Democrats court packing rhetoric is a mistake...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
...unless they believe the confirmation of Amy Barrett has totally demoralized their base...Schumer and the Democrats proclamations of retaliation and court-packing will only hurt them with independents and undecideds.

That's my opinion...what is yours?

Democrats say Republicans will regret Barrett confirmation, slam 'manipulation' of Supreme Court

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Wish I could live long enough to see it.

If Democrats get House/Senate/Presidency, they will add x# of new justices.

next time Republicans get House/Senate/Presidency, they will add x# of new justices.

At some point, SCOTUS will have as many justices as there are members of the Senate.

and working to match the number of congresspersons in the House.
Wish I could live long enough to see it.

If Democrats get House/Senate/Presidency, they will add x# of new justices.

next time Republicans get House/Senate/Presidency, they will add x# of new justices.

At some point, SCOTUS will have as many justices as there are members of the Senate.

and working to match the number of congresspersons in the House.
This was the first step of dictators to take control of other countries... Venezuela died as a country in just 3 years after their court was similarly packed by the left wing.. IF this happens we as a nation are doomed.
Wish I could live long enough to see it.

If Democrats get House/Senate/Presidency, they will add x# of new justices.

next time Republicans get House/Senate/Presidency, they will add x# of new justices.

At some point, SCOTUS will have as many justices as there are members of the Senate.

and working to match the number of congresspersons in the House.

Trump should troll the media and the left wing idiots and say he is considering packing the court with Justices who will protect the Constitution.

That would be amazing.
Wish I could live long enough to see it.

If Democrats get House/Senate/Presidency, they will add x# of new justices.

next time Republicans get House/Senate/Presidency, they will add x# of new justices.

At some point, SCOTUS will have as many justices as there are members of the Senate.

and working to match the number of congresspersons in the House.
False. Republicans have zero to gain by expanding the court. More Justices are harder to control and is a much bigger wildcard. Look at Roberts’s vote on the ACA. Nine is too many for Republicans, who wanted to shrink it in the face of a Hillary victory.

So I say go ahead, Republicans! The more the merrier.
Wish I could live long enough to see it.

If Democrats get House/Senate/Presidency, they will add x# of new justices.

next time Republicans get House/Senate/Presidency, they will add x# of new justices.

At some point, SCOTUS will have as many justices as there are members of the Senate.

and working to match the number of congresspersons in the House.

Trump should troll the media and the left wing idiots and say he is considering packing the court with Justices who will protect the Constitution.

That would be amazing.
Because “saying” and trolling are the main objectives of conservatives, who have no ideas, no policies, no plans for America other than “we surrender to the virus”.
Wish I could live long enough to see it.

If Democrats get House/Senate/Presidency, they will add x# of new justices.

next time Republicans get House/Senate/Presidency, they will add x# of new justices.

At some point, SCOTUS will have as many justices as there are members of the Senate.

and working to match the number of congresspersons in the House.
False. Republicans have zero to gain by expanding the court. More Justices are harder to control and is a much bigger wildcard. Look at Roberts’s vote on the ACA. Nine is too many for Republicans, who wanted to shrink it in the face of a Hillary victory.

So I say go ahead, Republicans! The more the merrier.

Republicans have zero to gain by expanding the court.

They have as much to gain as Democrats
Wish I could live long enough to see it.

If Democrats get House/Senate/Presidency, they will add x# of new justices.

next time Republicans get House/Senate/Presidency, they will add x# of new justices.

At some point, SCOTUS will have as many justices as there are members of the Senate.

and working to match the number of congresspersons in the House.
False. Republicans have zero to gain by expanding the court. More Justices are harder to control and is a much bigger wildcard. Look at Roberts’s vote on the ACA. Nine is too many for Republicans, who wanted to shrink it in the face of a Hillary victory.

So I say go ahead, Republicans! The more the merrier.

Republicans have zero to gain by expanding the court.

They have as much to gain as Democrats
Then they should do it. :lol:
Wish I could live long enough to see it.

If Democrats get House/Senate/Presidency, they will add x# of new justices.

next time Republicans get House/Senate/Presidency, they will add x# of new justices.

