Democrats Continue To Prove They Are BAT-$HITE CRAZY....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Democratic congressional candidate Amy McGrath actually compared Trump's victory over the treasonous DNC felon who could not win her own party's nomination to the slaughter of 3,000 Americans on 9/11/2001 by the same terrorists Obama would later help take over Libya by dragging the US into an Un-Constitutional war to help them...

Dem Candidate Compares Trump Victory To 9/11 Terror Attacks

Democratic congressional candidate Amy McGrath compared President Trump’s electoral victory to the September 11, 2001 terror attacks in a newly released video.

Yes they are. Or possessed or something bizarre is going on. The more I see of the downright anti-common sense and harmful things they do, the more it starts looking like the influence of pure evil. Who but someone evil protects MS13? Who but someone evil can kill late term unborn babies for convenience sake? Who but someone evil lets hardened, vicious murdering criminals out of confinement and back onto streets where they no doubt are going to kill again? And then every time you turn around they are demanding the removal of Christian symbols but the erection of Satanic symbols. Who but pure evil wears a Christian Cross (Crucifix) while making a porn flick? Seriously?

I also think it's crazy.....but it sure seems to be dipped in evil sauce all too often as well.
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"And that morning I woke up like somebody had sucker punched me. I mean, I felt like, ‘what has just happened to my country?' “The only feeling I can describe that’s any close to it was the feeling I had after 9/11. ‘What just happened, where are we going from here,’ and it was that just sinking feeling of sadness, and I didn’t know what to do.

Trumphlakes are easily led around by the nose.

Could have been when JFK was killed. Or RFK, Or the Challenger explosion.....
Trump has unhinged the left. Its one thing for the left to be defeated, being defeated by Bush twice was bad, but they were convinced Trump didn't have a chance in hell of beating Hillary so they are freaking out.
"And that morning I woke up like somebody had sucker punched me. I mean, I felt like, ‘what has just happened to my country?' “The only feeling I can describe that’s any close to it was the feeling I had after 9/11. ‘What just happened, where are we going from here,’ and it was that just sinking feeling of sadness, and I didn’t know what to do.

Trumphlakes are easily led around by the nose.

Could have been when JFK was killed. Or RFK, Or the Challenger explosion.....
I thought 9/11 was 2001? huh? JFK 1963, Challenger 1986. the snowflakes are falling again.
"And that morning I woke up like somebody had sucker punched me. I mean, I felt like, ‘what has just happened to my country?' “The only feeling I can describe that’s any close to it was the feeling I had after 9/11. ‘What just happened, where are we going from here,’ and it was that just sinking feeling of sadness, and I didn’t know what to do.

Trumphlakes are easily led around by the nose.

Could have been when JFK was killed. Or RFK, Or the Challenger explosion.....
I thought 9/11 was 2001? huh? JFK 1963, Challenger 1986. the snowflakes are falling again.

It was a ....


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