Democrats confuse me


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
Modernern liberal democrats and their so called progressive free thinkers that hate being controlled by "white middleclass "Bourgeoisie"? Blacks are 14% of the populace, gays are like 4%. Transsexuals are like .01% And that hardly represents the will of the "People". Now. I used to be a Democrat. When I go to caucus, the party leaders DICTATE the issues instead of listening to us plebs....You can't mention illegal aliens or the high black crime rate...because it offends somebody...That's when I realized the democratic party was broken. They aren't listening to US.
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Modernern liberal democrats and their so called progressive free thinkers that hate be being controlled by white middleclass "Bourgeoisie"? Blacks are 14% of the populace, gays are like 4%. Transsexuals are like .01% And that hardly represents the will of the "People".
The stuff revolutions are made on. We are in a Communist revolution right now.
Modernern liberal democrats and their so called progressive free thinkers that hate being controlled by "white middleclass "Bourgeoisie"? Blacks are 14% of the populace, gays are like 4%. Transsexuals are like .01% And that hardly represents the will of the "People". Now. I used to be a Democrat. When I go to caucus, the party leaders DICTATE the issues instead of listening to us plebs....You can't mention illegal aliens or the high black crime rate...because it offends somebody...That's when I realized the democratic party was broken. They aren't listening to US.

You think someone's race or sexual preference should reflect the "will of the people"? You're world class stupid aren't you?
Yeah...i was a BIG STINKEEN liberal in college...and then i got a job outta college and that changed pretty darn fast.

What confuses me about democrats is how they can consistently support and espouse pure unadulterated OBVIOUS corruption and perversion within their party and then vehemently defend it. Like right now.

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Modernern liberal democrats and their so called progressive free thinkers that hate being controlled by "white middleclass "Bourgeoisie"? Blacks are 14% of the populace, gays are like 4%. Transsexuals are like .01% And that hardly represents the will of the "People". Now. I used to be a Democrat. When I go to caucus, the party leaders DICTATE the issues instead of listening to us plebs....You can't mention illegal aliens or the high black crime rate...because it offends somebody...That's when I realized the democratic party was broken. They aren't listening to US.

I just wrote a post about Right wingers calling Democracy "mob rule", and now you're suggesting "mob rule".

I don't get right wingers. How can they be so contradictory?

Many are "pro-life" and yet support executions, war, eating meat, hunting... all very not pro-life.

They want to protect the sanctity of the family, but demand people work 80 hours a week to feed their family.

They claim to like Democracy, and yet go to places like Venezuela and want to get rid of the democratically elected leaders, like the 2002 coup against Hugo Chavez.
Modernern liberal democrats and their so called progressive free thinkers that hate being controlled by "white middleclass "Bourgeoisie"? Blacks are 14% of the populace, gays are like 4%. Transsexuals are like .01% And that hardly represents the will of the "People". Now. I used to be a Democrat. When I go to caucus, the party leaders DICTATE the issues instead of listening to us plebs....You can't mention illegal aliens or the high black crime rate...because it offends somebody...That's when I realized the democratic party was broken. They aren't listening to US.
What is the part that confuses you?
Modernern liberal democrats and their so called progressive free thinkers that hate being controlled by "white middleclass "Bourgeoisie"?
What makes you think they aren't white middle class themselves? Think about that.

Blacks are 14% of the populace, gays are like 4%. Transsexuals are like .01% And that hardly represents the will of the "People".
Who said the will of the people was judged by those poor numbers? You did.
Ever thought how many white gays vote Republican? but that's different when they vote for you.

Now. I used to be a Democrat. When I go to caucus, the party leaders DICTATE the issues instead of listening to us plebs...
I'm not surprised when idiotic statements like that is your best contribution.

.You can't mention illegal aliens or the high black crime rate...because it offends somebody...That's when I realized the democratic party was broken. They aren't listening to US.

It might be they are sick of your racism and xenophobia. Your exit from the democrats won't be missed. It was never the party of racist supremeists.
You think someone's race or sexual preference should reflect the "will of the people"?
Is that your takeaway from her statement? I'm pretty sure she was pointing out the minuscule % of the special interests that control the Left. As in, they aren't even a majority within their own party, let alone nationwide. The only reason they have an impact at all is due to their radicals controlling our sick, perverted, corrupt media today.
As that legacy media dies off in the coming few years, independent journalists will develop a following by returning to real journalism and that corrupt cesspool we call the MSM will be as dead as disco and along with it, the power of the radicals and freaks on the Left. They have a real problem ahead. They have no real base, all they know is hate and a desire to harm those who disagree with them. Unfortunately for them, the freaks are too weak to prevail.
They have no real base, all they know is hate and a desire to harm those who disagree with them. Unfortunately for them, the freaks are too weak to prevail.
Correct. I predict right wing shootings to increase under Biden. I know it was a real bummer last year for you guys to not have any school shootings to celebrate. That's probably what lead to the 1/6 insurrection attempt.
Do they hate the country. Why worry about someone destroying democracy. Democracy is Mob rule. Which is basically what we got now. Mobs of radical leftist terrorists, the corrupt and perverted running the country, running the courts, running the police departments and working on running the military into the ground.

You wouldn't know it cause the left doesn't want to teach it in government schools but the US is not a democracy.... it's a representative republic.

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