President and Russia is dropping/sending bombs to North Korea?
:itsok: :mm: :poke:
Waters , Pelosi and the like could never be our president.... way too eccentric. If one of them slipped through like Trump did I'd be calling them unfit right with you. With that said... Trump is an immature, uninformed egomaniac who lacks character, integrity, discipline and self control. He is embarrassing himself and our country with his reactive outbursts. The scrutiny is well deserved and self inflicted
Oh Yeah.. good ole Hank .. and Guam will ... capsize...:alcoholic:

:2up: :clap2: :laugh2: :laugh: And what about Hank Johnson and Congress Dolt Jackson?,,,The rats can't be serious. They are really worried about Trumps Mental Stability, meanwhile we have the likes of Waters and Pelosi who seem to believe that Bush is the current President and Russia is dropping/sending bombs to North Korea?
:itsok: :mm: :poke:

Democrats are convinced if you say something enough times, people will start to believe it.

Their theory is correct up to a point. While they may convince a few headline voters something is wrong with Trump, they will lose more voters by showing the country they are a bunch of whack jobs themselves.

The Trump college thing didn't work, the Russia thing is fading fast, so now this is their new strategy. Democrats can't tell people what's good about their party because there is nothing good about their party. So the Democrat strategy is to demonize the other party in hopes people will come back because they are the only other choice left.
:2up: :clap2: :laugh2: :laugh: And what about Hank Johnson and Congress Dolt Jackson?,,,The rats can't be serious. They are really worried about Trumps Mental Stability, meanwhile we have the likes of Waters and Pelosi who seem to believe that Bush is the current President and Russia is dropping/sending bombs to North Korea?
:itsok: :mm: :poke:

Nancy pelosi is sane and smart.... no matter if you agree with her.

marine waters is extreme... and yet not president.

your orange sociopath its inane.

you're welcome
lol it's not everyday a Trump defender equates him to Maxine Waters as a defense.
Reading comprehension is not your strong suit, is it?!

Look up the words 'compare' and 'equate'. You will find they do not mean the same thing, snowflake.
I don't the think Waters, Pelosi, and their ilk, are insane. I will agree that they are dumber than boxes of rocks. But that's unfair (favorite Leftist word used with permission) to boxes of rocks. Boxes of rock are good for something in that they can hold a door open.

I admit that the above mentioned individuals could probably hold a door open, buy in doing so they would continually rage that the act of open holding of doors is the result of a Trump/Republican conspiracy and collusion with Russian door manufacturers.
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It would seem to me that, if you really think the president is insane, you would more profitably spend your time, effort, and outrage on legislation he requests, EO's he writes, and policies he pushes than what he tweets at 3 am.

Y'all do know, don't you, that you simply feed his ego when you endlessly chew on everything he says, right? The worst thing you can do to someone that craves attention is to ignore him.
Pelosi is certifiably bat shit crazy. But then again, so is Trump.

I have seen no evidence of this claim about Pelosi. Conservatives always use the term "bat shit crazy" when describing Pelosi, but that is simply untrue. They are trying to repeat a falsehood a million times until their idiotic minions believe it to be true.
:2up: :clap2: :laugh2: :laugh: And what about Hank Johnson and Congress Dolt Jackson?,,,The rats can't be serious. They are really worried about Trumps Mental Stability, meanwhile we have the likes of Waters and Pelosi who seem to believe that Bush is the current President and Russia is dropping/sending bombs to North Korea?
:itsok: :mm: :poke:

Nancy pelosi is sane and smart.... no matter if you agree with her.

marine waters is extreme... and yet not president.

your orange sociopath its inane.

you're welcome
Pelosi is certifiably bat shit crazy. But then again, so is Trump.

I have seen no evidence of this claim about Pelosi. Conservatives always use the term "bat shit crazy" when describing Pelosi, but that is simply untrue. They are trying to repeat a falsehood a million times until their idiotic minions believe it to be true.

Not just your leaders that are bat shit crazy, you all are.


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