Governor Tony Evers Signs New Election Maps, End Republican's Grip On Legislative Power.

Another win for the good guys.
There are many people in rural areas eking out a living. Their representation not as strong as cities. So, getting a permanent Prog state congress voting in endless tax increases which will affect them and give to the cities is nothing but theft. The Prog states are doing just that to keep cities from defaulting as the mountain of taxes ever rises. An example of Municipal transportation to service the citizens used to take care of itself when in private hands. Now it needs massive tax infusions from the cities, the state, and the federal government to survive. Just one tentacle of many that the Prog parasites steal from the people trying to survive in outlying areas.
Hmmmm….never saw this movie before. Remember when leftist governors circumvented state legislatures to change voting guidelines under the guise of national emergency?
Looks like they think they struck gold when they pulled that off huh?

Apparently, understanding law is beyond you.

No changes were made t voting the were illegal.

Sorry to bust your frail little bubble!
Another win for the good guys.
There are no good guys and no bad guys, just 2 halves of a populace that want to use the government to punish the other half. Redrawing voting districts is so 1970. Just let in 20 or 30 million newbies, who will send for that many more familia, and then do an emergency "update" census. Bingo more congress seats will go to the states that use federal money to hold them in place. Plus, that can be spun to shame you into not complaining. By the time you figure it out it's yesterday.
MADISON – Wisconsin Republicans lost their more than decade-long grip on control of the state Legislature Monday after Democratic Gov. Tony Evers signed into law new electoral maps that reshape down-ballot races in this battleground state.

Evers signed a bill put forward by GOP lawmakers last week implementing new legislative maps the Democratic governor drew himself that dramatically weaken the advantages Republicans have enjoyed each election cycle since 2011.

"It is a new day in Wisconsin, and today is a beautiful day for democracy," Evers said at a press conference in the state Capitol. "Of the 1,869 days I’ve been proud to serve as your governor, few have been as consequential as this one."

Just get proportional representation, then you don't need a dumb "electoral map"
That sounds as simple as passing a "fair tax". How could that not be a good thing?

PR is much more simply.

Why? Because it's been implemented in many countries.

Germany in 2017 had the CDU/CSU on 37% of the votes but 77% of the seats. Fair? Nope. That was with FPTP

Eventually they got 246 seats from 709, or 34.6% of the seats. Why? because less people voted for them with PR than with FPTP. The Germans use both systems, but the ultimate make up is PR.

So, we know people will vote for the larger parties with FPTP when they don't really want to.

A "fair tax" can never be fair because someone will always see something as "unfair"
The concept of equal justice under the law is something the ReNaziKlan Party is desparate to kill. One person, one vote.

For years Wisconsin ReNaziKlan's control both houses of the legislature because how they had drawn the legislative district maps.

Wisconsin Pooty Loving ReNaziKlans were so desparate to keep their maps in place that they announced they would impeach Circuit Judge Janet. after she had won a seat on the Winsconsin State Supreme Court BEFORE she had even taken the oath of office. They dropped that move because it so clearly a partisan act.

The Governor won, plain and simple and that vicotry means for equal representation for Dems in Wisconsin.
In 2018 Dems won 54% of the vote for legislative seats but Repubs won 67% of the seats due to egregious gerrymandering.
Voters don't choose their politicians, the politicians choose their voters.


PR is much more simply.
I would like to know more, is there a version that doesn't have so many acronyms? I am serious, have no idea what these things are but willing to learn. VERY familiar with fair share, deserved share, etc and how flexible they are.
I would like to know more, is there a version that doesn't have so many acronyms? I am serious, have no idea what these things are but willing to learn. VERY familiar with fair share, deserved share, etc and how flexible they are.

Essentially everyone votes and all the votes get counted and then seats are handed out based on the percentage of votes they get.

In Germany they have a 5% cut off. Meaning you need 5% of the votes to get seats.
In Denmark they have a 2% cut off.

In Germany they have 5-6 viable political parties
In Denmark they have about 10 viable political parties.

Germany also has a FPTP system at the same time, so some of the seats are giving to those who win in constituencies, like in the US, and then the rest of the seats are given out to make the Proportional Representation balance.

This is Germany in 2017.

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