Democrats confuse me

"Your exit from the democrats won't be missed. It was never the party of racist supremeists."

Hell... it has ALWAYS been the party of racists and supremacists. Every slave owner that fought for the South in the Civil War was a Southern Democrat. After Lincoln's Republicans beat them down and freed their slaves they formed a civilian "militia" that dressed in white and used murder, torture, and terror to control those newly freed slaves who could vote.
KKK? Southern Democrats. Jim Crow? Southern Democrats. Resistance to school desegregation? Yep... Southern Democrats.
I also have the advantage of KNOWING what I'm talking about. I grew up in that hateful landscape in the 1960s. My family never voted anything but Democrat. I never voted for anyone but Conservatives/Republicans. I remember being at a fourth of July fireworks event when I was about 8 or 9 years old and at the end of the speeches I shook George C Wallace's hand. He was one of the Democrat governors who took on the Feds rather than voluntarily desegregate public schools and universities.

Your party has been seized by the most radical elements of the Left. The modern Democrat party is pushing Marxist doctrine and as such I see them as a deadly enemy to America. They executed a coup in 2020 and they are faced with either dumping the filibuster and ramming through major changes to our electoral system - against the will of the majority - OR they know they will lose power on a grand scale in November of 2022. Right now, only two Democrat Senators stand in their way. I believe those Senators will either be bribed or threatened to change their vote on the filibuster. Your party leaders know EVERYTHING is at stake now. They execute a power-grab over our elections or they lose.

I predict that if Republicans retake the House and or the Senate next year, we will see Democrats refusing to accept the legitimacy of that election and they will say they lost due to "voter suppression". So... if they choose to ignore the electoral outcome, what's left for America?
Sure... Like last week we had the anniversary of a right wing kook who shot up a Wal Mart because Mexicans shopped there. More of that sort of thing as right wing rage continues to ferment and get stronger.

Look at this board for proof of that. All rage; all the time.
In the liberal run shithole of Chicago, there are shootings every few HOURS, and you're whining about a once in a few YEARS occurrence? Talk about some f'ed up priorities.
In the liberal run shithole of Chicago, there are shootings every few HOURS, and you're whining about a once in a few YEARS occurrence? Talk about some f'ed up priorities.
Correct. That you think a rampage killing is nothing to "whine" about. You're pretty f'ed up.
Why would I whine about liberal myths and fantasies? The fact you have to go back a full year for an example isn't helping your cause.
Well it's hard for you guys to celebrate school massacres when there is no school in session. Besides Kyle expressed his pent up rightwing/incel anger 8/25...not quite a year ago. Cheers!
Modernern liberal democrats and their so called progressive free thinkers that hate being controlled by "white middleclass "Bourgeoisie"? Blacks are 14% of the populace, gays are like 4%. Transsexuals are like .01% And that hardly represents the will of the "People". Now. I used to be a Democrat. When I go to caucus, the party leaders DICTATE the issues instead of listening to us plebs....You can't mention illegal aliens or the high black crime rate...because it offends somebody...That's when I realized the democratic party was broken. They aren't listening to US.
Dems are screwed up because they have no time for your racist bullshit?

Conservative working stiffs always calling democrats crooked but look who's always going to jail, getting pardoned by scumbags like trump, on and on. Even trump himself has his ass puckered worrying about going to prison which is something he richly deserves. Kudos to rush and hannity and fox news for dumbing down the already dumb republicans willing to be dumbed down even more.
Well it's hard for you guys to celebrate school massacres when there is no school in session. Besides Kyle expressed his pent up rightwing/incel anger 8/25...not quite a year ago. Cheers!
I have no idea what you are talking about. Feel free to elaborate.
Modernern liberal democrats and their so called progressive free thinkers that hate being controlled by "white middleclass "Bourgeoisie"? Blacks are 14% of the populace, gays are like 4%. Transsexuals are like .01% And that hardly represents the will of the "People". Now. I used to be a Democrat. When I go to caucus, the party leaders DICTATE the issues instead of listening to us plebs....You can't mention illegal aliens or the high black crime rate...because it offends somebody...That's when I realized the democratic party was broken. They aren't listening to US.
Faithful execution of our supreme law of the land is the answer. We should have no illegal problem nor any illegal underclass; and high black crime is due to poverty under our form of Capitalism. Equal protection of our at-will employment laws for unemployment compensation can bring down high black crime rates.
Modernern liberal democrats and their so called progressive free thinkers that hate being controlled by "white middleclass "Bourgeoisie"? Blacks are 14% of the populace, gays are like 4%. Transsexuals are like .01% And that hardly represents the will of the "People". Now. I used to be a Democrat. When I go to caucus, the party leaders DICTATE the issues instead of listening to us plebs....You can't mention illegal aliens or the high black crime rate...because it offends somebody...That's when I realized the democratic party was broken. They aren't listening to US.

Maybe you are confused because you are a poorly educated pussygrabber's delusional cult follower. The reality is that our Honorable President Biden, has rescued America from the hands of a crazy delusional tyrant wannabe. Our country is taking a well deserved brake from all the hate, craziness and incompetence that the disgraced trump brought to our country, a legacy that Vice President Kamala will continue until the next decade...

Maybe you are confused because you are a poorly educated pussygrabber's delusional cult follower. The reality is that our Honorable President Biden, has rescued America from the hands of a crazy delusional tyrant wannabe. Our country is taking a well deserved brake from all the hate, craziness and incompetence that the disgraced trump brought to our country, a legacy that Vice President Kamala will continue until the next decade...
You trying to punk me. Nice try. I don't hate Biden, he's an example of the ravages of time and decay. Ok "our country is taking a brake from all the hate and craziness.." What the fuck? Opps. I didn't forget. All the race riots the democrats supported and endorsed over lies and distortions, you just forgot about that? Think of this as a gentle nudge or reminder: Democrats are destroying the country. But you counter: Trump is bad!. Trump was a weenie, true. But he didn't collude with Russia, and he didn't sponsor or tactility support race riots like the even bigger weenies, the Democrats. What say YOU?
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