Wisconsin Supreme Court Orders New Legislative Maps In Redistricting Case Brought Democrats.

As opposed when ReNaziKlans in states like Alabama, Georgia and Louisiana redrew maps that reduced Minority Votes in their State? ReNaziKlans do NOT African-Americans, Asian-Americanc or Hispanic-Americqns to vote at all.
Can someone give me an English translation on this word salad?
MADISON, Wis. (AP) — The liberal-controlled Wisconsin Supreme Court overturned Republican-drawn legislative maps on Friday and ordered that new district boundary lines be drawn as Democrats had urged in a redistricting case they hope will weaken GOP majorities.

The ruling comes less than a year before the 2024 election in a battleground state where four of the six past presidential elections have been decided by fewer than 23,000 votes, and Republicans have built large majorities in the Legislature under maps they drew over a decade ago.

The court ruled 4-3 in favor of Democrats who argued that the legislative maps are unconstitutional because districts drawn aren’t contiguous. New maps are likely to be unveiled in about two months.

The Court is a threat to democracy!!!
As opposed when ReNaziKlans in states like Alabama, Georgia and Louisiana redrew maps that reduced Minority Votes in their State? ReNaziKlans do NOT African-Americans, Asian-Americanc or Hispanic-Americqns to vote at all.

How come you never complain about the gerrymanders Democrats do?
How come you never complain about the gerrymanders Democrats do?

I have. I've had my status as a then Delegate to the California State Democratic Convention suspened for protesting Democratic Gerrmandering (I was reinstated even before my appeal was heard). At one convention there was guest from a state that Democrats heavily gerrmandered, I called her out after the complained the same thing in Republican controled states.

What Republicans did in Alabama, Georgia and Louisiana was eleminate Minority Voting.

In Wisconsin Repubicans deliberately redrew maps that eleminate Black Voting Districts. The new state Supreme Court Justice Janet Protasiewicz supported and campaigned on redrawing election maps as a means to allow more minority particpatiion elections.

The Republican Speaker of the Wisconsin wanted impeach Justice Protasiewicz based solely on her support for that new map. He later backed off.

Republicans made power grab and were caught. Plain and simple.
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Likely so. Why do people continue to support any of it?

In California we use a Citizens Commission to redraw district maps. Republicans, Democrats and Indpendents are on the Commission. Personally I would like to see a law passed that maked gerrmandering against the law, but that ain't gonna happen.
In California we use a Citizens Commission to redraw district maps. Republicans, Democrats and Indpendents are on the Commission. Personally I would like to see a law passed that maked gerrmandering against the law, but that ain't gonna happen.

Sadly not. I have to think a simple computer program could be drawn up that makes it simple.

Far too many are only interested in total power to control others though.

I say them them duel at dawn to settle it. At least we would weed out a few.

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