At some point, SCOTUS will have as many justices as there are members of the Senate.

and working to match the number of congresspersons in the House.
False. Republicans have zero to gain by expanding the court. More Justices are harder to control and is a much bigger wildcard. Look at Roberts’s vote on the ACA. Nine is too many for Republicans, who wanted to shrink it in the face of a Hillary victory.

So I say go ahead, Republicans! The more the merrier.

Republicans have zero to gain by expanding the court.

They have as much to gain as Democrats
Then they should do it. :lol:

Currently, no need to.
Wish I could live long enough to see it.

If Democrats get House/Senate/Presidency, they will add x# of new justices.

next time Republicans get House/Senate/Presidency, they will add x# of new justices.

At some point, SCOTUS will have as many justices as there are members of the Senate.

and working to match the number of congresspersons in the House.

Trump should troll the media and the left wing idiots and say he is considering packing the court with Justices who will protect the Constitution.

That would be amazing.
Threaten to pack the Court with their worst nightmare. 30-40 hardcore twenty-something-year-old machine gun loving absolutists.

In fact, release a list of 100 potential candidates.
Wish I could live long enough to see it.

If Democrats get House/Senate/Presidency, they will add x# of new justices.

next time Republicans get House/Senate/Presidency, they will add x# of new justices.

At some point, SCOTUS will have as many justices as there are members of the Senate.

and working to match the number of congresspersons in the House.
False. Republicans have zero to gain by expanding the court. More Justices are harder to control and is a much bigger wildcard. Look at Roberts’s vote on the ACA. Nine is too many for Republicans, who wanted to shrink it in the face of a Hillary victory.

So I say go ahead, Republicans! The more the merrier.

Republicans have zero to gain by expanding the court.

They have as much to gain as Democrats
Then they should do it. :lol:

Currently, no need to.
Oh, I disagree. He needs to make the Dems BEG to not pack the Courts.

He needs to force a constitutional amendment RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!
Wish I could live long enough to see it.

If Democrats get House/Senate/Presidency, they will add x# of new justices.

next time Republicans get House/Senate/Presidency, they will add x# of new justices.

At some point, SCOTUS will have as many justices as there are members of the Senate.

and working to match the number of congresspersons in the House.
False. Republicans have zero to gain by expanding the court. More Justices are harder to control and is a much bigger wildcard. Look at Roberts’s vote on the ACA. Nine is too many for Republicans, who wanted to shrink it in the face of a Hillary victory.

So I say go ahead, Republicans! The more the merrier.

Republicans have zero to gain by expanding the court.

They have as much to gain as Democrats
Then they should do it. :lol:

Currently, no need to.
Oh, I disagree. He needs to make the Dems BEG to not pack the Courts.

He needs to force a constitutional amendment RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!
yep. WHEN trump wins, and IF we have the power to do so, we need to make changes like this more difficult. while i'm fine if we need to change, we DO NOT need to change cause you hate losing or feel slighted.

you need to grow up.

now all this PACK THE COURTS - again a tad premature given they don't look like they will win much next week. if they lose AND lose the house also then everything they've been saying THEY would do could easily be done for the right. imagine their heads exploding as all their whining about what they will do simply becomes the action plan for the right.
Wish I could live long enough to see it.

If Democrats get House/Senate/Presidency, they will add x# of new justices.

next time Republicans get House/Senate/Presidency, they will add x# of new justices.

At some point, SCOTUS will have as many justices as there are members of the Senate.

and working to match the number of congresspersons in the House.
False. Republicans have zero to gain by expanding the court. More Justices are harder to control and is a much bigger wildcard. Look at Roberts’s vote on the ACA. Nine is too many for Republicans, who wanted to shrink it in the face of a Hillary victory.

So I say go ahead, Republicans! The more the merrier.

Republicans have zero to gain by expanding the court.

They have as much to gain as Democrats
Then they should do it. :lol:

Currently, no need to.
Oh, I disagree. He needs to make the Dems BEG to not pack the Courts.

He needs to force a constitutional amendment RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!
yep. WHEN trump wins, and IF we have the power to do so, we need to make changes like this more difficult. while i'm fine if we need to change, we DO NOT need to change cause you hate losing or feel slighted.

you need to grow up.

now all this PACK THE COURTS - again a tad premature given they don't look like they will win much next week. if they lose AND lose the house also then everything they've been saying THEY would do could easily be done for the right. imagine their heads exploding as all their whining about what they will do simply becomes the action plan for the right.
This has NOTHING to do with feeling slighted.

What I am saying is that this is an opportunity for the United States of America to AMEND the Constitution to limit the SCOTUS to 9 justices and get this threat off the table ONCE AND FOR ALL. We cannot have the commies even threaten to do what they did to Venezuela.
Bad idea. The court is 4-4 at this point with Barrett still TBD. This just makes Democrats look like a little kid throwing a tantrum because they didn't get their way. It is also the reason it's stupid to vote for Democrats at this time. Stick with Trumpy
Left wing liberal assholes are saying Biden should pack the court if he wins, so why shouldnt Trump do it?
I almost started a new thread but figured this one about the Democrats' angry 'rhetoric' (which I believe is a valid threat/promise of what they will do if they get the chance) of packing the court is an appropriate thread to post what I wanted to say.

Once again the Democrats are throwing childish tantrum because they did not get their way, as ABC has been appointed the next USSC Justice.

As they spew their venom and hatred they completely ignore the truth, telling lies while attempting to justify their anger and vow of vengeance.

Nominating and voting to fill a vacancy on the USSC during an election year is not a 'break from normalcy / tradition and it is NOT unprecedented. It HAS been done before. Obama and Democrats attempted to do so.



GINSBURG herself gave the opinion that a sitting President's obligation was to fill a USSC vacancy AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE. She did NOT say there had to be a 'Constitutional Crisis' for this to be the case. She declared that a President does NOT stop being President during his 3rd year in office and does not give up his Constitutional power until he relinquishes the position of President.

The reason these BUTT-HURT hypocritical assh@le Democrats have completely ignore Ginsburg, refused to acknowledge HER beliefs about filling the seat is because they completely, POLITICALLY, disagree with her Constitutional understanding and belief regarding a President's right to fill this vacancy!

The Democrats further continued to PI$$ on Ginsburg's memory, her service, and what she believed by attacking ACB on her refusal to answer questions on how she would rule on future cases and cases that may or may not be brought up before the USSC in the future. The practice of a judge refusing to answer such questions is called 'THE GINSBURG RULE'!

Again, GINSBURG herself refused to answer such questions so she would not be on the record as having any prior 'prejudices' or be on record as having any opinion that could / would force herself from disqualifying herself from hearing future cases.

I saw one vile, ignorant Democrat SOB attack ACB, declaring it is hard to judge someone's qualification to be a USSC Justice when they refuse to answer how they would rule on future cases...... It is LITERALLY referred to as the GINSBURG RULE!

NOW Democrats are Butt-Hurt, angry, bitter, vile, hateful, and hate-driven because they feel they have a RIGHT to have an advantage on the USSC so they can IMPOSE THEIR AGENDA, IDEOLOGY, AND LEGISLATIVE EDICTS FROM THE BENCH ON THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.

THAT is the biggest difference between the Democrats and GOP / Conservatives: Democrats want biased, partisan judges willing to legislate from the bench to control / impose their will on the American people. Many others - Conservatives -want a Judge who will be objective, who will defend and protect the US Constitution instead of attempting to amend, alter, and twist it to justify their Un-Constitutional agendas.

This is proven true through the very cases Obama and the left FORCED on the American people in direct violation of the Constitution.

-- The Dreamer Act / EDICT:
President Barak Obama HIMSELF publicly declared to the American people that he did NOT have the Constitutional AUTHORITY to affect US Immigration Law...and then he did just that by over-stepping his Constitutional Authority, by-passing Congress, violating the Separation of Powers Act, and passing an EDICT.

-- The ACA
Obama lied to the American people about what was in the bill. Weeks earlier the American people 'melted the switchboard' in DC letting Democrats know they did NOT want Obamacare. Congress shelved the bill, Americans believed they succeeded in stopping it, and while they slept one night a little later the Democrats rammed their minority-supported legislation down the throats of the majority of Americans who did NOT want it at the time.

For it to survive, Obama and the Democrats placed a monetary PUNISHMENT / FINE in the bill to punish anyone who refused to buy it, negative incentive for NOT buying it. What happened to the sales pitch that it was so awesome EVERYONE would want it...if so, then why the need for a monetary fine to punish Americans who did not comply and purchase a product the US Govt ordered them to buy?

When it went before the USSC Obama's own defense team argued that it was a monetary fine. USSC Justice Roberts KNEW that a monetary punishment was UN-CONSTITUTIONAL. Obamacare should have been ruled Un-Constitutional right then and there...BUT IT WAS CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS WHO SAVED OBAMACARE BY STATING WHAT OBAMA AND THE WH LAWYERS MUST HAVE MEANT WAS THAT IT WAS A TAX, THATWAS CONSTITUTIONAL. Roberts changed the WH's USSC argument / case for them, thereby SAVING Obamacare.

Several other Justices passionately argued what Roberts did was NOT the job / role of the USSC. The USSC was obligated to rule the ACA was Un-Constitutional based on the Obama team's argument that the monetary punishment was Un-Constitutional. The USSC did NOT have the authority / it was not their job to re-write the govt's argument / case for them, which is what Roberts did.

Roberts went even farther: Since the argument had been changed and the WH was calling the fine a 'tax' now as Roberts suggested, the case should have been stopped right then and there - the Constitutionality of a TAX, as the Conservative Justices argued, should not be heard by the USSC UNTIL THE TAX IS IMPOSED / COLLECTED. Roberts insisted the case continue and the Constitutionality of the 'tax' - a brand new argument. Roberts helped the WH defense team craft DURING the case about an entirely different argument and forced the opposing counsel to argue THAT case before the USSC without having any time to prepare for this NEW twist / argument.

The Democrats demonstrate a perverted sense of 'entitlement' to control and alter the govt, the Constitution, and people's lives. And when democracy wins and they lose, they pitch a monumental, colossus, and more-and-more illegal 'tantrum' like some spoiled brat throwing a fit for not getting their way. 4 years of undermining, obstruction, sedition, collusion with foreign agents and enemies of this country, failed coup attempts, and historic faux Impeachments based on zero crime, zero evidence, and zero witnesses have all been one huge continuous criminal tantrum over having lost in 2016.

And now that they have 'lost' again (yet Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her opinion - The Ginsburg Rule was upheld), the Democrats are once again throwing a colossal TANTRUM, spewing hate and venom while promising retribution / revenge...big, spoiled, treasonous children who hate everyone and everything that opposes their agendas and ideology!
Left wing liberal assholes are saying Biden should pack the court if he wins, so why shouldnt Trump do it?

Your comment exposes both the Democrats short-sightedness AND stupidity of the Democrats:

How stupid is it of Democrats to openly declare they intend to pack the courts in response to / in revenge for ACB's appointment right before an election...that has not been decided yet?

If / When Trump wins and if / when the GOP maintains control of the Senate, they could very well give Democrats what they want - a PACKED COURT...just not packed with Liberal Extremists the way they want. They could very well end up facing a packed Conservative court.

If Trump wins re-election and the GOP keeps the Senate, the only thing that would prevent this from happening would NOT be the Democrats' hope / pray that the President and GOP won't do what they are vowing to do but if the President and GOP do not themselves decide to do what Democrats are vowing to do.

Way to give he President and GOP some ideas, though, Democrat idiots....

Trump should 100% claim he will pack the court. Its only fair if Dems were going to do it.

I want to see the heads explode on the left.
Wish I could live long enough to see it.

If Democrats get House/Senate/Presidency, they will add x# of new justices.

next time Republicans get House/Senate/Presidency, they will add x# of new justices.

At some point, SCOTUS will have as many justices as there are members of the Senate.

and working to match the number of congresspersons in the House.
False. Republicans have zero to gain by expanding the court. More Justices are harder to control and is a much bigger wildcard. Look at Roberts’s vote on the ACA. Nine is too many for Republicans, who wanted to shrink it in the face of a Hillary victory.

So I say go ahead, Republicans! The more the merrier.

It's your party of radicals that are advocating the absurdity.
Wish I could live long enough to see it.

If Democrats get House/Senate/Presidency, they will add x# of new justices.

next time Republicans get House/Senate/Presidency, they will add x# of new justices.

At some point, SCOTUS will have as many justices as there are members of the Senate.

and working to match the number of congresspersons in the House.
This was the first step of dictators to take control of other countries... Venezuela died as a country in just 3 years after their court was similarly packed by the left wing.. IF this happens we as a nation are doomed.

It's just what democrats do

we all have a choice....make sacrifices....fight tyranny with all you have......or be their servants and shut up

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